ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the glowtail? Memorable glowtail stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
My little dude Tebble (I think his name’s adorable) keeps finding a way out of my base and to destroy everything outside- my velonasaur turrets bring stuff to the fence and he goes in, nibbles at them and always takes the kill. He has an adorable little throne and a doorway to get back into the base when I call him but he was a 269 tame, he’s now level 338 with all the XP he gets from kills and lights up my whole base- I love him, he keeps me happy in the darkest of nights and never ceases to amaze me when he comes back inside with a pair of Theri claws or a set of Rex arms.
I love Tebble, he’s my dude and I’d love if you showed him support- idk how but it would make my day
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 43 ~ help from a hesperornis~
Nash and the serpents left the cave to search for Skyla, they had been out there for hours in the area she went missing, they asked every creature that would hear them but nobody had seen a fjordhawk recently nor had heard about one nearby. “Sorry, fjordhawks never come to this side of the mountain, I’ve only seen one or two my entire life.” Said a glowtail. “I’ve seen one but he was a guy, and dead.” Said an unhelpful parasaur. They continued searching all day, until it was sundown, they gave up for the night and set up camp. “Where could she be..” Nash said. “I don’t know, but she hass be ssomewhere.. if she wass dead ssomeone would know, my sserpentss asked every sscavenger and carnivore in thiss jungle and nobody had sseen a body..” Seascale said. “Psst!” A voice said in the bushes. They looked around and then noticed a small beak in the bushes, “Hello? Who are you and why are you in the foliage?” Nash asked. “I can’t let them know I told you, I couldn’t say anything earlier because they are always watching!” The Voice said in a wisper. Nash remembered the voice, “I remember you! You were the hesperornis who avoided my questions earlier!” He said. “Yes, sorry about that but like I said they are always watching!” The hesperornis said. “Well what iss it then!” Seascale said impatiently. “Your friend, I saw her, she was taken by the amargasaurus!” It said. “What?!” Nash exclaimed, “is she alright? Did they..” he said. “no, well, I don’t think so, they took her captive instead of killing her so I assume they are trying to lure you in to try and save her.” The bird said. “Well it’s working, where is their base?” Nash said. “It’s nearby, they’re territory is everywhere around the mountain and they move camp constantly but right now I believe they are to the west.” It said. (The dinopithicus empire is north and the group started on the southern tip of the ark. the mountain is about in the center of the ark with the cave going from south to north.) “what’ss the quickesst way there.” Seascale said, “followed the river to the west, it should lead you to them.” The hesperornis said. “Thanks.” Nash said.
Chapter 13 (previous in Plesiosaur)
“OH GREAT!” The ship inspector said. Fuzzball was able to snatch away Buddy in time before he got bailed out to the open sea. The angry Gigantipitchus quickly went down to the ships lobby. Fuzzball decided staying on the ships deck is the safest. ‘Am I done for?’ Fuzzball thought to himself. Would he really drown in the open sea and be forgotten? Be gone forever? “CHIRP CHIRP!” Buddy licked Fuzzball's face with courage. “RAAAR!” Fuzzball realized the threat wasn’t gone yet. He got a glimpse of the terrifying creature in the open ocean. The creature sticked out its long neck and looked at the ship that was sinking, and saw the horrified crew. “ITS LONGY! RUN!” One of the terror birds shouted in fright. The crew quickly ran to the lobby. The ship kept sinking as the water level is halfway through the ship. Fuzzball was the only creature on the ships deck. Suddenly a huge explosion happened and Fuzzball was thrown out of the ship along with Buddy.
“Hey bud, wake up.” Someone said. Fuzzball opened his eyes slightly and saw the bright sun shining on Fuzzball. “Chirp?” Buddy was along side Fuzzball licking him. He immediately got up and saw the same Shadowmane next to him. Fuzzball looked around and the ship was nowhere to be found. Luckily they were on a beach. “What happened?” Fuzzball cautiously said. Fuzzball sat down on the warm beach and looked at the Shadowmane. “I’m guessing that “Longy” creature destroyed the first floor of the ship once the Mosasaur was detached to the ship. One of the exit door was opened and when the explosion happened I got thrown out of the ship and here I am.” The Shadowmane said, looking out the ocean. “Perhaps I should introduce myself. You were that creature that was lying on us on the ships deck, isn’t that right?” The Shadowmane said to Fuzzball with an eyebrow high. “How d-do you know?” Fuzzball said with surprise. “I knew you were cause I smelled you there but I didn’t want to get you busted, besides. That pet Buddy of yours was in danger.” The Shadowmane replied. “Anyways I’m Eclipse, although they call me Mane as a nickname.” Eclipse continued. The blue,blackish,and purple Shadowmane looked at Fuzzball. Expecting him to respond. “I’m uhh Fuzzball, and you know that’s Buddy.” Replied Fuzzball.
