ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the featherlight? Memorable featherlight stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
War Of Aberration chapter 7
“Want to try me again or does thy want to stop” the woman said in a tone that couldn’t be read it confused Skyocean got up some strength and said, “WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?!” He yelled with the rest of the strength he had left, “does thy really want to know?” The woman said, “YES I WANT TO KNOW!” He yelled after laying on the ground gaining strength he stood up and shook any dirt off his shirt “hmm thy does seen curious but i have to say no the thy!” The woman said with a sweet but had a bit of evil in it, “Just… Please!” Skyocean begged, “read thy books in thy library’s! We are about to go to thy libraries here soon!” The woman says with a smile Skyocean was aggravated they heard a banging on the walls and a yell “WAKE UP ITS TIME TO GO TO THY LIBRARY!” A voice yelled from down the hall guards opened the cells and followed the prisoners Skyocean saw the throne room his sister sitting on one of the thrones watching the prisoners pass Skyocean was near the part where his sister couldn’t see him as they all walked a young man a age younger than Skyocean was beside him he looked familiar but couldn’t place his finger on it he guessed by the yellow orange hair and yellow eyes it was a friend from his childhood, “Sunlight?” Skyocean asked the young man looked at Skyocean his eyes widened seeing his childhood friend, “How did you get here?!” Sunlight said with shock, “it’s a long story-“ he said but before he could start a guard shushed him with its tail “save it for thy cell!” The guard said with a voice that sounded young they walked to the library as they got there Skyocean saw a book that caught his eye he walked over to it to read.
War Of Aberration Chapter 6
As Skyocean had walked away at the sight he was jumped by a Dino he stayed still, “what is your way of being in mystical kingdom territory” said the mysterious voice Skyocean tried to give the dino a glare but the dino swiftly put a claw onto Skyocean’s head pinning it down to the ground, “what is going on here” said a voice it sounded cold, “A trespasser” said the first voice with a cold sound Skyocean felt teeth grip into his shirt a bit into his skin he winced at the cold teeth he was dragged across the dirt. He heard yelling in the distance he could make out the words, “where are they” he could only hear those words a voice echoed in his mind, ‘you will be brought to the newest kingdom in search of a rare stone’ it echoed he was confused he felt a sudden coldness come over him he opened his eyes to see a black and cyan void, “Where am I!” Skyocean said he was scared as a voice said, “Well look what the cat dragged in” a voice said, “Don’t be rude” another voice said yelling erupted into his ears he closed his eyes the yelling stopped he was back in the real world on a cold hard stone floor ‘where am I’ he thinks confused as he try’s to get up. As he tries he hears a voice, “Hey stop the effect needs to wear off” said a voice near him, “where am I” he says with a groan, “Silly in a prison in mystical kingdom!” The voice says with some laughter at the end he let out a groan of pain as he tried to get up, “Hey what did I say are you stupid or something!” the voice says he opens his eyes he got up the rest of the way a little wobbly he saw a young woman with a light green eye and a light purple as the other eye color, the hair a nice black, “well mister is thy ok?” She said twirling her hair, “Y-yes” Skyocean managed to say but in a weak voice, “whats your name” the woman said walking around Skyocean, “My name is Skyocean and you” he responds to the question, “Well my name will be a mystery to solve!” She said with a smile, “But why..?” Skyocean responds, “Hmmm curious one I see” she responds with a bit of excitement, “all you need to know im apart of the phantom prophecy!” She says with a smile, “Oh just give me a clue!” Skyocean says with anger in his voice, “no need to get angry or are you just annoyed” she responds. Skyocean clenched his fist annoyed he charged anger overtook him the woman dodged with great speed he aimed another punch only for it to be caught in the woman’s hand and for him to be thrown down onto the ground as he hit the ground with a thud he coughed out blood.
P.S Im sorry I haven’t been posting im just going through something!
The Obelisk
For those who didn’t know, I sent a little message in Snail section answering all your questions and comments! Thanks!
-Chapter 44-
Owwww. Where am I?
Forest lifted his head drowsily, his eye lids drooping. He thought being mauled by an evil Velanosaur would be the end of it. And yet here he was, the back of his head hurting more than ever.
He looked around to see where he was. It was dark. His night vision slowly kicked in, and he spotted four other lumps around him.
My friends! They were still unconscious, like he had been, groaning lightly. “Hello?” He whispered hoarsely.
“Forest? Is…that… you?” Hearing Sparks voice made his heart leap.
“What happened?” Another voice grumbled. Nyx pried her eyes open, rubbing her head gingerly. “Where…”
What had happened? Forest tried hard to remember… there had been a Pegomastax… wait…that was a few days ago, wasn’t it?
Hmm. “Rust. Crimson.” He nudged them slightly, dragging himself to his feet.
Crimsons eyes immediately snapped open, and she jumped up with a snarl. “Who’s there? Who’s next? I’ll protect—“ she glanced around. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know,” Sparks voice said in the dark.
“We’re in some kind of room.” Forest said, scanning their surroundings.”
“Why’s it so dark?” Rust groaned, struggling to stand. “What the…”
The room was large, just big enough for the five to fit inside. Forest held out his talons and felt cold stone bricks in front of him.
