Protectors of Pandora

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Protectors of Pandora

Chapter 2 ~the F-hawks~

Nash opened his eyes, and saw lush green trees above him, but he couldn’t see the sky through them. He looked around and the environment was very lush wet and green, there was mushrooms, mud, trees, bushes, etc. “a rainforest?” He said. He looked to his left and saw the sea serpents they were all unconscious except seascale, he got up and looked around and when he saw Nash he raised his claw in a gesture of greeting and said; “where are we?” “It seems to be a rainforest but I have no idea,” Nash said, “we should wake the others.” He said. Seascale nodded and woke his troops, and after they did one said; “what is that blue thing in the tree?” “What?!” Nash said, he turned to look but saw nothing. “Trick of the light?” He said. They walked through the forest for a wile until they reached a good campsite they found an abundance of insects to eat under a fallen log, and one of the serpents made a water tap to put in a tree, the air was humid but comfortable so they needed neither shelter or fire. They were all lounging around the new camp, when they heard noises in the trees, they all looked around surprise and fear on their faces, then a whole flock of fjordhawks (or rather a subspecies of fjordhawk) came out of the bushes and trees, they all had spears with a pink liquid on the tips, they looked angry, and they were colorful like parrots. “Why are you trespassing here!” One said. “We didn’t know we were trespassing, we just got here.” Nash said. The speaker looked at Nash and said; “it’s a sinomacrops!”

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