Eclipse nodded and looked back. “Guess we’re gonna go through that jungle.” Eclipse said. Fuzzball grabbed Buddy and putted him on his shoulder. “Do you know where we are? Perhaps we should wait for rescue?” Fuzzball suggested. “I doubt any help will arrive, besides. We’re gonna starve to death in this jungle, might as well survive.” Eclipse said as he walked toward the jungle. Fuzzball quickly got up and rushed next to Eclipse side. As Fuzzball, Buddy, and Eclipse walked through the jungle. Many danger was close by. “Snap!” Eclipse suddenly stopped dead and so did Fuzzball. “Chirp?” Buddy said in a low scared voice. “GRAA!” A loud creature but nowhere to be seen came out of a tree and lunged on Eclipse. “For the great moon! What is this!?” Eclipse said as he struggled to fight of the invisible creature on top of him. Fuzzball saw a large nearby rock and threw it on top of Eclipse. A groan came out and Eclipse was able to get back up. “Looks like you’re not that bad.” Eclipse said to Fuzzball with a grin, looking around his surrounding.
Suddenly a huge figure appeared and snarled at Fuzzball and Eclipse. “Cheep!” Buddy quickly got horrified and hid behind Fuzzballs back. “Who are you!?” The creature said. “Oh nuts, it’s a Rockdrake.” Eclipse muttered. “I’m Shadow and he Snow, that’s light.” Eclipse lied with a confident tone. ‘Why are you lying!? We’re gonna be killed if they know we lied!’ Fuzzball thought angrily at Eclipse. “Hmm, perhaps you give up your self and you might live.” The Rockdrake cautiously said. “Ha! How you’re gonna stop me? I can do what you can do as well.” Eclipse said as he turned invisble from sight then suddenly appeared. “Not if there’s 10 of us.” The Rockdrake replied. Fuzzball gulped and looked around himself. Was there really 10 Rockdrake watching them? How could they not know? Eclipse thought for a moment and signed. “Alright, we give up.” Eclipse said, looking at Fuzzball with a ‘just agree what I do’ face. Fuzzball understood. He quickly put Buddy and his pouch and surrendered.
It was the end. He got capture by Rockdrake and might never see his friends again.
Y’all guys I’m gonna let you vote what you wanna have a ship on but if not I’m gonna add it myself. Probably around chapter 20 then I’ll open the votes. Well see ya!
The Obelisk
-Chapter 51-
“You heard me right, Jethezzar. Don’t act deaf as well as thick.”
“You can just f r e e them!”
“The council has decided that the Five are innocent. They have not harmed me or my lands. And If you still think they are a danger… then perhaps you are wrong.”
“I swear, if you do this, you will regret it.”
“I doubt it. My land is doing well for the first time in decades. You’re plan has not helped me in the slightest and… and I am dying.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying it’s over. The alliance is over. I no longer need you to tell me what to do. I’m the Emperor here. Goodbye, Jethezzar.”
“No, no, no! Where are you going? You can’t do this!”
“Yes, I can.”
“What about your son?”
Avalanche turned around. “What about him?”
“You know that if you die, that pathetic Terror bird will never be fit enough to rule.” Hissed the Wyvern.
“My son, is just fine,” said Avalanche.
“He’ll need my help,” Jethezzar continued. “Don’t you agree?”
Avalanche coughed, and said, “no. I don’t. My son can do whatever he puts his mind to.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Avalanche coughed again, feeling torn. “Yes, I’m sure! My son—“ he began coughing voraciously—“will be a great ruler! He will— do this himself! He doesn’t need you! My kin don’t—don’t need you!” He turned to leave. “Now, it’s a long way back. I must get going. The alliance is over. And that’s final.”
As Avalanche began to walk away, Jethezzar watched him go, his face blank.
“We shall see.”
Chapter 2: Alpha
I snuck back to my mom and laid beside her, pretending to be asleep. In a little while she woke up and said "Good" She looked at me suspicously.
I sighed "No mother, I did not sneak away into the forest." I saw a few of the shadowmanes on watch shoot amused glances in my direction. Thankfully, Mom didnt notice.
"Hm, im sure you didnt. Well, lets go to Alpha, looks like he's calling a meeting." All the shadowmanes wandered towards Alpha, and when everyone was here, he cleared his throat and everyone fell silent.
"The reason I have called you here is to inform you of 2 things. 1, 2 more shadowmanes have been captured, Deliga and Alto." I supprest a sour face. Deliga and Alto were both my friends, and I WAS going to get them back. "2," Alpha continued, "We will be starting to ally with more local groups of Gara-Lions, Gara-Wolves, and Shadowmanes alike to try to strike on Zero Dawn." There was some muttering to that. Gara-Lions and Wolves were basically like normal ones, exept far more intellgent, large, and had mouths like a human. Some were rumored to even be able to speak human language. "This is the FINAL decision." Alpha said in a sharp tone. All muttering stopped. "Now go, but be on high alert! The humans are getting bolder."
