The Obelisk

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The Obelisk

Did Y’all think I was done? Well as far as I’m concerned there’s way more to go and I ain’t stopping till I’ve got a good run!

-Chapter 25-

Forest opened his eyes.

Sunlight shone down on him, stinging and bright in his face. Faint Voices faded in and out of the background. His heart throbbed painfully at the back of his head.

As he slowly came to himself, he realized someone was staring at him.

Someone very big.

“Huh?” Forest mumbled. He winced as he lifted his head to the giant carnivore.

“Greetings,” said the stranger.

“Forest!” Exclaimed Spark, running towards him.

“He’s awake and fine,” said the giant creature. “Well, mostly fine.”

“You stupid loon,” Crimson barked at Forest, walking over. “You almost it got yourself killed!”

“Thank goodness you didn’t,” said Rust form the other side of him. The stranger nodded, smiling at them.

“Who… who are you?” Forest asked him.

“Oh, pardon my terrible manners,” said the creature. “My name is Needles. A creature named Ripper tired to kill you, if you remember. She is… well. She’s my sister.”

“He saved you,” Spark said. “If he hadn’t come at that exact moment…”

“You’d be screwed.” Rust finished.

“Dung beetles,” Crimson snapped. “All he did was get in the way. I was going to save him m y s e l f.”

“I’m very sure you would have,” Needles said kindly to Crimson. “But I’m here to help. That’s all.”

“For real?” Crimson asked.

“Fortunately yes.” Needles answered.

Forest sat up, gingerly rubbing his head. “She’s your sister?”

“Un-fortunately.” Needles said with a smile. “Let’s say we have different opinions on who’s side to be on.”

“And you kicked her dumb butt!” Rust crowed.

“Yes,” Needles said ruefully. “I’ve always had the upper hand in our battles. She won’t be back again soon. Not with me to help.”

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