“Did they… catch us?” Nyx asked.
“I think so,” Rust said. “But where did they take us?”
“I’d like those them try to knock me out again,” Crimson was growling. “I swear, if they put as much as one claw on me…”
Suddenly a beam of light entered the room as a giant trap door opened from the high part of the wall. Metal bars kept It un-escapable, but let the light in.
Then a light green and beige Terror bird stuck his head through the bars. “Welcome, sleepily heads! Congratulations, you’re officially our prisoners!”
Forest stared up at him as a second voice called from outside the window, “come on, Quake, you idiot. Stop taunting them. Keep working.”
The terror bird snickered lightly, pulling his head back through the bars. “Later, gators!”
Crimson growled and leaped for the window, but it was too high up. She scrabbled on the windowseal, but failed and fell back down.
Forest looked around. Light was finally in, and he looked on the other side of him, and saw that the entire cell was a grey stone seoom with multiple bars on one side and a metal door. Outside the bars, were several other cells, filled with carnivores of all kinds.
And in between the cells was a hallway, filled with Terror bird Soldiers.
They were in prison… the carnivores meant to save the world. What would they do now?
The tale of the shadow phoenixes
Chapter twenty eight.
James and Tom back at the castle were practicing fighting with swords. James blocked Tom’s sword with his own then stuck out his leg, tripping Tom. James stood over Tom about to tap him with his sword when a face flashed in his mind. A girl with glowing hazel eyes and long rolling curls of brownish-red hair. A pretty smile played on her mouth. James blinked and he was on the floor. Tom was looming over him. Tom tapped James gently with his sword. “Point.” Tom said. James got to his feet. “Let’s be done for today.” James said, sighing. Tom raised his eyebrow. “Are you okay James? Listen James I know you love her.” Tom said. James opened his mouth to retort but Tom held up his hand. “No. If you love her that much..go tell her. I’ve seen her with Cole. She doesn’t seem happy with him. Not as happy as she is with you.” Tom said. “Do you really think so?” James asked. Tom nodded. “Yes, yes I do. Now, let me try to convince mom and dad to let us…visit Riverbend city one last time. Besides…I need to ask Leah something.”
Arianna sat her in her room that night, unable o go asleep. She just couldn’t get James off her mind. Everywhere she went he was always in her thoughts. Luckily Cole hadn’t stopped by. Arianna shivered. She liked Cole…as a friend but nothing more. Outside a dog began to bark. “Probably a wild dog.” Arianna thought. The dog continued barking. Then something hit the brick wall beside her window. Arianna ran to the window and looked out. A figure stood below her window with a dog that looked like Bella. Arianna pulled the window up. “Hello?” She called. The man smiled at her. “Arianna?” The man called. Arianna almost leapt out the window. “James!” She exclaimed happily. James smiled at her. “Well? Don’t just leave me out in the cold. I didn’t come out here for nothing.” Arianna hurried quietly out the back door where James was waiting. She ran into his arms. Arianna felt him embrace her gently. Tears of joy dripped down her face. “James. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She said. “We convinced our parents to let us visit one last time. There was a really special girl I met.” James said. A smile grew on Arianna’s face. “Oh James….I love you so much.” Time stopped and there was only Arianna and James as they gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, their lips closing in on each other until finally…they touched. It was a kiss full of love and joy. Arianna’s heart hammered against her chest and she didn’t want this moment to ever end. Although she had never kissed anyone the feeling that shot through her veins and her body was so…familiar and she craved it with all her heart, the feeling that she was loved. Finally after what felt like forever they broke apart reluctantly and James took Arianna by the hand and led her to a bench in the garden. “Before anything Arianna there’s something I need to tell you.” James said. Arianna nodded, her heart racing with excitement. “My family is no ordinary family. My father and mother are king and queen of a secret kingdom called the Shadow phoenixes. Me and my brother Tom will be the next rulers. Our medallions are made from elements and every child gets one, which gives them powers to protect them. Arianna, if you marry me you would be queen. Are you wanting to do that?” James asked. Arianna stared at him in shock for a second then smiled. “James, I did not fall in love with a king over some childish whim, I fell in love with a man with a heart the size of Africa and the kindest man I’ve ever met.” Arianna said. “And I fell in love with a beautiful woman who loves people with all her heart and with eyes deeper than the seas.” James said. He sank to one knee. “Arianna , will you marry me? I’m not the best man in the world but…I don’t think I could live without you.” James said. “And I couldn’t live a without you either. Yes!” James sprang to his feet and spun Arianna around in the air. Arianna giggled and she felt happier than she had ever been in her whole life.
They spent a while talking until James walked her to the back door. “What is your power anyway? Charming young women?” Arianna teased. “No. I can control shadows. Watch. ” James said. His medallion began to glow and suddenly Arianna’s shadow spun from behind her and James’ shadow caught her. Then Arianna’s shadow appeared behind her. “Wow. That’s cool.” Arianna said. James shrugged. “Kind of.”
“What is it?” Arianna asked. James sighed. “The bad part of being in the shadow phoenixes family is …our medallions keep us alive. So basically I’m chained to this body for a long time. We can live a long time and cause other people we love to live a long time but…if I were to die…” James shuddered. “…I’m afraid of that happening.” James said. Arianna put her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay James. You won’t have to go through that.” They locked eyes and their faces grew closer and then…their lips were touching again.
