Journey Through All Creatures

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Journey Through All Creatures

Chapter 24: The Final Hours

Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Terror Bird.

NOTE: This is the PENULTIMATE CHAPTER of JTAC Section I!! The next chapter is Chapter 25, the Section I Finale! Chapter 25a will be in Titanosaur and has 3 parts. Chapter 25b has 3 parts. Part 1 of Chapter 25b will be in Broodmother Lyrisk. Chapter 25b Part 2 will be in Megapitcheus. Chapter 25b Part 3 will be in Dragon. Chapter 25c will be in Overseer. If you haven’t caught up on Section I yet, go to Achatina and get started before Chapter 25 comes out!!

Chapters to the end of Section I: 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET READY FOR THE SECTION I FINALE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!

20 hours before the Titanosaur Showdown…

Around an hour after the trio killed the Alpha Rex, they returned to base to drop off the tooth they collected from the Rex. When the flyers landed outside the castle, Sodden got off, and so did Serenity. She gave the tooth to Sodden and he took it inside the castle. He walked upstairs towards the cabinet near Denine’s room that was labeled “Tributes.” Sodden opened the doors and put the tooth on the top shelf that was for Overseer tributes. Sodden closed the cabinet, then as he was about to turn around to leave, Denine tapped him on the shoulder. Sodden turned around. “We’re meeting later today. Okay?” She said. “Uh, yeah. I was going to find Red after I dropped off the Alpha Rex tooth.” Sodden said. “Yeah, well, I haven’t seen a message that anyone killed a Mosa or Tuso. I did, however, see a ton of messages that Red killed some eels. Looks like it’s a little messy down there.” Denine said. “I was going to go help him.” Sodden said. “You know what? You don’t really have to. We’ve got a ton tomorrow.” Denine said. “Yeah, but I gotta help him when I can.” Sodden said. He walked downstairs, then Denine ran to him. “Hey. You might need this.” She said, then threw a cryopod at him. Sodden caught it, and saw that it had a Mosa in it. “You have scuba, right?” Denine said. Sodden nodded, then Denine walked back to her room. Sodden walked out of the castle then to Rod and Serenity, who stood besides their Argies. “Well… let’s go find Red.” Sodden said. Everyone nodded, then got on their fliers. They took off for the western underwater cave where Red said they would be.

When the trio got to the shore of the west, everyone put their fliers in their cryopods, then Sodden walked to the water, threw out a cryopod, and a Mosa came out. Sodden put on his scuba tank, then Serenity walked to him. “Hey. Be careful down there.” She said. Sodden nodded then dived into the water, swam to the Mosa, got on it then rode it down to the cave. When he got there, he saw Red and another person there, both on their own Mosas, fighting off a alpha Mosa who came out of the cave. The normal Mosas were both bloodied, and so was the Alpha Mosa. Sodden went down to them, then Red saw it. “Oh, hey. We’re kind of in a pickle here.” He said as his Mosa kept biting the Alpha Mosa’s neck, then the Alpha started bashing its tail against Red’s Mosa, then it screeched and boosted itself to bite the Mosa’s neck, then Sodden’s Mosa looked down and opened its mouth, then bit into the body and pushed it down. The Alpha Mosa screeched and turned its head around to bite the Mosa, then Red’s Mosa swam and sunk its teeth in the head of the Mosa, causing it to not make any noise at all. Blood was coming out of the Alpha fast. Then after around a minute of holding the Mosa, it trying to shake off the Mosas killing it, it just stopped. Then the message showed up. Red swam over to the dead Alpha, then the other Mosas let go of it. Red took out the Alpha Mosasaur Tooth. He put it in his bag, then the Mosas went back up to the surface. Sodden got off, then turned to Red. “We’ll handle the Tuso. You can get back to base.” Red said. Sodden nodded. He then put his Mosa in a cryopod, then Red and his Mosa dived back down, as did his buddy. Sodden and the others threw out their fliers just then, then took back off for Nudon.

