Heroes of Pandora

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Heroes of Pandora

Chapter 19 (sorry it took so long I’ve been busy searching for Rhyniognatha still haven’t got one…)

The group split up, Caesar and Ron went to find weapons, Ping and Jaxz went to try and enlist the help of bones and the sea serpent troopers and Nash went to inform their other allies of the plan.

“So captain, any idea where we are going?” Ron asked. “I know a place..” Caesar said. Caesar was quiet the whole time they were walking but when they made camp Rob asked him why, “what’s wrong captain?” Ron said “you’ve been down the entire day.” “It’s a bit a subject I like to bring up.. the place we are going…” Caesar said. “We’re going to your old home aren’t we Captain..” Ron said. “It wasn’t a home it was a prison!” He said. They didn’t speak much after that, and Caesar barely slept, in the morning they ate and were quickly on their way. They found the place a couple hours later, it was a medium sized metal structure, it was overgrown and abandoned. The door to the entrance was closed but it opened as if it wasn’t even old, when they were inside Caesar led Ron through the hallway until they reached a door, this door was on warped hinges and was closed tightly from exposure to the elements, it took them a wile to nudge it open When they did, they walked inside to find a lab the right wall was cages and there was tables with lab equipment, vials, and all sorts of charts and drawings in the middle of the room, the far wall had a huge chalkboard with smudged drawings and equations, to the left was shelves with more scientific equipment and ingredients, the room looked untouched there was no plants and it was clean, it was just abandoned. “Huh I never dared to go back here.. guess you always were the brave one Caesar.”


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