ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the ravager? Memorable ravager stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
(The first book starts in achatina and continues in abc order and then the second and third follow it)
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
The War of the Phoenixes.
Chapter twenty seven: King James Aragorn.
Chapter twenty seven:
The hood fell to reveal, a face distorted with age and injury, and filled with anger and pain. He had raven black hair that fell to his shoulders, he had one dark brown eye and the other was white and his face was scarred. Ugly red scars. Emma trembled sadly, tears running down her face. The words from her vision of him rang through her memory. ‘A terrible price must be payed for those who defy death’.
“I cannot do it.” Nora said, standing in front of Cyra, Sylvia, and Emma. The shadowy figure cocked his head at her. “Please Nora…I can’t give her up.” He said, desperation creeping into his voice. “It it wrong. You’ll only hurt her more than dying did. Bringing people back to life ends with terrible results.” Nora said. The shadowy figure’s face contorted with rage. “You think I don’t know that!!!!” He yelled. “You don’t know how it feels to be torn apart from the inside, and tossed back her into this HORRIBLE world!!! You don’t know the pain of realizing that there’s nothing left for you in this world!!!” The man shouted, his face full of pain and anger.
Nora turned slightly and addressed Cyra. “Cyra. You know what to do. You’re the fastest.” She told Cyra. The shadowy figure blinked, unable to comprehend what she was doing. Cyra sped toward the shadowy figure, at the speed of lightning and pressed her hand against his forehead.
Instantly Cyra’s hand, at first cold, became burning hot. Memories came coursing down on him. Memories. Memories of her. The one he loved. “Are you, are you, coming to the tree where they strung up a man, who called for his love to flee…” She had sang. Her sitting next to him in a garden. Her tossing her hand in his face, exasperated with him. Her crying. Her dancing. Her lying on the shore of a lake, unconscious. Her kissing him. Her singing softly, while rocking a baby. Her laughing. Her watching him gently. Her singing with him. Her. And then the memories took a dark turn. Her being hung in front of him. “It’s okay.” She had said.
But it didn’t feel okay. It hurt. Dying and then coming back. Pain. Burning pain. But even the pain of coming back, didn’t match the pain of losing her, his beloved, his wife. Consumed with rage at the ones who had taken her from him, he’d gone on a mission to kill them all. He felt nothing. No regret. Nothing. His pain had clouded out the possibility that they didn’t deserve to die. If anyone did, it was him. “It is well. With my soul. It is well with my soul. It is well with my soul…”
James shot up breathing hard. His sword clattered to the floor. Nora stood in front of him now. The other woman behind her. Tears began to fall, running down his scarred face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” He cried. “Please I don’t deserve to live..” Nora shook her head. “No James. You were blinded by your pain. We need your help. Your children need your help. You’re the only one, who can defeat Tom the slayer of dreams. ” Nora said. James was breathing heavily. “I don’t deserve to live. I killed innocents.” James whispered. Nora straightened her back and looked him in the eye, with a look that reminded him of Arianna when she was reprimanding him.
“No. What would Arianna say if she was here? She wouldn’t want you to be pouting. She would want you to help us. Do it for us! Do it for your kingdom! Do it…for Arianna. Rise King James! Rise!” Nora exclaimed. She held his sword out to him. James drew in a deep breath. Nora was right. He would do it. For Arianna. Slowly, wearily he rose to his feet, took his sword from Nora, and turned toward the Krakos. “Thomas!!!” He roared. The Krakos turned to face him. “James. I’ve been expecting you.” Tom rumbled. James cracked his neck. “Lets finish this, brother. Shall we?”
I know how much y’all like cliffhangers, so here’s one just for y’all! 😊
This chapter is dedicated to Shadow
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 5
“How to you know so much about this place Feather?” Asked the direwolf “this is my home, some humans brought me to the island a long time ago, those hairless things where called nameless, and the black one was a reaper king” replied Feather “okay, but what’s that?” Spat the direwolf, pointing toward Renegade “uh, oh, um, that’s a ravager” replied Feather sadly “will any of you tell me what’s going on here?” Asked Renegade “hi there! I’m Lynx, the grumpy direwolf is Rorin, and the featherlight is Feather” replied the thyla, Rorin growled “well um, since you just saved me, if you don’t have anywhere to stay, you could come stay at my place for a little while, by the way, I’m Renegade or Ren for short” said Renegade “that be great! But can we go hunting first?” Asked Lynx “Lynx, you can’t just go around trusting everyone you see” growled Rorin “I know that! But I have a feeling about him, and besides, I trusted you and that came out just fine!” Joked Lynx “AND I trusted YOU and YOU dragged me HERE” growled Rorin “hmph! Let’s just go already! We need a place to stay and something to eat anyway!” Cheered Lynx, following Renegade to the closest source of food.
