The Obelisk

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The Obelisk

-Chapter 97-

Forest could hear the deep thump of his heart in his head as he ran heavily. He slowed down to a trot and stopped, talons shaking. He closed his eyes to shake the dust away as he panted quietly.

“No! Orbit!” He could hear Nyx shout out, stopping to whirl around. Forest glanced back and saw that the entrance and several parts of the cave had collapsed, leaving nothing but darkness ahead.

“Orbit,” Nyx cried sadly, her voice wavering. She set her talons on the fallen wall of stones, her blue eyes wide and full of sorrow. “How can this be happening?” She wailed.

Crimson came panting at Forests side, her long snout contorted in a small scowl. “We gotta keep going, this cave could—”

She stopped, dipping her head to look down at Forest’s bag. The others turned and stared. Forest felt his spine prickle. In his bag, the rune had started to pulse lightly, lighting up a small part of the cave.

It grew brighter and then slowed, it’s glow casting a line of light that stretched further down the cave. Forest watched the light blankly, the glow reflecting in his eyes. He stepped forward to follow it.

“Forest, what are you doing?” Crimson called, lashing her tail.

The rune began to beat rhythmically as he followed its trail. It blazed bright green and then it stopped, and the tunnel grew dark again. Then Forest paused. There was a light coming from the end of the cave.

“Forest!” Spark called. The others came after him as he padded into the cave and out of sight.

They caught up with him moments later, stopping to stand behind Forest.

Rust looked up. “What…”

Forest stared up at the three portals, his head lifted and his feathers fluffed up.

The Five gazed in silence and awe. A gust of wind blasted from the middle portal, buffeting against Forests face. Then he stepped forward and set one talon on the middle of the portal.

“Forest!” Nyx shouted.

Immediately it pulled him in. His tail disappeared into the golden liquid and roaring with fear and determination, his friends jumped in after him.


Yellow and gold swirled around him. He yelled out in fear as he was pulled forward and shot out of the portal onto the ground.

Forest groaned quietly. Thumps and shouts came from behind him, and the Five lifted their heads in turn.

The moon was high in the dark, cloudless sky. They were all standing on a large flat cliff, somewhere Forest didn’t recognize. Somewhere very strange.

He struggled to his feet. The others came over to his side, wincing and wide-eyed.

The rune came back to life. Forests blood suddenly ran cold, and his body moved, stepping back slowly. “Guys,” he hissed.

A low, chuckling growl came from ahead. Giant claws came into view as something climbed up from the edge of the cliff to stand, tall and towering over them.

“Silly little juveniles,” The Wyvern growled.

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