The Arks: Over Heaven
Valentine's Special: Time Paradox
Original Post Date: Feb 12, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Gasbags, next chapter in Fjordhawk. This chapter is a soft-canon Valentine’s Special that does not have relevance to the plot. It also contains spoilers to the story “The Terrible Demise of Tortuga” by SunnyFox57. It is highly recommended to read this story before reading the Valentine’s Special. It can be found in the All filter in alphabetical order and starts in Allosaurus.
“What’s wrong?” Ben asked as he leaned against the wall of his hut. Sunny had a troubled look on her face, her eyes squinted and her head hung in shame. Her bright orange hair seemed duller than usual.
“Ben, do you ever regret not finishing your story?” she questioned as she looked up with remorse.
Ben paused, then put his fists in his pockets. More vines continued to ensnare his limbs as he struggled to find the right answer.
“Yes. And no, at the same time,” Ben answered honestly, “I never really told you why I stopped working on my story, did I?”
“No. You never did,” Sunny replied, her eyes darting around the area. The others were still asleep. But Sunny knew that Ben hated revealing his secrets to people he didn’t trust. People like Samuel could make way with that information and use it against him, to either emotionally bribe Ben or get him on his side. Ben took his hands out of his pockets again and clasped them together, trying to feel some sort of semblance. Some sort of semblance to affection.
“I never finished my story because I-”
The air around them began to crackle, and suddenly the world around them began to corrupt. A chilling bellow echoed throughout their ears, as Ben and Sunny fell through time and space itself.
“Okay… I didn’t expect to be interrupted by THIS!” Ben shouted as he felt his words distort and replay all at once. The two of them looked around to see four figures falling with them. Samuel, Aurora, Neddy, and Ruby. But as Ben squinted his eyes, in the distance he could see a fifth. It was a girl with long, black, glittery hair.
“Who is that??” Sunny screamed.
In an instant, everything seemed to return to normal. A chilly wind brushed past their cheeks. They were in some small city that had stone paths and had buildings of the old days. It was the dark of night, and Ben felt a tight feeling on his body. He looked down to see himself in a black tuxedo with a red tie. Sunny was wearing an orange, modern dress that was the color of the sun.
“Where in the world are we?” Ben asked as he looked around, “And why do we have these uncomfortable suits on? What is going on here?!”
Before Ben continued to speak, he reached for his pocket, and let out a sigh of relief as he felt the soft touch of the hibiscus flower in his tuxedo pocket. He pulled it out a little and now it stuck out, like how a gentleman would wear it.
There were a few burning lights, but they could barely see whatsoever. The streets were barren, and it looked like a ghost town if they’d ever seen one.
“I don’t know, but something about this place looks familiar,” Sunny murmured as her head darted around the place, “Let’s look around. I saw the four recruits get transported with us. Maybe they’re somewhere around the area.”
The two began to wander the city, until eventually they spotted a woman marching toward them. The two stopped in their tracks, and as Sunny took a good look at her, her face washed with white.
“No, it can’t be,” Sunny whispered.
“What are you two doing out here? You two should be at the mayors’ manor!” the woman shouted at the two. As she marched up to them, Ben noticed she was carrying a rifle on her back, and had a dagger on her belt. She had a walkie-talkie too. She had long, blonde hair that was hanging in a braid down her back and stern, green eyes. She also wore a black uniform that blended in with the shadows of the night.
“Hello?? Can you not understand me or WHAT?!” she barked. She reached for her dagger, but Sunny raised her hand out with desperation.
“Wait! Please, we were going to go to the manor!” Sunny cried out, “But we’re new here and we don’t even know where it is… We’ve been walking around for ages but still haven’t found it. We’re new here, please forgive us. We’d never go disobeying the mayors’ verdict.”
The lady squinted her eyes at them, but eventually turned around and ushered them to follow her.
“Ugh. You must be from that crazy family with the ugly necklaces. Fine, you’re off the hook this time. Come with me. I’ll show you the manor, you’re lucky you ran into me and not the Executioner.”
“Lucky indeed,” Ben muttered as he followed along. Sunny walked closely behind, and Ben looked at Sunny as if she were crazy.
“Sunny, what are we doing in your story?!” Ben whisper-shouted, “What kind of madness have you put us through-”
“Look, I never asked to be put here in Tortuga, it’s not like I even have the power to make portals to fictional realms,” Sunny responded sarcastically, “We were brought here against our own will. For some reason, although I don’t know why.”
“So what are we even supposed to do now? Sure, this is better than stressing out on that island, but we can’t just stay here in this damned city! Who knows how time will pass, for all we know all our friends back in the Book Club are dead-”
“Don’t stress it, Ben,” Sunny assured Ben hastily, “Our survival matters most. We’ll figure a way out of here. Besides, we’ll know the day the British come. So if we do have to wait THAT long to get out of here, then we’ll go to the sewers before everyone else. We’ll be safe.”
“And what about the recruits?” Ben asked.
“They’ll be fine. Remember we have to worry about ourselves before anyone else.”