18 hours before the Titanosaur Showdown…

It was later in the afternoon. Red and his buddy arrived back at the base, and when they entered the castle, Denine sat on the chair from across the table, and Sodden and the others sat near her. Red and his buddy sat near Sodden and Rod. Then some others came in and sat down too. “Okay. Tomorrow, we set out for the Titanosaur battle. We have all the tributes. The Alpha trophies, all the boss tributes, everything. That means we’re ready for the battle. Some people of ours are putting metal and hide in the smithy with the ascendant Rex saddle. They’re going to use mindwipe tonics to get all their levels in crafting speed, so that they can speed craft them. Resources are heavy, so it’ll take a few hours for everything to be ready. Nameless will leave their mountain with their Quetzal at approximately 9, if I’m not mistaken. C Tribe may leave around the same time. We’ll start the walk to the Titanosaur with our Gigas at that time. The Rexes will protect the base and Denine. To ensure the shotgun doesn’t get taken, it’s securely hidden in the base. It was encased in the feeding trough. No one is going to get suspicious of that when we have so many Gigas, and need so much meat to feed them.” Red said. “So even if they could get past the Rexes, they would have a very hard time finding the shotgun.” Sodden said. “Yes.” Rod responded. “So what?” Sodden said. “You’re going to come with us. As will Rod and Serenity. But Nameless and C Tribe may be bringing their Gigas too. Sodden, Rod, what level are you two?” Red asked. “I’m at Level 97” Sodden said. “I’m at Level 95.” Rod said. “Okay. Still need a little bit more XP. But I think the Titan can take care of that if you have the explorer note ready. Okay. Sodden, Rod, Serenity, go prepare the Rexes, Everyone else, get resources in!” Red said. Then everyone walked out of the castle.

15 hours before the Titanosaur Showdown…

After the Rexes were organized in groups across the outside of the walls, and groups of people were taking metal ingots and hide stacks from the Argies and Gigas into the castle, Sodden sat on the top of the volcano, overlooking the entire Island. He spent the last two hours finding and killing a few creatures on his list. His pteranodon sat with him, as did his raptor. The sun began to fall below the horizon, and the evening light was dimming. Sodden’s last evening on The Island would come to a close soon. The next day, he would fight a Titan, then go fight the bosses and ascend off the Ark and go to Scorched Earth. As he looked around, Serenity came from below on her Argy. She landed it next to Sodden, hopped off, then walked to him. She sat down next to the raptor and Sodden, and Sodden looked at her. “Can’t believe we’ve come this far. We’re about to ascend off the Ark.” Sodden said. “Yeah. It’s exciting. We will come back, but not for a while. But someday, we will.” Serenity said. “Yeah. So I guess that’s going to be it. The last creatures, the last battle… then it’s time for Scorched Earth.” Sodden said. “Then after that… Aberration.” Serenity said. “Let’s hope the tribe there that tried to kill you via Reaper Queen is gone.” Sodden said. “They probably are. Terad said he wiped them out before he left.” Serenity said. “Good. Then our biggest concern is what happens when we return.” Sodden said. “We’ll think about that later. Let’s enjoy the final evening here.” Serenity said as she nudged closer to Sodden. “Okay. Just take it all in.” Sodden said. Serenity put her arm around Sodden and he put his head on Serenity’s shoulder as they looked at the sunset. The final day was complete. And the two friends spent the last sunset together, then Rod came over, got off his Argy, and hugged the two as he sat down. As the light disappeared, Sodden could see it in his head; a huge battle for his tribe, a fight to ascend, and hopefully he could reach Dead Earth before Terad caught him.

But that was a long way from now.

Until then…

They had The Island, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, and Fjordur to do.

And Sodden’s journey on the Island was about to end…

Tune in for the finale of his journey on The Island soon…

In the Section I Finale…

Tune in to Titanosaur soon to catch Chapter 25a…


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