The Obelisk
The Obelisk
-Chapter 94-
The ground smashed against Moonbeams scales. She snarled as she fell, digging her claws into the side of the rocky ravine till she crashed against a boulder and rolled to a stop at the bottom. She gasped, pain lancing through her whole body.
There was a hiss from behind her and Moonbeam struggled to her feet to see the creature that had caused this. She looked up and met with the eyes of a Ravager. The two stood there for a moment, their sides heaving.
Suddenly the Ravager leapt, and Moonbeam fell back with a roar, feeling claws stab into her scales. The Ravager snapped her jaws, aiming for a bite to Moonbeams throat, but Moonbeam lashed out her back legs in defense, kicking the Ravager off her.
The Ravager stumbled and jumped up, her tail thrashing in all directions. Moonbeam crouched, hissing long and loud. They lunged for each other simultaneously.
The carnivores grappled, clawing and snapping. A talon slashed and raked across the side of Moonbeams head. Blood ran down her face, and she squinted, shoving the Ravager down to the floor.
She blinked, shaking the red droplets from her snout. But then suddenly claws sliced at her stomache. Moonbeam sucked in a sharp breath, and just a moment later she was knocked over. The Ravager cried with glee and put one talon on Moonbeams neck.
Moonbeam struggled, twisting her head as much as she could. She felt the top of her head brush against a broken branch lying on the ground beside her.
The Ravager hissed. “Fools, all of you. I’m gonna kill you, and then I’m gonna kill those stupid juveniles. And then the Wyvern will finally get what he’s been searching for.”
Moonbeam suddenly twisted her head over and grabbed the branch in her teeth. She swung it upwards, and she felt the sharp end make contact. It stabbed through the Ravagers throat.
The Ravager gurgled, blood dripping down her neck and mouth. And then she fell, off of Moonbeam and onto the rocky ground.
Moonbeam winced and dragged herself from the body, then faltered and fell on her side.
She could barely see. Her vision was blurred, her body felt numb. Blood was all around her.
“Moonbeam?” She heard voices calling from somewhere nearby. “Moonbeam, where are you?”
“Hey, I found her!” Yelled the voice of the Deinonychus. Moonbeam managed a smile. She was pretty fond of that one.
Rust came around a boulder and called the others. “She’s over here!” He froze at the full sight of her. “Oh no.”