“Alright then,” Ben said as he adjusted his collar, “I guess we have a ball to attend.”
“Wahhhh, wew wew wew wew,” Neddy snored. He twisted and turned, until he noticed that he felt a large, scaly snout on his legs. He blinked his eyes, looked back, and his eyeballs nearly popped out the sockets at the sight. Even without his glasses, he saw a Sarcosuchus sleeping peacefully atop his legs.
“Uh oh-”
“Neddy, OMG thank goodness you’re awake, I thought you were done for!” a voice whispered. Neddy looked up to see a girl wearing an elegant red dress adorned with gems with her hands placed on her mouth.
“Uhhh, Ruby??” Neddy guessed. Ruby smiled.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me,” Ruby smirked as she leaned against a doorway.
“Are you going to help me out?” Neddy asked, “I think I’m trapped beneath the snout of a very very dangerous, possibly hungry man-eater. I’d prefer to get out of here as soon as possible!”
“Of course, of course,” Ruby whispered back. She tippy-toed over to Neddy’s legs, crouched down, and gently lifted the beast’s snout off Neddy’s legs. He wiggled away, and Ruby laid its snout onto the floor.
“Whew, thanks for that Ruby,” Neddy thanked Ruby, “Now should we get out of here?”
“Yes, I think we should.”
The two quickly creeped out the doorway and into a dining room. The walls were made of glass panes and they could see out into a gentle man-made river. They were in a boathouse.
“Hey this house is pretty nice,” Neddy commented as he blinked rapidly.
“It’s dark, huh? It’s even a little hard for me to see,” Ruby realized, “I want to make a torch, or anything really but for some reason, I can’t fathom the idea of even making one.”
“What do you mean? You can make anything!”
“Neddy, I don’t know what was happening to us in our sleep, but when I woke up I saw we were traveling through this weird void. I saw four other people falling too. Aurora, Samuel, Ben, and the girl with orange hair.”
“So we’re not alone in this. But where else could they be?”
“I don’t know, but we’re going to have to find out. Maybe we can find some people, they’ll know if they saw any emo girls and emo boys and orange-haired girls and, well, you get the point,” Ruby declared with closed eyes.
So with that plan set, the two headed out the presumably front door, and noticed a large gathering of people walking toward a large manor. They were all wearing formal attire.
“Hey, I think they’re going somewhere,” Neddy pointed at them, “I guess we should follow them.”
There were a few lamp posts that followed the stone paths, and Ruby noticed that Neddy was wearing a white dress shirt and black bowtie. He was also wearing black dress pants. Neat.
“I don’t know if you look like a gentleman or a nerd,” Ruby said as she looked Neddy up and down. Then she grinned, “I guess you look more like the former.”
“HA HA,” Neddy laughed boisterously, “Wait, really?”
“Yeah dude, you look snazzy!” Ruby said while slugging his shoulder playfully.
The two continued to laugh the night away. Even with this crazy situation going on, it wasn’t that bad if the two were together in it. It would never be that bad.
Yeah, it was pretty nice, actually.
“I guess everyone’s having a fun time on the dance floor, huh?” Samuel scoffed as he looked at everyone slow dancing on the stone floor. He was wearing a black polo shirt with black jeans. Aurora took a sip of grape juice out of a glass as she looked on at the participants with jealousy.
“Yeah, yeah they are,” Aurora spat. She was wearing a black dress that had white speckles of light pouring out of it. Aurora nodded her head toward a couple who looked pretty young. They looked no older than middle schoolers, and they were bouncing together left and right. Clearly, they had no experience dancing.
“Just look at this sappy garbage, what is this, Valentine’s Day?” Aurora asked with squinted eyes, “Hilarious.”
“Okay emo girl with the moody no-romance sort of thing,” Samuel chuckled as he stared at a couple who was slowly dancing meticulously, almost perfectly. One wore an aquamarine dress, while the other a fancy tuxedo. Samuel didn’t know why, but seeing these two dancing like that made him feel like he wanted something more.
“Okay so I guess last night didn’t happen then, huh?” Aurora sneered while shooting a death glare at Samuel.
“What am I even supposed to say to that sort of thing?!” Samuel asked with his arms in the air, “When you make a move like that! I mean come on, we’re on some island that wants us to die at any moment, you think I can handle that sort of information?”
Aurora sighed, turning her head away with a glare.
“Whatever… We can’t even worry about that now, we’re here in another place and we don’t know how dangerous. For now let’s just wait it out. We’ll see if some person comes in saying it was all just some massive prank.”
A few more minutes of waiting, and eventually a boy came strolling in the manor as if it were his home. It was hard to describe him for sure, but all Samuel knew for sure was that he looked like a massive douchebag.
The boy, despite being at least a few inches shorter than the two of them, began to walk the perimeter of the dance floor, carefully inspecting all of the girls, until eventually he reached Samuel and Aurora.
“Oh my, you are quite a lovely lady!” the boy gasped as his eyes met Aurora’s. Aurora raised an eyebrow at him.
“Why I’ve never had the pleasure to meet you, stranger,” the scumbag cooed, “What is such a pretty lady like you doing alone on the sidelines? You should be dancing with someone like me, Mike.”
