ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Stories Tips
What are some stories about the gallimimus? Memorable gallimimus stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
Ok story time!
When i was a low level, i once tamed a galli for an achievement and i named him McQueen and him and i were best friends. Even tho he was lvl 1, i loved him more. I took him on note runs, taming, and exploring. I once went on a crystal run, and i was ambushed by sabertooths and raptors. I pulled out my shotgun and blew them to SHREDS. i got a ton of xp and weapons. Then a raptor randomly pounced and kicked me off mcqueen, and killed me. McQueen got spooked and ran off the mountains. I respawned and then saw my galli being killed by an alpha carno. I couldnt save him…
1like = 1 respect for McQueen
The Obelisk
-Chapter 46: Part 2-
“Are you Ok?”
A dark brown and blue striped Baryonyx ran forward, panting. “Are you hurt?”
Crimson stared up at her, her face blank. “No.”
“Good,” the Baryonyx let out a breath.
“What happened?” Crimson asked.
“Humans,” the Baryonyx muttered darkly. “Humans and their stupid bombs. Where are your parents?”
Crimson blinked, her eyes getting foggy. “I lost them.”
“Well, we’ll find them, all right?” The Baryonyx said. “I’m Sable. What’s your name?”
“Crimson,” she whispered.
“I’ll take care of you for now, Crimson. Come with me.”
Crimson and Sable travelled acrossed the swamp for a few moons after that, sharing their kills and hunting together. Every day they searched for Crimson parents. They sent messages and asked other Kapros if they’d seen them—The rest of Crimsons family had moved on since the attack. They never found any sign of Crimsons parents. Sable was all Crimson had after that. She grew to love the older carnivore. They became family.
One night, after they’d finished eating, Sable had sighed. “Crimson,” she called.
“Yes?” Crimson asked, swallowing her fish.
“I…” she hesitated. “I don’t think we’re finding your parents.”
Crimson screamed. She screamed her anger out, throwing her head to the ceiling. She screamed at the world.
“Crimson!” Forest exclaimed, startled. “What’s wrong? Listen, please if you would just tell us—“
“NO!” Crimson screamed. “I’ll never tell you! You’d never understand! Especially YOU,” she spat, glaring at Forest. “YOU STUPID ROCK DRAKE. All your kind understands is hiding under a rock your whole lives!”
She whirled away, leaving Forest standing there, looking wounded. But she didn’t care.
Spark tried to nudge her reassuringly with her tail. “Don’t touch me” she snapped, stomping away. Spark flinched back.
Sable was right. Leaving the swamp would never help me. Finding “friends” wouldn’t help me. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!
I can’t get rid of this grief.
It’ll never go away. My parents will always be dead. There’s nothing I can do about it.
She didn’t dare cry.
Forest watched Crimson march away, feeling stupid. He hung his head low with a sigh.
“Wow,” Nyx said faintly. “Did I start that?”
“No,” Spark said. Her eyes gleamed with understanding.
“Something else did.”
The house of madness
Chapter five: the nightmares.
After talking with her father for a while, Hailey headed to go to bed, they’d spent most the day talking and it was past dinner time. Hailey didn’t want to eat, she didn’t usually for some reason. She headed to her room and looked at herself for a few minutes in the mirror. “I’m gonna have to dye my hair again.” Hailey mumbled under her breath. Hailey hated the color blonde hair so she dyed it much to her father’s dislike. Finally she curled up in bed and in a few seconds fell into the land of nightmares…
Every night it’s the same. Nightmares. Memories I have no recollection of. Tonight was no different. I’m laying on a soft cushion or something and a beautiful woman with hazel eyes just like mine is leaning over me, stroking my hair while singing softly. “Hush a bye, don’t you cry go to sleep my little baby…” Then suddenly everything flashed and I’m sitting in a man’s lap. At first look I think it’s my father but it’s not. The man’s eyes are a warm brown and his skin is well tanned. “Sing for me daddy! Puhleeasse!” A young girl says. I think it’s me who said it but I’m not sure. The man sighs. “Ok for you.” The room flashes again and I’m running through a square. Fire burst from the ground everywhere and I’m running and running till I come to a empty building. I stop then a flash fills my eyes and I’m somewhere else. I’m lying on a bed, strapped down so I can not move. I cannot move for some reason. My eyes are barely open so nobody knows I’m half awake. People are talking around me. One voice I recognize, it’s my father and the other guy I don’t know. Must be a doctor. “Sir, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to keep wiping their memories. It might cause insecurities and…” Tom interrupted the scientist. “Enough. This is not your decision.” Tom said. The scientist began to continue but stopped abruptly. I saw the scientist shake his head as if confused. “What was I saying? Oh yes, that’s a good idea.” The scientist said. Tom placed his hand on my forehead. His hand was cold. Then what looked like a necklace around his neck began to glow and I woke up.
