ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion


Stat | Base (Lvl 1) | Increase Per Lvl (Wild) | Increase Per Lvl (Tamed) | Rank* |
![]() Health | 1,250 | +250 | +5.4% | HIGH Ranked 31 of 165 |
![]() Stamina | 425 | +42.5 | +10% | HIGH Ranked 32 |
![]() Oxygen | 300 | +30 | +10% | |
![]() Food | 6,300 | +630 | +10% | HIGH Ranked 12 |
![]() Weight | 475 | +9.5 | +4% | AVG Ranked 47 |
![]() Melee Damage | 100% | +5% | +4% | HIGH Ranked 41 |
![]() Movement Speed | 100% | — | +1% | |
![]() Torpor | 2,250 | +135 | — | HIGH Ranked 14 |
* Rank of the Base Stat of the Amargasaurus vs. all other creatures. (Rank #1 in Health = highest Health creature.) |
Amargasaurus Saddle
- ×140 Fiber
- ×225 Hide
- ×30 Metal Ingot
Calien Soup

- +50 hyperthermic insulation (keeps you cool), -25% Water consumption
- Effect duration
- 15m
Tips & Strategies from the iOS & Android apps
Looking to tame one of these behemoths of the sauropod variety? Here’s some info to help you get one! :D Alright for this one, it’s a passive tame, depending on what difficulty you are on you will need at least 5 fria curry, I will tell you what it’s for later! Next is good armor, tek works good, flak is good and cheap to make, Also plan on bringing some medical brews! This will be priority in taming one of these! And finnaly your taming foods! These guys are herbivores, like every dinosaur in the ark, they all like a specific kibble on Pc I’m pretty sure this one likes exceptional! And the last thing to pack in your bag is a really good weapon, It’s optional if you want to use ranged or go melee! Not sure? I recommend bringing both a ranged weapon, and a melee weapon! :D Ok now the fun part, but first these guys spawn exclusively on lost island, I find them more common in the very harsh conditions where they thrive, Desert, arctic, volcano, Etc. NOW the fun part, I would bring a flying tame with you, as many problems occur when messing with these guys for the first time, they’re temperament is aggressive, when approached within 20 meters or so! When you spot one (normally 3 but some might have been killed off by other creatures) here’s where the fria curry comes in! Take your flyer and land it out of the amargasaurs way, cryopod it if you don’t want it to die while taming! Sip your fria curry, equip your weapons and armor and put the med brews in a easily accessible hotbar slot, and make your way over to the amargasaur, Since you drank the curry you can walk up to it without it getting aggro! Next as if you were to acces a tame option menu, you will see a bright pink text saying “Sync Tempature” this means you are ready to start taming, click the amargasaur to complete syncing temps with it, it will then follow you arround, herbivores are safe from the amargasaur, carnivores are the primary target for them! The amargasaur you synced temps with will follow you until it detects a close by carnivore, it will then chase it down and this will be your chance to start filling the taming bar, To do this you will need to do as much damage as possible to the amargasaur’s target, without hitting the amargasaur, it’s ok if you accidentally hit it once or twice, but once it’s under 80% health and you hit it the amargasaur will aggro on you regardless of the curry! The more damage you do to the amargasaur’s target, the faster the Amargasaur will get hungry, feed the sauropod and continue fighting, the Dino’s favourite food other than kibble is veggies! The faster you tame the amargasaur the better because the fria curry will wear off eventually, so unless you brought 3/5 you should be good to go! The type or level of carnivore doesn’t effect taming, it’s only the damage you put in, and keeping the amargasaur out of the way of heavy damage, hence the medical brews! Keep fighting and occasionally checking the curry’s timer, when it gets below 20 seconds it’s time to get on your flyer and drink another curry! Continue feeding it and eventually, you tamed the a,argasaurus! For what purpose? Good question, amargasaur’s spikes act as armor, making them less vulnerable, you can also remove one of the spikes, but this will lower the resistance of the spikes with each one removed, they will grow back pretty quick! These spikes you collected can be used for enhancing the speed and amount of sap production! The amargasaur can also can shoot these spikes at a aggressor saddle, or not, when ridden there are three types of spikes you can shoot, (fire, the fire spikes will make a splash zone anything in that zone will continue taking dmg! Ice, ice spikes will also make a splash zone, however this splash zone is slightly bigger than the fire spikes, and it can also freeze anything that continues to stand on the splash zone into a literal ice cube, after about 10 20 seconds the ice will melt! Armor, This one I can’t say what it does, I haven’t tested it yet but this will give you an opportunity to test it out for yourself! :D the amargasaur is a very swift way of traveling as well as transporting goods, as well as being able to effectively defend or escape depending on the circumstances, this makes it a very great tame to have, as it has a variety of attacks quick, does a good amount of damage, and can help with sap production! Thank you guys for the support I really appreciate it, Happy taming, and Take care! :D
