ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Refining Forge
Requires Wood, Thatch, or Sparkpowder to activate. Put unrefined resources in this to refine them.
Refining Forge
To make Refining Forge, combine Stone, Flint, Hide, Wood, and Fiber for 5 seconds.
If you don't want to waste fuel when refining stuff, here's an easy rule of thumb:
If you're making metal ingots, you'll need the number of ore divided by three in wood. For example, if you have 150 ore, you'll need 150/3=50 wood. Conversely, if you have 50 wood, you can refine 50*3=150 ore.
If you're making gasoline, you'll need 5/6 of the number of oil in hide and 1/6 of the number of oil in wood. So if you have 96 oil, you need 80 hide and 16 wood.
Thatch is 1/4 as fast as wood which is 1/2 as fast as sparkpowder.
Contact me on Discord @ laycanrock for more information. Thanks!