The four of them returned to the cave dragging a parasaur, barley enough for the five of them, Ceilia flew down from her nest in the cave wall “you’re finally back Ren! I’m st-“ Said Ceilia as she froze in place “Ceilia?” Asked Feather excitedly.
Ahhhhh gotta go!
This chapter is dedicated to Ghostdragon
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 6
The two featherlights flew strait into each other and, well hugged? Can birds hug? Hugging, the only way to describe it. “Who’s that?” Asked Rorin “this is Ceilia, she’s my mate” replied Feather “what happened to you?!” Asked Ceilia “the humans took me away! But I’m back now, that’s all that matters” replied Feather. “Well I’m happy you where reunited, but, from the sounds of it we’re all starving! Let’s eat!” Said Lynx. The five of them sat down and ate, by the end of the, um, day? They where stuffed and had exchanged stories and explanations. “I’m sorry you got exiled Ren, they must be a really sucky family if they just abandon you like that” consoled Lynx “Lynx! Come here!” Growled Rorin “WHAT!?” Hissed Lynx as Rorin dragged her to the back of the cave where no one would hear them “what if he’s lying? What if he just wants to make us feel sorry for him so we’ll help him take back his tribe, and turns out he’s evil!” Whispered Rorin angerly “Rorin! How could you say that! He was nice enough to give us shelter and help us find food, thanks to him we even reunited Feather with his mate! Feather is the happiest I’ve ever seen him, and he’s been really sad recently” Growled Lynx in return “I’m going to tell Ren about the prophecy!” Finished Lynx as she got up and walked back to everyone “but we don’t even know if it’s real!” Yelped Rorin, chasing after Lynx. “Ren, I have something to tell you, me, Rorin, and Feather discovered a prophecy and we think you’re part of it” said Lynx abruptly “its possible, my tribe has seen many prophecy’s over the years” replied Ren with a curious look on his face. Rorin had a blank look on his face, prophecy’s weren’t real, where they? “We’re gonna need some help too, so far at the end of each world we go to there’s always a boss” finished Lynx, Ceilia squeaked. “I think I know what you’re talking about, and I can get you some help.” Said Ceilia, shyly “please help us! If you could get us help and show us the boss that would be great!” Replied Lynx excitedly “let’s get some sleep first” said Rorin, finally absorbing the truth. Feather and Ceilia slept in the make shift cave wall nest, Lynx and Rorin slept close together, sharing warmth, and Renegade slept by himself, excited, maybe he would get his tribe back.
“Where are you taking us Ceilia?” Asked Rorin “deep, deep into the dark zone, ah! We’re here! Put you’re ear against the wall” replied Ceilia. Only Lynx, Rorin, and Ren put there ear to the wall as the birds had already heard it. Ren listened, he could hear whispering, telling him to dive deeper, let it absorb him, he couldn’t escape from the...rock...wall? “You guys here that too, right?” Asked Rorin, panicking “yeah, it’s weird, it’s like its trying to lure us in” responded Lynx, confused. “Ceilia, are you fully charged?” Said Feather as he turned to look at Ceilia “no, I’ve barley charged at all, it’s too dark, wait, ARE YOU OUT OF CHARGE!?” Answered Ceilia “y-yes” stammered Feather as the light from his Feathers started to fade “what does that mean?” Asked Rorin “it means...they’re coming” replied Ren, spooked, as a rumbling sound appeared and a reaper burst out of the ground “it’s just a reaper king, we can handle it, there’s a charge node nearby” said Lynx, relieved “No, no no no no” mumbled Feather, him and Ceilia, terrified, only Ren new why, “it’s a reaper queen” growled Renegade.
Hewo! Yes manticore, I have read your posts in the dyes and I responded
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 11
Renegade jumped on a large rock as the tribe starred in shock. “I know you all think I betrayed the tribe, but that is a lie made by Vengeance in attempt to become leader, then, later he and an accomplice poisoned the king, the accomplice hoping to gain leadership after killing Vengeance, how, how you may ask, how will I prove this, well the answer is simple, Andrea come here” called Renegade from atop the rock. Andrea stepped forward in shock as the crowd moved away from her, Andrea joined Renegade atop the rock “tell them, I will not stand for your lies” whispered Renegade, Andrea was terrified, she had seen what Renegade was capable of, she did not want today to be her last “V-V, Me and Vengeance lied to you, Vengeance and I both wanted to rule, the plan was to lie to you all, then poison the king so Vengeance could rule, and after about a year, I-I was planning on poisoning Vengeance so I could rule, I-I’m sorry, please forgive me, banish me if that’s what you want” Andrea bowed her head in shame, she did not expect what was coming next, “Andrea, sister, I know your rights were taken away from you the moment you where born, mother only wished for you to rightfully rule, but new father would not allow it, now that I am ruler I will change that law, if the oldest child of the previous ruler is female she will still be able to lead, there will be no punishment this time Andrea, rise” finished Renegade with a calm smile in his face, Andrea got up, smiling.