Aurora burst into laughter, leaving Mike a little flabbergasted. Samuel couldn’t help but snort too. The whole situation was so funny to the both of them.
“Are you serious?” Aurora asked.
“Y-Yes, I am serious! I am the one who owns this manor that you step your feet in at this moment, and I am the one who runs this town! I could have you executed for your insolence!” the scumbag, Mike, shouted into her face.
“Oh come on, why would I dance with you? You look no older than a freshie!” Aurora giggled with a devilish smile.
“What is that supposed to even mean?!”
“Doesn’t matter,” Aurora grinned, as she slyly grabbed onto Samuel’s arms. Samuel groaned to himself as he realized he’d have to play along now, “I’m already taken for the night, right Sammy Wammy?”
“Yep, that’s right,” Samuel quickly lied. He then added with remarkable cleverness, “Sorry lil bro. I guess you lucked out tonight… Better luck next time, am I right? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”
Aurora giggled, and she led the two away to the dance floor, leaving the mayor to fume with anger, humiliated by two strangers who weren’t even citizens of the town.
“Heh heh, that was pretty funny,” Aurora laughed as they walked near the center of the dance floor.
“Yeah, yeah it was,” Samuel replied, “But did you REALLY have to give me a pet name like THAT?!”
“Dude, look, look at that guy over there!” Ben said while pointing at a smug looking individual who was wearing a white suit. He had a terribly trimmed goatee and dirt brown hair that kneaded into curly knots.
“Dude, I think that’s Michael,” Sunny whispered back, not wanting to alert the attention of the peacekeeper.
“That’s hilarious. You never said what he looked like, he’s even uglier in person!” Ben snickered as he walked along the stone path. He looked ahead to see that the peacekeeper had her back turned on them. Ben looked at Michael, and then back at Sunny, and then tilted his head.
“I have a good idea. Let’s follow this guy.”
“What are you planning?”
“Nothing nothing this is going to be so funny, we’re just going to mess with him that’s all,” Ben whispered.
“Really, Ben? Is now the time for practical jokes?” Sunny whispered with unamusement.
“Come on, nothing could go wrong, I’ve always hated that creepazoid. I wanna at least have a little fun here, you know? This is crazy, how you can just interact with your own characters! Come on, haven’t you wanted to sock that creepazoid at least once??”
Sunny sighed, then began to storm toward Michael.
“Alright, fine. Let’s do this.”
“Woo hoo! Now, I have like, the perfect idea for what we’re going to do to him. It’s gonna be hilarious.”
The two snuck past the peacekeeper and started to slowly follow Michael. At first, Ben thought that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to mess with Michael. If the course of the timeline changed at any moment, who knew what sort of trouble could occur?
But, considering they had gotten here under strange circumstances, Ben decided that now wasn’t the time to be going over the logistics of their current situation.
By now, the two were following closely behind Michael, watching as he approached the manor closer and closer.
“Okay, so the plan is we… Give him a little gift,” Ben said, as he bent forward to pick up a clump of dirt. Sunny grinned in approval, and picked up a wad of dirt as well.
“Okay, GOT IT,” Sunny replied with a devious smile.
The two walked toward Michael, and as soon as they did, they both tripped over air and landed the dirt on Michael’s suit and hair respectively.
“What in tarnation-” Michael’s ears began to burst with steam, as he clenched his fists and turned around with an enraged expression on his face.
Ben opened his mouth in fake surprise, and Sunny covered her mouth with a gasp.
“OMG, we are like, so sorry, for that inconvenience!” Ben apologized sarcastically.
“I know, right?” Sunny added on, “And like, we know you have a date to go to, with, Emma. Oh wait, sorry, she’d never get with the likes of you. She’s with another boy who’s better than you!”
The two burst into laughter, and Michael gritted his teeth and grabbed Ben’s collar and raised his fist in the air.
“Oh you are SO getting it now! How do you even know about that?!” Michael shouted as spit flew out of his mouth and onto Ben’s flower.
As soon as THAT happened, Ben boiled up in rage.
“Dude, NOT COOL, dude,” Ben replied with a sneer. He leaned his head back and then bashed it into Michael’s face! Michael let out a cry of pain, and then dropped Ben to the ground. He held his nose in pain as blood spilled out of his nostrils and onto his lip.
Ben quickly got up, looked at Sunny, and she nodded back in affirmation.
“RUN!” they both yelled as they made a dash for the manor.
As the two attempted to flee from the mayor though, Michael glared and reached for a walkie-talkie. He pressed a button and began to speak into it.
“I want ALL the peacekeepers AND the Executioner to leave their posts and go to the manor, now! Two people just assaulted me and I want them hanged!”
“What’s their description?” a voice crackled from the other side.
“One’s a girl wearing an orange dress and the other is a boy that has a flower sticking out of his breast pocket, they’ll stick out like sore thumbs!”
“Okay, sir, we’re on it right now,” the Executioner replied with a soft chuckle, “Ahh, looks like I’ll have someone to kill, finally.”
“This sure is an extravagant lookin’ place,” Neddy said as they looked around the place. The two had followed the large family into a manor, and there seemed to be a dance taking place. Lovers danced and twirled within each others’ arms and some classical music was playing in the background.
