ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Admin Blink Rifle
To make Admin Blink Rifle, combine Hide, Metal, and Stone for 1 seconds.
These should have a knockout/force take option. Change my mind.
How to Obtain: turn on creative mode (server/map settings) and you will receive the Admin Blink Rifle (ABR for short)
Controls: normal Fire/Use controls and Aiming is to switch modes
Usage: Blink: the ABR when you get it will be selected by default and is colored blue, if you shoot the gun with Blink mode it will teleport you how far the crack in reality goes.
Inspect: the ABR turns green, and looking at any dino will tell ALL of its stats and position. Firing is unknown.
Destroy: the ABR turn red, and firing with this mode will do infinite damage to anything that has a health pool when you stand near it
It can tell you the stats of things you can teleport with it and you can do infantry damage with it