It had been about a week and they already had all the artifacts, the alpha basilisk fang, and the eight basilisk scales, claw, but they still needed nameless venom, reaper pheromones, rock drake feathers, an alpha reaper king barb, and now, Renegade was sending Rorin and a large team of Ravagers to get the alpha karkinos claw.
The alpha karkinos had been spotted, Rorin and his team where perched on a cliff, watching it when the whole cave started to shake, earthquake, thought Rorin. Rorin hurtled a clinking sound and turned around, a weird human concoction, I think Feather called it a medical brew remembered Rorin as he picked it up and stored it in a log so he could come back for it. Rorin sent one of the ravagers to lure the alpha karkinos to the cliff where the rest of them jumped onto its back and clawed it to death. Rorin carried the medical brew while four of the ravagers in his team carried the claw.
Rorin and the team returned with the claw, Renegade thanked Rorin and the rest of the team, Rorin finally starting to warm up to Renegade. All of a sudden Feather came flying in as fast as possible “Renegade! There’s something wrong with Lynx!” Called Feather “take us to her!” Yelled Renegade, Rorin following with the medical brew still in his mouth. Feather led Rorin and Ren to where Lynx was laying, moaning, with Ceilia beside her. Just then Lynx let out a loud hiss and her stomach exploded with a little creature bursting out of it, the little creature tried to attack Lynx but Renegade jumped on top of the little creature. “Ceilia! Here! I found a medical brew!” Called Rorin as Ceilia grabbed the medical brew in her talons and gave it to Lynx, her injury from whatever that just was, healing almost instantly. “What is that!?” Growled Rorin “I’ve only heard of it...” mumbled Feather “tell them” whispered Ceilia “I-it’s a reaper king, there’s this legend that if a reaper queen stabs you in the stomach when she’s close to death, you’ll be impregnated, I didn’t think it was real” said Feather, anxious “should we kill it?” Asked Renegade, still on top of the baby reaper king “No! Wait” said Lynx, weakly, as she got up, barely able to stand, she walked over to it and touched noses with it, it calmed down instantly “did you just imprint on it!?” Question Rorin “um, I think so” replied Lynx, dazed. Renegade got up slowly from on top of the baby reaper king, it shot towards Lynx, faster than anyone could stop it, and, hugged her leg? “What are you gonna call it? It clearly not going to hurt you” asked Ceilia “um, how about Stalker?” Replied Lynx “oh yeah sure let’s just keep AND name the creature that just exploded out of and nearly killed Lynx” said Rorin sarcastically “Rorin, hush!” Growled Renegade, leaving Rorin grumpy.
Stalker grew up quickly, in only a week, and I would do anything Lynx said and anything to protect her, he was nice to most people but for some reason would completely ignore Rorin, wonder why, wink wink.
Thank you for the name Stalker, Shadow, lol bet you didn’t expect me to use it this way,
I’m feeling evil
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 4
Renegade hadn’t been given long to recover and now he was about to be banished. “Prince Renegade has betrayed his pack, his family, and his subjects. Now Prince Renegade will be banished!” Said their father as everyone cheered, their father nodded his head “do it” said Vengeance proudly. The guards started to surround Renegade on all sides except the one facing the dark zone, the guards growled and slowly came closer. Renegade backed up closer and closer to the dark zone, trying not to show his fear, fear would only tempt them, Renegade must show no fear, he would be back, Vengeance would lead the tribe to their death. Renegade spun around and ran into the dark zone, knowing he could not fight his tribe.