“Hey, look, it’s Samuel and Aurora! And they’re dancing!” Ruby gasped in shock. Samuel and Aurora were slow dancing, and Aurora was holding his hand and they looked like true lovers.
“Oooooh,” Neddy giggled, “If only I had a camera to save this.”
The two approached Aurora and Samuel, and as they did they began to laugh. The two turned to them with a peculiar look.
“Neddy? Ruby?” Samuel asked politely.
“Ha ha, you two should look at yourselves! You two look like you’re in loooove,” Ruby teased the two of them. Neddy and Ruby laughed, and Samuel’s face dropped in annoyance.
“We’re only dancing because some scumbag was trying to get with Aurora, so now we have to keep this game up or he’ll see right through us,” Samuel explained. Aurora hesitantly nodded along.
“Yeah, yeah that’s right,” Aurora said, “We hate each other's guts. I’d never be seen with the likes of Samuel.”
“Well we just caught you!” Neddy blurted.
The two laughed again, and Samuel shook his head in disapproval.
“Whatever, just go ahead and dance together or something,” Samuel said.
“You know what? That’s what we should do,” Ruby said. She turned to Neddy, and pointed a finger at him.
“Dance off!”
Ruby began to pull out a few crazy moves, twirling around like a ballerina and letting her hair flow around like crazy. After she was finished, Neddy did a dance of his own. He kicked the floor, began to move his arms back and forth, and finally to finish it off he moonwalked all over.
“Okay, okay you know your stuff!” Ruby shouted back, “But you can’t surpass this move!”
Ruby instantly dropped to the floor and began to do the worm, and somehow, she jumped back onto her feet, spun around, and all while on HER HEELS.
Neddy’s mouth opened in shock, and by now a crowd had started to form. Murmurs of excitement echoed throughout the manor’s halls, and even Mike the scumbag was watching in curiosity.
“Oh yeah? Well guess what?”
“Chicken butt!”
“Gosh damn it Neddy!”
Neddy got on his head and began to break dance! Everyone gasped and began to cheer loudly, pumping their fists in the air as Ruby could only look around and watch in terror. She was losing the dance battle!
“NO! I can’t lose now!” Ruby thought with a glare, “We’ve only just started! Well too bad for Neddy that he used his last trump card too early. I already have something better than his little break dancing up my sleeve!”
“Those two look like they’re having fun,” Emma told Andrew as they held hands while watching, “Who do you have your bets on?”
“I definitely think the nerdy one is winning,” Andrew replied with a grin.
Suddenly, the manor doors burst open, and Ben and Sunny rushed through the ballroom in a panic.
“WATCH OUTTTT!” Ben screamed as he dived into the crowd. Everyone let out gasps as the two weaved their way through the crowd, trying to get lost by the peacekeepers who were chasing them.
A few peacekeepers entered the ballroom with their rifles out and pointed at the crowd. Everyone screamed and began to disperse.
“Darn it! We need to find a hiding place!” Sunny yelled.
“You think we can follow the crowd?”
“We can’t, they’ll notice me easily. We need to find a hiding place,” Sunny said. She sighed as she continued to run for her life, “Perhaps we shouldn’t have messed with the mayor.”
“Whatever. Doesn’t matter. We both know this place better than the mayors themselves, right?”
“Right,” Sunny replied as they made a bolt for an emergency exit.
But as soon as they approached the door, it burst open and a giant man wielding an axe walked in.
“Tsk tsk, look who we have here,” the Executioner laughed as he stomped their way toward the two. The two heard rifles being readied, and a woman shouted out to the two of them.
“Freeze! Hands in the air, both of you!”
The two stopped right in their tracks, and slowly raised their hands in the air.
“Welp,” Ben said, “We’re screwed.”
“Well, well, well,” the voice of the creepazoid slithered into their ears. Michael walked in front of the two writers with his hands clasped behind his back and a pleased smile on his face.
“Looks like I finally caught you two. You must be crazy if you think you can just humiliate me like that and be let go with no punishment,” Michael sneered, “You will be EXECUTED! Guards, have them arrested and taken to the town square!”
Michael turned to the woman peacekeeper, Helen, the one who had originally escorted Ben and Sunny to the manor.
“You, round up all the citizens and have them watch this execution. That will send a message. A message that all who dare rebel or oppose me shall face the same fate as these dimwits. I’ll be waiting in the town square…”
Michael let out an evil laugh, and he walked away, the authors’ fates sealed.
Neddy was getting really worried for Ben and the orange-haired girl.
One minute he was having a dance battle with Ruby (which he very clearly won), and the next, men and women carrying guns barged in chasing the two down. Neddy didn’t stick around to find out why they were there, but it was pretty obvious what was going on. The two were being arrested.
And now, Neddy and his allies were being brought to the town square, for some unknown reason by the woman with the gun.
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it,” Aurora said as she looked around worriedly.
“You can’t feel anything wrong,” Samuel butted in, “That’s not how it works.”
“You should feel something wrong,” someone said. They turned around to see an interesting looking fellow with aging hair and an aging body facing them.
“What do you mean by that, old man?” Neddy asked.