Everyone wandered away, probably thinking about how to negoiate with the local groups, but I was planning. Planning a strike on Zero Dawn to get everyone out.
I hope you liked it! Next chapter will be in Fjordhawk.
The house of madness
Chapter thirteen: Instructions.
Tom sat back down on his throne and watched Hailey leave. She was like a little child, so innocent. That was the problem with mind wiping multiple times, it messed with the host’s mind. That and it made Tom feel sick, like he was dying. His parents thought that he was mistreating his power and that’s why he was on the brink of death. Tom scoffed. He would show them. He would show them all. He promised himself that he would keep Hailey alive. As for Jaron…he could care less. Maybe it was selfish but Hailey looked so much like…Leah. He would rid the world of all evil and the whole earth would belong to him and him alone. The people in the world were like ants, all working together in pretend peace until something cracked and they all ran in circles. Tom would bring order to the world. And if they didn’t listen? He would destroy it. Wipe them all out. “Marvelo! Morbax!” Tom bellowed. A few seconds later the two henchmen came in. “You called sir?” Marvelo asked. Morbax said nothing. “Morbax. What is the news?” Tom asked. Morbax’s eyes were blood shot and he looked exhausted. “Not much. Their have been rumors though of mysterious figure going around killing former peacekeepers of a city called Tortuga. The last person killed was a peacekeeper in training named Jane Williams. They found her with a rope around her neck hanging from the roof of her house. Before her another peacekeeper was killed. He was found in his kitchen with his neck slit. His wife was killed as well and their child was left to die. ” Morbax said in a casual tone as if discussing the weather. “Who is this mysterious killer?” Tom asked. Morbax shrugged. “Im not sure. The only people who have seen his face are dead.” Tom nodded. “Okay. Tell your soldiers to advance on the lightning phoenix kingdom.” Tom said. “But sir we haven’t covered all exits and we might lose soldiers.” Morbax said. “Soldiers are easy to replace. Do as I say…unless you want your little daughter to die.” Morbax’s face lost all its color. “Yes my liege. I’m sorry. Me and Natalie with advance the troops.” He then bowed his way out. “Marvelo. The scientist told me that the betrayers were ready for brain washing. Once they’ve been brain washed keep them away from Hailey. We don’t need anything triggering her old memories.” Marvelo cleared his throat. “My liege, the betrayers escaped this morning.” Marvelo said. Tom shook with rage. His eyes rolled upward and underneath the eyes were black. But before he exploded in rage Tom took a deep breath and grasped the sides of his throne with white knuckled hands. “Marvelo…(Tom breathed deeply)…send men to find them or it will NOT end well for YOU!”
The Aberration
Chapter 3 (the final chapter to this short back story.)
The baby rock drake looked at feathers. Then it looked at its surroundings.
“Stay here.” Feathers said. Feathers glided down away. About 3 minutes later he came back with nameless venom.
“Drink this.” Feathers handed the jar of venom to the baby rock drake. The small rock drake drank the venom. Then it drank two more. The baby rock drake went to sleep.
Years later.
“Please let me explore deeper!” Said the rock drake who was once young.
“Fine. I guess you are an adult now. You may explore deeper Glider. Just don’t go into the element rivers or the rock drake den.” Said Feathers. They were in the blue zone. Nameless came out of the ground. Like usual, they just killed the nameless. But then more and more came. Then it became overwhelming.
“We need to get out of here.” Said Feathers. They glided to the element zone. They landed near an element river. More nameless were there. They killed as many as they could, trying to get through. And then a big army of nameless was blocking their way. Glider and Feathers saw a small island with a huge skull on it. They both climbed a bit higher and glided towards and made it.
“That was close.” Said Feathers.
“If this island wasn’t here we would have died.” Said Glider. Just then, a huge figure with tentacles arose from the big pool of element in front of the rock drakes. It roared at them.
“We need to go now.” Said Glider. The both jumped into the air, and Glider got onto a wall and climbed it. She looked back, and saw the huge creature taking Feathers into the purple liquid element.
“No!” Glider screamed. She knew that she couldn’t fight this beast, so she tried to get to blue zone. The beast’s tentacles were chasing her. Suddenly, a reaper Queen came out of the ground.
“I don’t have time for this!” Said Glider. She glided to another wall and climbed up it. She was finally in the blue zone. She ran a bit further. She turned around, and saw that the tentacle was following her.
“How long is this tentacle?” She wondered aloud. Just then, the tentacle wrapped around her.
“Help!” Glider screamed, biting at the tentacle with all her might. Just then, a fire ball hit the tentacle, freeing her from the beast.