Renegade had been walking for about an hour when hairless creatures appeared from the ground, growling. One of the hairless creatures started to swell up and turn red, Renegade new what these where, he had seen them from a distance and heard stories, such horrible, terrible, ugly creatures could not have a name that described them for they where all to terrible, they where nameless. Renegade fought them off but he didn’t have enough strength due to being chased by the basilisk. Renegade realized he could not win this fight so he jumped over the smallest nameless and used his long claws to climb up a cliff wall and into a small cave, there was light in the cave. Renegade went closer to the light was, until, it made a squeak “please don’t eat me! I’ll keep you safe from the nameless! Just don’t eat me” begged the glowing thing, it was a featherlight, Ren(Renegade) laughed. “I’m not going to eat you, I’m not even hungry, but it would be great if you could keep the nameless away for me, what’s your name?” Asked Ren politely “y-you aren’t? M-my names Ceilia”replied the featherlight “nice to meet you Ceilia, I’m Prince Renegade, but you can just call me Ren” replied Ren sitting down “you must be from one of the giant ravager tribes!” Thought Ceilia. Ceilia explained how she new about the ravager tribes, Ceilia explained that she never left the cave, when Ren asked how she survived without leaving the cave Ceilia explained that there was water in the cave, fast growing glowing mushrooms to eat, and her light and the mushrooms light kept out the nameless. Ceilia asked Ren about why he wasn’t with his tribe and explained to Ceilia that he had been exiled.
Renegade had been staying with Ceilia for about a month now and they worked together to get food and survive everyday, only leaving the cave to get supplies, taking Ceilia with Ren so nameless didn’t attack them, and finding the best places to avoid. Today Ren was going out alone as he was going to stay close to the cave and new how to tell if nameless where going to pop out of the ground or not, but today, today, something was different, there hadn’t been any earthquakes and it was quieter then usual, as if something had disturbed the whole cave (btw this takes place in aberration). All of a sudden six nameless popped out of the ground, growling, as the alpha swelled up and turned red. Ren tried to fight them but they kept appearing and out of no where the ground started to shake, the nameless stopped attacking, and a Reaper King arose from the ground, roaring. Ren could not defeat infinite nameless AND a reaper king, he was definitely dead. “INCOMING!” Yelled a voice as a direwolf with a featherlight on its back and a thylacoleo following jumped into the circle of nameless and the reaper king with Ren. The featherlight shined as bright as it could, wounding the reaper king and nameless causing them to go back underground “are you alright?” Asked the thylacoleo.
Theyreeeeee backkkkkkkkk
Thank you Shadow for the name Andrea
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 3
Renegade woke up seeing that he was in front of his father, who now had a giant basilisk head sitting next to him “Father! It was terrible! We tried to tell Renegade that it was a terrible idea to lead the basilisk to camp but he didn’t listen! The guards where barely able to warn anyone, but Renegade led the basilisk to the back and we didn’t know that was where he was planning on doing it! I was barley able to stop him!” Complained Vengeance. Their fathers head snapped toward Renegade “is this true?!” Yelled their father, Renegade was about to answer when Andrea answered “its all true father! I saw it! Renegade betrayed us! He was so upset about you reconsidering his rights to the throne that he tried to lead the basilisk to you so he could take the throne before you could revoke his rights!” Called Andrea, stepping in front of Renegade, Andrea could spin anyone’s words, especially her own, into extremely convincing lies, and this was how she manipulated their father on a daily basis, especially without their mother to keep their father from getting trapped in Andreas web of lies. “I, leader of our glorious tribe, revoke Renegades rights to the throne, banishing him to the dark region, and giving Prince Vengeance Renegades right to the throne” called their father, everyone present cheered, both Vengeance and Andrea had dark smirks on their faces.
Sorry I couldn’t make this longer, ran out of battery,
So I was on my aberration world with my friends on our ravagers when we found a wild basilisk near are base
So as the idiots we were we got are whole ravager army and attacked
Little did we know It shoots poison
Half of are ravagers died and including my fave ravager so I quit ark and never played that server for about 6 months
I returned and saw that all the ravagers were there because I didn’t autosave it
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 7
“CEILIA, DO YOU HAVE ANY LIGHT LEFT!?” Yelled Rorin “a little!” Replied Ceilia lighting up “come on! We gotta kill it!” Yelled Lynx jumping start it’s tail and climbing up its back “you’re a pack animal, right Rorin?” Asked Renegade “yeah, why?” Questioned Rorin “follow my lead!” Yelled Renegade. Lynx climbed on top of the Reaper Queen, Ceilia flew around its head, Feather flew to a charge node, and Ren and Rorin got the reaper queens attention. Rorin and Ren ran to the charge node where Feather waited for them, charging, Lynx kept clawing at the Reaper queens back. The reaper queen reached the charge node and tried to turn away, but Feather and Ceilia used their light to keep her going in circles around it. Ren used his giant claws and jumping abilities to get on the reaper queen, but had trouble getting on and staying on has is skills weren’t as good as Lynx. The five of them nearly had the reaper queen dead when she all of a sudden flung all of them away, Lynx not as far. The reaper queen charged at Lynx, picked her up with its tail, and stabbed her in the stomach. The reaper queen dropped Lynx and burrowed underground where they couldn’t follow “Lynx!” Yelled Rorin as he ran towards her to see if she was okay “ the wounds not that deep, she’ll be okay” said Feather, assuringly “Come on, let’s get you two charged, then we’ll all go back to the cave and assess the damage” inserted Renegade, calmly “can you walk?” Asked Ceilia, trying her best to help her up, even though Lynx was much bigger “y-yeah, I’m fine” said Lynx as everyone walked to the charge node, and that’s where they would sit for the next hour before heading home.