“They only round up the citizens for one thing,” the man explained, “A hanging. A hanging for the most serious crimes, like murder or worse.”
“But Ben and Sunny aren’t even evil! They’re normal people who barely just graduated,” Ruby protested.
“Yeah, well ever since that rat Michael and his brothers came into power following their parents’ passing, I could anticipate things going downhill. He’s probably on an ego trip, using his power to execute those he despises.”
“Who the heck is that-” Neddy was cut off by the man.
“Listen,” the man said, crouching down to look them in the eye, “I know you four don’t belong here. I would’ve known if there were more people coming to Tortuga. Once they find out you aren’t one of us they’ll kill you too. You need to escape as fast as you can.”
“We can’t do that,” Samuel said, “We need Ben and the orange-haired girl for… reasons. We can’t abandon them now. I figured, those two know more about this place than any of us. Why else would they get in trouble so easily?”
The man sighed, then began to retreat into the crowd.
“Whatever you say, but don’t say I didn’t warn you…”
Samuel nodded toward Ruby and Neddy.
“You two should find a hiding place. Those people with the guns will probably all be here at once, no one will patrol the streets. If all of us get caught then that won’t be good, me and Aurora will stay behind and find a way to get those two out of their situation.”
Neddy opened his mouth to protest, but Ruby stopped him.
“We can’t argue about it now. Let’s just listen and leave, we can go to that boat house, I don’t think the ones with guns want to investigate a house with a freakin’ crocodile in it!”
Wordlessly, the two quickly fled the scene, leaving Samuel and Aurora to sort the problem out on their own.
A half hour later, two familiar friends were being forced onto the plank. Ben and Sunny. They both wore fancy suits and dresses. Their hands were bound behind their back, and Ben’s left eye was swollen, as if someone had socked him right in the face.
“That’s them,” Samuel said, looking at the two.
“So what’s the plan?” Aurora asked.
“We need to prevent that plank from dropping at all costs,” Samuel revealed his master plan, “I see two levers on the sides there. Those are probably to release the planks they are standing upon. An armed individual at each lever. We can sneak up on them and take them out easily.”
Aurora’s eyes scanned the area, and she saw three other guards in the area, along with a man holding a giant axe.
“What about those ones? They’ll shoot us-”
“We’ll shoot them first,” Samuel said, “We can use the stages as cover. And besides I highly doubt they’d want to risk shooting their own men.”
“Okay, let’s do this then,” Aurora replied while clenching her fist. Samuel decided that he would take the left (where Ben was), and Aurora would take the right (where Sunny was).
The two snuck their way through the crowd, not wanting to be seen by any of the armed ones. As they did, the two guards who were manning the levers tied nooses around the two “criminals”. Sunny had a gloomy look on her face while Ben looked pretty… happy.
“Well do you two have any last words?” Michael asked with a grin, “I’ll let the boy go first.”
“Oh, me?” Ben asked with a raised eyebrow. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest. Out of all the places he wanted to die, he didn’t want to die here. He didn’t want to die to some creepazoid. What a humiliating way to go!
“Well, I guess this is it, huh?” Ben said, looking on at the crowd, “You probably don’t even know who I am or care about who I am… But whatever. At least I’ll die for a good cause, heh. I’m sure this will appease the… Executioner's bloodlust. I know he’s been aching for a kill for a while now. Hopefully that will prevent… some people’s deaths.”
The Executioner gasped.
“What?! How did he know?!” he asked in horror.
“And, of course, we can’t forget about that creepazoid Michael. Heh. You guys should’ve seen the look on that guy’s face when we pelted him with dirt! It was HILARIOUS! Ahh, what a twig.”
A snort echoed from the crowd, and Michael looked FURIOUS.
“I heard that!” Michael shouted, “You know what? Just kill him, NOW!”
The peacekeeper reached for the lever…
“WAIT!” Sunny shouted, “Don’t, don’t do it yet. Please. Can you at least let me say my last words?”
The peacekeeper looked at Sunny, sighed, then dropped her hand. Michael chuckled in amusement, crossing his arms slyly.
“Alright. I’ll entertain you.”
Sunny closed her eyes, and then opened them again.
“Emma! I know you’re out there somewhere,” Sunny called out. There were murmurs of confusion.
“Do you know her?” Andrew asked as he held onto Emma’s hand. Emma shook her head.
“No, but, I feel like…” Emma continued with squinted eyes, “I feel like I’ve known her forever.”
“Emma…” Sunny shouted with a smile, “I just wanted to let you know, I’m proud of you. I couldn’t have gotten to where I was without you. So, thank you. Keep going out with someone you truly love, kay? And keep an eye out for your parents, okay? They’re going to need it.”
Aragorn, Emma’s father, shuffled uncomfortably at the sight.
“This just feels… wrong, it feels like my daughter is being hanged herself,” Aragorn muttered to Arianna. Arianna put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“And Ben?” Sunny said while looking at him, “You don’t need to tell me the answer to my question anymore.”
“I already know the answer.”
“Okay, finally,” Michael sneered, “No idea why you know so much about Emma, but that won’t matter now. Cause you’re about to DIE!”