Hailey sat up gasping for breath. Brutus sat in front of her looking concerned. “Are you okay?” He asked. Hailey shook her head, and tears gathered in her eyes. “Bru-tus, wh-what hap-happened to m-me? What d-did he do-do to m-me?” Hailey sobbed. Brutus gave her a concerned look. “I…I don’t know Hailey.” Brutus replied. “Wh-why can-can’t I remember th-things- and who am I?” Brutus shrugged. “I-I don’t have any fr-friends and will I remember this in the mor-morning?” Hailey asked. Brutus nodded slowly. “I don’t know Hailey. You rarely remember anything in the morning it’s part of your…condition.” Brutus said. “But don’t worry Hailey. I will be your friend and I will always be with you.” Hailey looked at him with tears in her eyes. “Forever?” She asked. Brutus nodded. “Forever.” Hailey hugged Brutus and buried her face into his soft velvety fur.
Next chapter coming soon!
You cant bola these I tried to tame one a few hours ago and the bolas didn’t work. I ended up accidentally shooting one to many tranq arrows at a galli so it died. I tried to tame another but whilst I was shooting at it my argy got angry and killed it. A day later I found another, got it unconscious but a Rex came while I was gathering berries and killed it 😂. Also if you want a galli always bring narcotics they become conscious pretty quickly. Good luck!
new characters this chapter: curry (female yellow and orange raptor) thundors (male brown and white royal griffon) stargazer (male blue n red trike) and others (too lazy to type all)
Chapter 2: thank you?
Rosa approached the human's tames, luckly only two tames was in aggressive mode: walkin'water and sentinel. All of sudden walkin'water and sentinel rushed to the three wild gallies.
-run fastest as you can!!- said greystar running. (I'm luckly that rexes aren't this fast, lol.) Tought rosa. -ugh! I need skates to run after them!- said walkin'water. -There's no skates for rexes, silly rex.- said curry running to the three gallies. - hey! Carno! Don't touch your teeths on their skin- said curry. -how dare you, HOW DARE YOU TO COMMAND ME?! your gnome raptor!- said sentinel. -im level 187, can't you see?- said curry. -uh oh- said sentinel and started to run back to the base. - EYA NOOB CARNO, WHERE YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?! LET'S KILL THEM!- said walkin'water. -have you even saw her level?!- said sentinel. -oh yeah i forgot--- said walkin'water and returned to their bases. - now she will try to kill us! It's all your fault rainwater!- said greystar. -nope, i tried to protect you guys!- said curry. -thank you, Without you we would be dead.- said rosa. -And one more thing, how do you get that level?- said rainwater. - well, i hunted on a pack by years and years, i lose it due to a high leveled human with high leveled tames. Luckly i survived.- said curry. Would you like to read curry's story? Hit /\ for the next chapter and the next chapter will be at raptor stories!