Thanks for reading!
My third story yay! Thank you everyone for your support!
Renegade’s Shadow
Chapter 1
Renegade, perfect for the throne, oldest son of a king, mutated to be stronger, better, red, but nothing is permanent. Now listen as I tell the story of Renegade and his exile. Renegade was the son of the leader of a giant pack of Ravagers, brother to Andrea and Vengeance. Renegade had been perfect to lead since his older sister wasn’t able to lead due to being a female and females good only lead if there mate was the leader and he died before she did which was a thing that happened often but not in this case. Renegades mother had died to a sickness, leaving Renegade a mess, this caused Renegades father to wonder wether or not Renegade would make a better leader than his younger brother, Vengeance who, like his sister, was desperate and hungry for the power of leadership, both hating Renegade for this reason and sneering when Renegade messed up even just a little bit. Renegade quickly pulled himself back together so his right to leadership would not be question, but Renegade never showed any emotion, but ravagers didn’t care about feelings, only Renegades mother did. Now, we have learned about Renegades backstory so we will move on to the present.
“Ren, brother, father requests your presence and will not stand for you being late” said Andrea in her sly, hypnotic way “you know I do not wish to be late and if I am it will be due to you not delivering the message on time” replied Renegade calmly, showing no expression. Renegade got up and walked past Andrea toward the rock his father always sat at. Renegade did not notice the look on Andrea’s face when he responded, she was enraged, due to the fact that Renegade had not reacted the way she wanted him to, but, Andrea pulled herself together and followed Renegade to where their father and Vengeance where waiting on them. “Father, brother” said Renegade dipping his head, his father nodded his head in acknowledgment, Andrea and Renegade sat down.
Sorry this one had a lot of backstory,
This is my second chapter that I’ve done today
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 10
“Look Rorin, I know you used to being leader of the pack and your stubborn but I’m trying to help you guys, if you want I can leave and you guys can kill an alpha basilisk on your own” growled Renegade “we won’t leave you Ren, could you at least tell us where your taking us?” Asked Lynx. Renegade sighed, “we’re going to my tribes camp, there’s a dead alpha basilisk that is curved around the throne but we won’t be able to get to eat easily and we’re gonna need help to kill the other stuff so I was going to challenge my father for the throne” replied Ren “well then let’s get going! With or without Rorin” cheered Ceilia “fine, but we better not get killed doing this” growled Rorin. The five of them walked for another twenty minutes until they reached Renegade’s tribes camp “it’s the exiled traitor!” Growled one of the two guards guarding the entrance, Renegade stepped forward. “I, exiled Prince Renegade, rightful heir to the throne, would like to speak to the king” said Renegade regally, changing his face to the same calmness the guards where used to but with a hint of aggression. “Very well” replied the second guard as he signaled for the five of them to follow and the first guard to stay. The guard led them to the area where the kings throne sat just so they could see Vengeance sitting on the throne with Andrea sitting next to him. “Where is father!?” Yelled Renegade, anger starting to boil up. “Father, got...sick...and passed not long after your exile, probably from the grief of losing his mate and his heir to the throne betraying him” sneered Andrea as the guard left the room “you poisoned him didn’t you!” Yelled Renegade as Andrea let out a knowing smile. “Silence! State your business showing your traitorous self here” called Vengeance, Renegade smiled darkly “well, since father is gone, I, Prince Renegade, rightful heir to the throne, challenge the traitorous king to a duel for the throne” growled Renegade loudly. “Well since we’re doing a duel, why don’t we do it to the death?” Laughed Vengeance “works for me, just one less traitor for me to deal with” replied Renegade menacingly “very well, it will take place in the middle of camp, now” finished Vengeance. Vengeance was a fool if he thought he could defeat Renegade, who was built to defeat all who apposed him. The tribe created a large ring in the center of the camp, the tribe encircling it with Vengeance and Renegade in the center. All was silent, the crowd, including Lynx, Feather, Ceilia, and Rorin where all anxiously awaiting the fight. All of a sudden Vengeance surprised Ren and jumped on top of him, Ren growled, trying to shake Vengeance off as Vengeance’s claws dug into Rens back. Ren dropped to the ground and rolled around on his back, crushing Vengeance. Ren jumped off, Vengeance arising to his feet, Ren was now on the other side of the circle. Once Vengeance had gotten to his feet Ren ran passed him, raking his claws along Vengeance’s side. The two of them clawed and drug each other around for a while before Renegade decided to pull one last move...Vengeance was in the middle of the circle, facing Ren, expecting him to lunge onto Vengeance’s back, but instead Ren ran past Vengeance, faced Vengeance’s rear, jumped onto Vengeance’s back, holding him down, and bit into Vengeance’s neck, killing him.
