Protectors of Pandora

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Protectors of Pandora

Chapter 12 ~the terror of the ice queen~

“So what was that about.” Ron asked. Sir Charles looked at him, hatred evident in his eyes, “they work for the queen.” He said. “The queen? Who’s dat?” Ping asked. “She’s a ruthless dictator that rules this ark with an iron claw.” Sir Charles said. “Ya she’s a great big wyvern.” George said. “She’s got breath that can freeze you to the bone she does.” Evelyn said. “Meh we helped kill a dragon, how tough can a wyvern be.” Ron said. “Wait, You did what?..” Richard said. “You don’t understand, she’s got an entire army of kights what can we do against that?” Sir Richard said. “You guys aren’t the only ones who hate the queen I’m guessing?” Ron asked. “Of course not, everyone hates her, but they fear her, it’ll take a lot to get them to rise up against her.” Richard said. “Eh we’ll cross that stream when we get to it, I do have one question, they said you were a knight but now your not?” Ron said. “I was a knight when the yeti queen ruled, but the ice queen stole the throne, got rid of the loyal knights, and knighted those pigs!” Sir Charles said. “And now we gotta pay t a x e s…. And those new knights always take extra..” George said. “What did the ice queen do with the yeti queen?” Ron said. “Nobody knows, either killed her.. or locked her up In the dungeon.” Sir Charles said. “I have a plan.” Ron said.

“What is it..” Ping said. “Wait what? Oh I thought the chapter was over…” Ron said. “Huh?” George said. “Never mind.. anyway the plan is; First, we get a team together and free the yeti queen and the other prisoners, then the queen can rally the people and we can take on the ice queen.” Ron said. “Easier said than done, direwolves aren’t known for being sneaky.” Charles said. “And we don’t even know if the queen is alive.” Richard said. “How are we gonna find out if we don’t try?” Ron said. “Guess that’s right, but how are we gonna get in?” Richard said. Ron looked around the room, a plan forming in his mind. “We’re gonna need to get a team together.”

“It’s over now right?”

“Ok good.”

“I’m still here.” Ping said.

“How?!” Ron said

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