Quetzals can carry these even though it says they can't.
A trap idea had just been released to YouTube for this and it makes taking one of these suckers 10x easier. Thank you captain fatdog
To tame one of them beautiful things you need to locate one. After finding one you need to take a fria curry to sync heat with it other wise they will attack you. After syncing heat with it you need to hunt with it first let it attack after wards help it kill it after killing it it will gain taming sometimes when attacking it will get hungry when that happens feed it a berry and continue fighting. Repeat until you gwt these wonderful tames.
Hope this helps!!!
Who thinks this should have a recoil damage like arthro
Is this a mod dino or will it be on Xbox and ps4 because I'm on Xbox and this looks so cool and I want to tame it
I made a trap, lured them in, trap by closing gates, go out of render, eat a soup like calien soup, build another trap ring type area, get an argent and capture a load of oviraptors, consume soup, sync temperature, hunt with it, feed it, repeat this till tamed, boom
I would love to see this thing like a mix between a stegosaurus and a bronto, I mean like the abilities, like a bronto with impale attacks. COOL
Before u go and tame one of these, you need to know how to use insulating soups to sync heat with an amargasaurus. Before I jump into this, know that this is my first ever time sending you a tip on dododex, so pls understand I am not confident at all when sending this tip to millions of ARK players that use dododex and this is one of the first steps i took when taming my amargasaurus. This tip may be trash or make no sense to you, but hey! I'm new here, you can't expect me to make the best tip on the planet. Anyways, without further ado, here's my tip, I guess.
You can sync heat with this amazing creature by using an insulating soup. The type of insulating soup you need is based on where you find the amargasaurus. If you find it in a hot biome, one of the insulating soups you will need to use is calien soup, as it gives you a +50 hyperthermic insulation and gives you a -25% water reduction on the amount of water you use up, therefore, you won't be needing to take constant trips to a water source like a lake or river and you won't need to carry as much waterskins/glass jars.
However, if you find an amargasaurus in a cold place like the north zone, you will need a different insulating soup. The other insulating soup you will need for a cold place is fria curry. It has a +50 hypothermic insulation and a -25% food consumption on the amount of food you digest, so you will not need to constantly stop for food. The effects of both soups last for 15 minutes.
The amount of soup you need depends on the type of taming food you have. If you don't have exceptional kibble or can't make it for whatever reason, it is going to take longer to tame the amargasaurus, therefore, you will need more soup. If you can make exceptional kibble and have it, then you won't need to take lots of soups, although it is a good idea to come with a few soups, just in case the ones you bought weren't enough.
Additionally, if you want to find out how long your desired number of soups is going to last you, you have to do 15 times the amount of soups you are going to bring to sync heat with the amargasaurus for long enough to successfully tame it. Let's say you are crazy about taming the amargasaurus and decide to bring 15 (calien) soups with you. If you want to find out how many hours 15 soups will last you, do 15 (time) X 15 (soups).
Ideally, you really should have both types of soups ready when exploring the ARK, just in case you accidentally bumped into an amargasaurus. Once I was exploring the north zone with my argy and saw an amargasaurus. The only problem is that I didn't have the right soup to tame it. Don't be like me.
Gathering EfficiencyRatings out of 5. Collected from 0+ Dododex users.
Amargasaurus Breeding

Carryable By

Affected By

Can Damage

Fits Through

The Amargasaurus is a tamable spiny sauropod in the Lost Island free DLC.
What does a Amargasaurus eat? In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Amargasaurus eats Exceptional Kibble, Damage While Hunting, Archelon Algae, Crops, Mejoberry, Berries, Fresh Barley, Fresh Wheat, or Soybean, and Dried Wheat.
Translations: Амаргазавр, 阿馬加龍, اماقاسورس, アマルガサウルス.