Sorry if this was long,
I hope you all had a good Halloween!
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 9
Renegade, Rorin, and Ceilia crept into the larger part cave to see that it had engravings all over the wall “can anyone read them?” Asked Renegade “I would have thought you would know how” said Rorin “my, um, mother taught me a little before she, um, passed” replied Renegade sadly. Rorin shock his head vigorously for a second “never mind, I can read it” finished Rorin “the words say that we need to retrieve the artifacts of the Depths, Shadows, and stalker, eight basilisk scales, twenty ounces of nameless venom, seven reaper pheromone glands, seven rock drake feathers, an alpha basilisk fang, alpha karkinos claw, and an alpha reaper king barb” read Rorin. “I know where we can get the alpha basilisk fang, some scales too, and help to get the rest” said Renegade “and I know where to find the artifact of the shadows! In fact it’s in this cave” said Ceilia “lead the way Ceilia, when we get back we’ll tell the others than Renegade can explain to us how he’s gonna get us help and a dead basilisk” finished Rorin. The three of them retrieved the artifact of the shadows then returned to the smaller part of the cave were they where all staying. “Finally! Your back!” Called Lynx, already starting to look and feel better. “Yeah, we found out what we need as tribute, we already got one of the three artifacts and Renegade here’s thinks he’s can get us and alpha basilisk fang, eight alpha basilisk scales, and help” replied Rorin, grumpily “that’s great! Let’s go!” Called Lynx “are you even well enough to go?” Asked Ceilia “yes, her wound healed a lot faster than I thought it would, like a lot, she’ll be fine so we may as well all go” replied Feather. Ren sighed “very well, let’s go”. They had been traveling for a while and the others where starting to wonder where Renegade was taking them “we’re almost there” said Renegade “that’s it! I’m not going anywhere til you tell us where we’re going!” Yelled Rorin as he sat down reluctantly “Rorin! Stop being rude!”
Yelled Lynx.
Tune in next time!
I don’t even know what’s going on anymore
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 8
“Come on, we’re almost home” said Rorin encouragingly. The five of them got to the cave, exhausted, they set up a bed for Lynx and Ceilia and Renegade tended to her wound. In the morning Rorin, Feather, and Renegade went hunting for breakfast. The five of them talked over breakfast, “why where the walls talking?” Asked Lynx weakly “no ones quite sure, the humans say there’s a rescource called element in the walls and the humans also say there’s a giant monster called Rockwell that controls this place” replied Ceilia “that’s probably what we have to defeat” said Rorin “how do we know Renegade is part of the prophecy?” Asked Feather, Lynx’s eyes lit up. “Renegade was exiled, right? Therefore he was alone for a little while, alone with aberration, and then we found him alone, right?” Replied Lynx, confident in what she believed . “Fine, but if we have to come back to this place because you chose the wrong person, I will kill you prophecy or not” Growled Rorin “you guys said something about tribute when you where explaining stuff about you battles, how will we know what we need?” Asked Renegade “here’s usually some kind of ancient text” replied Lynx, settling down. “Actually this cave branches of into a much bigger cave, everyone can fit through the tunnel except Lynx, she couldn’t come anyway” Said Ceilia, Lynx huffed and went to lay down “I’ll stay with Lynx, you guys go” finished Feather, everyone nodded.
Sorry there wasn’t much action in this chapter, Halloween is today so I’m kinda busy,
Please check out Shadows stories! Hopefully the support will help her get unpossessed!