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 36 ~gibberish~
“Hello? Who’s there?” The voice said. “Um, you have a package?” Jaxz said. Ceasar looked at him confused, and Jaxz shrugged. “What’s that shrieking sound? Who’s there??” The voice said sounding worried. “We’re here to find out how to turn off that huge drill.” Caesar said. “Who’s we?” The voice said. “Me and my business friends.” Caesar replied. “Oh? And what business is that..” the voice said. “Oh we’re in the nun ya industry.” Caesar said. Jaxz laughed. “Oh a smart guy.. what do you want with the drill and what is that shrieking sound?!” The voice said. “What sound? Can we come in already it’s scorching out here..” Caesar said. “Fine come in. I’ll be right with you.” The voice said. “So, why are you living on a cliff side in a human house..” Caesar asked. “What do you mean, “human house”? And if you must know it’s to stay away from the dangers of this wretched place.” The voice said. He was in another room so they couldn’t see who or what he was. “Is it a mesopithicus? Like one of the dumb ones?” Jaxz asked in a hushed tone. “Why would you think that.” Caesar replied. “Well you keep talking to it but I just hear hooting and gibberish.” Jaxz said. “What? No it’s speaking Arkian Just like everyone else it’s not speaking mesoish.” Caesar said confused. “Then why can’t I understand?” Jaxz said. Then the creature walked into the room, it was a human.
The three gallies=> rosa (female dark pink and blue galli) greystar (male orange and grey galli) and rainwater (male dark green and blue) are the protagonists. (Funny story)
Villains: Scarlet (female alpha carno), walkin'water (male spectral rex) sentinel (male gray and dark green carno)
Chapter 1: the notice
At the island's beach, the three gallies was running around.
-how is good to be fast! Im very happy with it!- said rosa
-yup! Our problems can't catch us! Bola can't catch us! We are the fastest ark creatures!- said greystar
- about humans... they can't catch us too?!- asked rainwater
- wdym humans?- said rosa
-yeeeep, idk if you have noticed, but there's a human base near this beach with lots of strong dinos such as spectral rex and a carno, also theres a loose alpha carno near here!- said rainwater.
-WHATT?!?!?! NO NO NO, WE NEED TO GO AWAY NOW!- said rosa
-no panic, rosa, we are fast, like light!- said rainwater. -do you want to check it with me?-
-yas!- both rosa and greystar said. -Oh uhhhhh, i think...- said rosa
-aw LETS. GO. NOW.- said rainwater running in circles
They walk to the human base, trying to hide on the rocks, trees and bushes. -there are! Ain't different?- said rainwater
-uhhh, lets get out of here.- said rosa.
-with speed you should not be afraid!- said greystar.
Next chapter will be submitted today
Dodo Tales (Ep11 S3)
"This isn't real," Henry kept telling Jerry. "It's a trap, I'm sure of it. It's just some kind of drug maybe. "
Jerry just stared away from Henry.
"Why do I keep failing?" He finally said. "Failing everyone I care about."
"Look, It's not your fault-..."
Then everything began spinning again.
Around and around until it stopped and they were at the pool of drugged liquid once again.
"What did you see?" Asked an familiar voice.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back at the town the flak armored man sat on a throne. They fanned him and gave him water. In truth, he knew absolutely nothing about their "prophecy" but enjoyed the power, so he didn't say anything. "Warrior of the Phoenix, what is your first plan of action?"
"Kill everything that moves."
"An odd request, but we will consider it." They said, bowing.
Sergeant stared. Where were his friends? "The Phoenix" or whatever they had called him, shifted his gaze and glared back at sergeant. "Who are you anyway?" He finally asked.
"I'm waiting for...friends."
"Very well...take him away, I never want to see him again."
"But sir, what did he d-"
"You dare question my authority? On your knees peasant, you will be cleansed from our society as well."
They handed him a sword, which he promptly swung at the man's neck with unexpected force. Sergeant looked away and was slowly pulled through the gates of the once peaceful town.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Jerry brushed sand off his shoulder and turned to see who had just spoken.
A familiar face stared back at him. Clothes torn and face dusty and scared, Rick looked back with an...angry expression?
"That was a trap for animals. A weird drug that makes things pass out, some say it has magical powers, and you just guzzled the last of it down like an idiot."