ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Green Gem
Green Gem
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Green Gem
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I am the first person to put a tip on here , the easiest zone on Abberation has these and they are mineable, watch out for ravages though!
Also have a good day 😁
One of the two places to find Green Gems on Fjordur, is the Hidden Grotto cave (36 LAT, 37 LON). It’s a normal cave that can only be accessed by swimming through a secret underwater area. It’s very deadly though, A LOT of Aberrant Megalosaurus and Aberrant Megalanias. The underwater entrance itself is guarded by loads of Megalodons. -KD
This is a helpful tip, if you got some green gems (which are pretty heavy) have a ravager with you and put it in the ravager cuz they have weight reduction, for some reason don't question it
In aberration they fall from the ceiling during earthquakes, and are easy to find all around the portal area. They have a glow to them so they should be easy to spot. Watch out for basilisks, they spawn near the portal area (and ARK said that was the easiest spawn point 😤😤😤)
Have a good day peoples. 😊
Get loads on Crystal Isles, that’s the red blue and green, hope this helps.
So even though it’s not listed the ankylo and doedic can both farm it but ankylo seems much better at doing it
ok so to get this you can either mine it yourself or if not on your map go to a map with this and mine it then put it in the obelisk item tab, go to obelisk on your map and grab it. (to do this there is a items tab in the terminal that you can put stuff in so for reference you can get cactus sap on the island, there is also a tab for creatures. they just need to be on the terminal and then you can put them in, note this will remove saddle and inv. so you can crypod them instead for them not to, just note you cant put crypoded creatures in the creature tab) or find a roll rat and steal the gems. it will get mad after you steal the gems, so run or fight. up if helpful.
Oooooo shiny. Get eaten by ravager*
You can sometimes find these in drops on genesis 2.
On Valguero there is a lot in the emerald forest :)
There seems to be no blue gem option so I'm putting this here. There are trees with white leaves in the wasteland that give blue crystallized sap, which is a replacement for blue gems. I don't know the most effective harvest method, but the wyvern's wing attack seems to do good.
Quick question. Can you get these anywhere but aberration?
Fragmented green gems and green gems are not the same, green gems are from ab and fragmented from Gachas. In extinction red and blue sap are used as red and blue gems...good day survivors.
Gems are able to be found on other maps too,
extinction: has fragmented green gems, crystallized blue sap and crystallized red sap which can all be obtained from Gachas most efficiently
Valgeuro has a very large underground area named the emerald forest Which has many green gems on the ground level and very few blue gems on ledges close to the ceiling
Genesis has every type of gem in the ocean biome in the underwater structures that you can enter and walk around in
Best places to get each gem type on abberation
Green: all around fertile lake there’s big clusters
Blue: the pathway from the mushroom forest to the bioluminescent swamp in between the two water falls(wear a hazmat suit or bring aquatic mushrooms for the freezing mushrooms)
Red: halls of the reaper queen in the south west of the map (reaper queens are very common and extremely dangerous if unprepared)
Bring a crab and anky for green and blue gems there will be very little risk other than basilisks, drakes and megalosaurus
For red gems a small group is recommended due to the very dangerous area however solo on a drake with a pick is easily doable if you are alert and know what you are doing
Go to the underwater caves on genesis part 1 ocean biome, and you’ll find red, blue, and green gems
Blue Gems in Aberration are harvested with pick/axe @ LAT:54.4 LON: 32.4. They are in two forms; a sapphire blue resembling gacha crystals, and pillar crystals that are an aquamarine color. You'll find metal in abundance there, too.
For the guy who asked the question.On extinction gachas will give you crystallized sap which is used as a alternative to gems or just normal gems in big quantity too.You can also farm crystallized sap from the trees on extinction , in waste land.
Picks can’t gather green gem
I think you can also get all kinds of gems by mining the blue element rocks that shock you on crystal isles