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 2
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you here” said their father “we’ve spotted a basilisk near our camp and I want you three to slay it, with help of my best” finished their Father “of course father, we wouldn’t want little Prince Renegade getting hurt” sneered Vengeance, Andrea laughed “that’s enough! I’m sending you out now! The guards coming with you will take you to the spot, Prince Renegade, you’re in charge of the team” growled their father “yes father” replied Renegade bowing. The guards led them to where the basilisk was “there it is” said one of the guards, stopping at a distance to far for the basilisk to notice them “what’s the plan oh great and powerful leader?” Laughed Andrea, trying to get under Renegades skin once again, Renegade ignored her “from the size of that tail it’s a big one, possibly an alpha, we have two choices
,one get it to chase us back to camp where it will easily be defeated or tackle it now and hope we survive” explained Renegade, expressionless “that’s insane, are choices are get chased and maybe eaten or definitely die and get eaten, why can’t we just go back and get reinforcements?” Growled Vengeance “haven’t you learned anything from father? See the basilisks tail? It’s pointing at us, unmoving, that means it’s noticed our movements and it’s waiting for us to get closer, if we try to run, it’ll chase us the moment we take a step” replied Renegade “let’s run ahead to camp, and we’ll leave someone behind to stall it while we get ready” said one of the guards “Good idea, soldier, I’ll stay” said Renegade, leaving everyone with a blank look on their face, except Andrea and Vengeance “what’s so funny?” asked Renegade, sounding bored “oh nothing, we’re just so excited for the basilisk to be dead” replied Andrea sounding happier than usual “when I say go, you five run back to camp as fast as you can” instructed Renegade, everyone nodded “Go!” Shouted Renegade as they started to run, the basilisk jumped out of the ground with a hiss, noticing Renegade standing still like the perfect piece of prey. Renegade turned around and ran, the basilisk hot on his tail, nearly hitting Renegade with a ball of poison. A bark sounded telling Renegade it was time to lead it to camp, Renegade did just so. Renegade was almost at camp with the basilisk a bit further behind him than earlier when something crashed into him “Vengeance! What are you doing!” Yelled Renegade “I had to come tell you that we need to lead it to the back of the camp, everyone’s waiting there” answered Vengeance “bu-, never mind, come on, two pieces of prey is better than one” said Renegade, Vengeance nodded. The two of them led the basilisk to the back of the camp but as they got there he realized everyone was waiting at the front for the basilisk, not the back “the basilisk! The basilisk! Renegade led the basilisk to us!” Called Vengeance causing the guards to turn around and see the basilisk. Vengeance knocked Renegade over and down the cliff down to the bottom of the camp causing Renegade to pass out.
BTW Renegade is a mutated red, he actually had multiple mutations, making him perfect for the job of leader. Andrea is dark read but Renegade is a brighter red Andrea is more blood colored.
So i just started, got my wood base down, thing’s were going great. but then i got thirsty so i went to the nearby lake got a drink. I came back to my base and what do i see 4 ravagers destroying it! and from like 16 meters (50 feet) away these guys start chasing me and killing me so i respawn lure a stego over grab my stuff and watch as they tear the stego apart and then proceed to kill me this went on until i had to restart and make a third base. hopefully this doesn’t happen again. Or to anyone else
Ladies and gentlemen! The moment you’ve all been waiting for...
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 13
Okay so um I forgot to mention this in the previous chapter but they managed to find a rock drake far from the rock drake trench so the killed it for its feathers. “Is everyone ready?” Called Renegade, they where all standing on the terminal anxiously awaiting the battle. Stalker squawked to say he was ready while the ravagers they had brought along called “ready”. “Lynx” said Rorin as he turned to her and nodded. Lynx did I as she always did, she lifted he front leg, starred at it for I few seconds, and then the dome appeared. “Everyone in!” Yelled Lynx, those who where not in the dome ran in. They waited for about a minute before the dome teleported them to the arena. In the center of the arena was a giant monster, Renegade saw an image flash through his mind, the monster was called Rockwell “what is that?” Called one of the ravager troops in disgust “it’s called Rockwell” replied Renegade “how do y-“ asked Rorin but he was cut off by the fact that a giant tentacle had slammed down and nearly hit him. “Take out the tentacles!” Yelled Lynx. With Stalker on there side the tentacles where easy to take out but Renegade was more concerned about the monster controlling them “how are we supposed to kill this thing!?” Yelled Renegade while dodging a tentacle “I think I found a way! Look! In the middle there’s a giant heart, his heart, if we can injure it enough or even destroy it we’d win instantly” replied Rorin while clawing at a tentacle “good idea! But how are we supposed to get up there?!” Asked Lynx while chewing on a tentacle “I think I know a way but I’ll need Stalkers help!” Replied Renegade. Lynx nodded and called to Stalker who