I tamed one of these guys surprisingly early on I named him light bright and he shows me light every night, we as I go get food, as I build my base anything. He is everything to me now I have a huge metal base a griffin and two Wyverns and a lot of otters but he is the only one who has been with me long I hope he has a long and happy life with me my Dino’s and my bro!
~ Crystaldragon + light bright
Up to wish for I long and happy life for light bright
The Riddles of The Phoenixes Series
The House of Madness
Chapter thirteen: Instructions.
Tom sat back down on his throne and watched Hailey leave. She was like a little child, so innocent. That was the problem with mind wiping multiple times, it messed with the host’s mind.
That and it made Tom feel sick, like he was dying. His parents thought that he was mistreating his power and that’s why he was on the brink of death. Tom scoffed. He would show them. He would show them all.
He promised himself that he would keep Hailey alive. As for Jaron…he could care less. Maybe it was selfish but Hailey looked so much like…Leah. He would rid the world of all evil and the whole earth would belong to him and him alone.
The people in the world were like ants, all working together in pretend peace until something cracked and they all ran in circles. Tom would bring order to the world. And if they didn’t listen? He would destroy it.
Wipe them all out. “Marvelo! Morbax!” Tom bellowed. A few seconds later the two henchmen came in. “You called sir?” Marvelo asked. Morbax said nothing. “Morbax. What is the news?” Tom asked. Morbax’s eyes were blood shot and he looked exhausted.
“Not much. Their have been rumors though of mysterious figure going around killing former peacekeepers of a city called Tortuga. The last person killed was a peacekeeper in training named Jane Williams. They found her with a rope around her neck hanging from the roof of her house.
Before her another peacekeeper was killed. He was found in his kitchen with his neck slit. His wife was killed as well and their child was left to die. ” Morbax said in a casual tone as if discussing the weather.
“Who is this mysterious killer?” Tom asked. Morbax shrugged. “Im not sure. The only people who have seen his face are dead.” Tom nodded. “Okay. Tell your soldiers to advance on the lightning phoenix kingdom.” Tom said.
“But sir we haven’t covered all exits and we might lose soldiers.” Morbax said. “Soldiers are easy to replace. Do as I say…unless you want your little daughter to die.” Morbax’s face lost all its color.
“Yes my liege. I’m sorry. Me and Adallah with advance the troops.” He then bowed his way out. “Marvelo. The scientist told me that the betrayers were ready for brain washing. Once they’ve been brain washed keep them away from Hailey. We don’t need anything triggering her old memories.”
Marvelo cleared his throat. “My liege, the betrayers escaped this morning.” Marvelo said. Tom shook with rage. His eyes rolled upward and underneath the eyes were black. But before he exploded in rage Tom took a deep breath and grasped the sides of his throne with white knuckled hands. “Marvelo…(Tom breathed deeply)…send men to find them or it will NOT end well for YOU!”
The Abberration (the other important story is in rex. They will both be important in the future.)
Chapter 1
A human grabbed a rock drake egg and got onto his rock drake, Feathers. Feathers quickly got out of the nest, as all the angry rock drakes started to chase them.
“Get them!” Said a rock drake. Feathers ran, taking the path that they had taken to get here. The human saw a something they could glide to and point to it. Feathers nodded and jumped up into the air and glided to the metal line, holding what Feathers thought was metal bones. Feathers climbed up the metal line as quick as he could, the other rock drakes behind him. Once they got high enough to glide into the blue zone, Feathers jumped and glided towards it, and then that eventually turned into a dash. Once he got there, he turned around and a rock drake was right next to the edge. Feathers quickly bit it’s head and threw it off into the liquid element.
“Quick, go invisible.” Said the human. Feathers obeyed and went invisible and escaped from the angry mob of rock drakes. Once they got back to the human’s base near the entrance to the blue zone, they put it into a room full of air conditioners. The human put the egg in the middle of the air conditioners. The human touched the egg and felt it.
“30 minutes and the egg will hatch.” Said the human.
“And then we will have to get a reaper king.” Said Feathers.
“And after that we-“ the human’s sentence was cut off by growling.
“Nameless? That’s impossible!” Said the human. The nameless came in a huge group, with multiple alphas.
“We need to protect the egg. That’s the objective.” Said the Human.
“Got it.” Replied Feathers. And then the nameless came, ready for battle.
The story of star
So one day I decided I wanted of of these things but I had to travel across the map to get one. I got on my raft and went across the water, I brought my raptor for protection but before we got to the desert a squad of piranhas just came and took away half my hp but we got to the desert and almost everything wanted to kill me. But somehow I survived the desert and made another raft and we were at the island I tamed a glow tail and named it star but on the way back through the desert a griffin came and one shot him. 😭 R.I.P Star you will be missed