had just fought off a tentacle “listen to Renegade!” Stalker looked at Renegade and tilted his head “Stalker I need you to get in front of the monster and let me climb onto your back, you’ll need to stay really still” ordered Renegade, Stalker nodded and did as told. Renegade backed up and got a running head start, Renegade ran and jumped onto Stalkers back, ran up to his head, and jumped. Renegade was afraid he was not going to make it and he would just end up boiling alive in the weird purple liquid surrounding Rockwell, but he didn’t, he landed right on top of Rockwell’s heart. Rockwell growled in anger, realizing that Renegade was there, just then Renegade bit into Rockwell’s heart, Rockwell sank into the purple liquid and Renegade barley managed to jump to safety. The usual portal appeared, Ren, Rorin, and Lynx ran toward the portal but Stalker ran to help the injured troops “the tribe will take care of you! I’ll be back!” Yelled Lynx sadly, Stalker just realized what was going on and tried to run to her but she disappeared before he could reach her
My next story will be in argentavis and it will be called Ally’s Hope
Renegades Shadow
Chapter 12
Stalker was still young and he hadn’t been out much but as long as Lynx came we would behave. Lynx and Renegade where taking Stalker and fifteen other ravagers to kill some nameless, they where also hoping to find an alpha reaper king. Together they collected the needed nameless venom and miraculously found a alpha reaper kind to kill for its tail barb, now all they needed was reaper queen pheromones which would prove challenging. When Lynx, Renegade, Stalker, and the pack of eighteen ravagers returned to the camp it was about what would have been sunset. The tribe cheered as they returned. Feather flew up to Lynx and Renegade “did you get what we needed?” Asked Feather “yup! We even got the tail barb!” Replied Lynx. Rorin walked up behind Feather “we should celebrate, we only need a few more things” said Rorin smiling for the first time ever, Stalker could not speak but he cheered when Rorin mentioned celebrate, Stalker didn’t usually pay attention to Rorin. “Well if we’re going to celebrate we should have a feast! Thanks to Lynx and Stalker we’ve had plenty of food that I was already planning to have a feast anyway, dig in everyone!” Called Renegade. Everyone went to get there share, Lynx and Stalker walked over to the pile and grabbed some food for themselves, a parasaur and two dodos. Lynx sat down with Stalker next to her, Stalker looked at Lynx and then ripped off one of the parasaurs legs and dropped it in front of her “thank you for the offering Stalker but you should eat it, you’re bigger than me so you need more food” said Lynx gently. Rorin, Ren, Feather, and Ceilia sat down next to Lynx and Stalker with there food “so what’s the plan?” Asked Ceilia “for what?” Asked Rorin “getting the pheromones of course! We don’t want anymore Stalkers, no offense” replied Ceilia “it’s alright Ceilia, Stalker wasn’t even paying attention” commented Lynx “well, is there a way to not get impregnated?” Asked Renegade “kinda, the reaper queen will only try to impregnate you once, if you can all dodge her tail swing when she tries to pick you up, you can just carry on trying to kill her” answered Feather while chewing on a mushroom. “Well than that’s what will do, but dissecting the reaper queen won’t be much fun” said Lynx sticking her things out in disgust, Stalker copied her. “We’ll manage, but who are we going to take into the boss battle?” Asked Rorin “well I was thinking we would go and bring some backup” replied Renegade “tell them” whispered Ceilia as she nuged Feather “Fine, I have something to say, I’m not going, I want to stay here with Ceilia” announced Feather, Lynx gasped, Stalker copying her again, Rorin had a questioning look on his face, and Renegade looked calm as if he knew this was going to happen. “It’s fine Feather, you and Ceilia can stay with the tribe if you’d like” Renegade said smoothly “from the sounds of it we won’t be coming back anytime soon, I know which ravagers we should take, and, if it’s alright with you Lynx, I was thinking we could bring Stalker” Lynx looked at Renegade for a minute “No! He may be fully grown but he’s DEFINITELY not fully matured! What if he gets killed?!” Yelled Lynx “Lynx, calm down, we’ll protect him, but he’s also our best chance of survival, we’d all die otherwise” said Rorin, trying to calm and reason with Lynx “fine, but I’m going to bed, we’ll get the pheromones tomorrow” growled Lynx as she got up, turned around, and walked off with Stalker not far behind, Stalker looked back with a sad look on his face as if to say sorry, then turned around and kept following her.
We’re so close to the finale!
Alright first story this is the view of my ark character and it's story in first person in a explorer note mode. You will gradualy learn which map he is in....* WARNING IT CONTAINS EXPLICITE CONTENT, BLOOD AND SWEARS READ AT YOUR OWN RISK AND DO NOT BLAME THE AUTHOR**.. begins now ** The events happens before the tek city in abberation was built** :
I just woke up from what seemed an eternal sleep, glad i'm out of this Fricking desert, Was hot as if i was in hell. It appears i am in some sort of cave there, there's finally some water nearby, After all these months in the desert, really needs some cold water... Wait, What day is it, what month is it?? I should've escaped that space station while i was in there. But once again i made the same mistake on the island and found myself here...
-Gabe Daniel