By now, Samuel and Aurora had already reached the guards. Just a grab and they’d be instantly dealt with. But as Samuel reached his hands out for the peacemaker’s neck, he spotted a familiar girl in the crowd. A very very familiar girl. A girl with glittery, long black hair that fell to her chest and a worried expression that stuck out compared to the rest of the disorganized crowd.
“Nova?” Samuel asked as his eyes widened with surprise.
The plank that was carrying Ben dropped, and Ben plummeted to his demise. His body hung loose in the noose, and people let out gasps of shock. Not because Ben had perished, but because-
Sunny’s plank hadn’t dropped yet.
Aurora had her hands on the peacemaker’s neck, quickly strangling him to death and snatching the rifle away from his hands. She pointed the rifle at the guards and began shooting away.
“What the- WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS-” Michael couldn’t finish his words as he was finished off too, and his body collapsed to the ground, dead. Aragorn had a worried look on his face, and suddenly he turned as white as his old brother.
“Wait a minute. That girl… That girl isn’t supposed to be here!” Aragorn shouted as he pointed at her, “That girl… That girl is FICTION! I know her fate! She is supposed to be-”
“What is going on?!” Samuel asked as the world began to tear apart. Buildings began to crumble, and tears in the sky suddenly began to open. Hundreds of thousands of creatures and humans alike began to pour in, and Samuel’s vision felt like it was frying.
“I can’t see anything…” Samuel said as darkness consumed the world, “Something happened.”
“The world’s collapsing!” Sunny announced as she looked around worriedly. Aurora, through all the chaos, clambered onto the stage and freed Sunny from her constraints.
“It’s probably from the fact that too many things that were never supposed to happen in the timeline occurred all at once!” Sunny realized. The three regrouped. They had no time to react, however, as their vision was filled with lines and lines of dialogue, words, thoughts, EVERYTHING.
“What- is- going- on?”
And in an instant, it all ended.
“What’s wrong?” Ben asked as he leaned against the wall of his hut. Sunny had a troubled look on her face, her eyes squinted and her head hung in shame. Her bright orange hair seemed duller than usual.
“Ben, do you ever regret not finishing your story?” she questioned as she looked up with remorse.
Ben paused, then put his fists in his pockets. More vines continued to ensnare his limbs as he struggled to find the right answer.
“Yes. And no, at the same time,” Ben answered honestly, “I never really told you why I stopped working on my story, did I?”
“No. You never did,” Sunny replied, her eyes darting around the area. The others were still asleep. But Sunny knew that Ben hated revealing his secrets to people he didn’t trust. People like Samuel could make way with that information and use it against him, to either emotionally bribe Ben or get him on his side. Ben took his hands out of his pockets again and clasped them together, trying to feel some sort of semblance. Some sort of semblance to affection.
“I never finished my story because I… I didn’t have the heart to… hurt my characters any longer,” Ben replied, “They suffered through a lot. Too much, actually. All for the sake of love. So I stopped it.”
Ben felt a chill down his spine, but he ignored it. Just the wind, probably.
“And besides,” Ben continued, “I no longer had a muse.”
“I understand how that feels,” Sunny replied, “I felt the same way when I killed… You know who off.”
“I know. You know I hated Michael for that, right?” Ben said with a soft laugh. Sunny laughed back. Ben sighed, and he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, I applaud you for your work. You finished The Terrible Demise of Tortuga, and I couldn’t even finish my story. I’ll always respect ya for that. You have a writer’s courage, I don’t.”
“Don’t say that about yourself,” Sunny said, “I’m sure your story could have been phenomenal.”
Just then, someone exited the thatch hut. Samuel.
“Morning, you two,” Samuel said.
“Morning,” Ben replied, “Freshen up and get ready. Grab your weapons and supplies, we’ll be going out as soon as Skyler gives the word.”
“Yeah yeah whatever,” Samuel replied as he walked off.
Although Sunny felt like something else should have happened, nothing did. It was nothing.
“Probably just my imagination,” Sunny thought. She blasted herself with a wave of warmth using her implant attribute, all while she waited for the rest of the camp to wake up.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 11/11
“What’s wrong?” Ben asked as he leaned against the wall of his hut. Sunny had a troubled look on her face, her eyes squinted and her head hung in shame. Her bright orange hair seemed duller than usual.
“Ben, do you ever regret not finishing your story?” she questioned as she looked up with remorse.
Ben paused, then put his fists in his pockets. More vines continued to ensnare his limbs as he struggled to find the right answer.
“Yes. And no, at the same time,” Ben answered honestly, “I never really told you why I stopped working on my story, did I?”
“No. You never did,” Sunny replied, her eyes darting around the area. The others were still asleep. But Sunny knew that Ben hated revealing his secrets to people he didn’t trust. People like Samuel could make way with that information and use it against him, to either emotionally bribe Ben or get him on his side. Ben took his hands out of his pockets again and clasped them together, trying to feel some sort of semblance. Some sort of semblance to affection.
“I never finished my story because I… I didn’t have the heart to… hurt my characters any longer,” Ben replied, “They suffered through a lot. Too much, actually. All for the sake of love. So I stopped it.”
Ben felt a chill down his spine, but he ignored it. Just the wind, probably.
“And besides,” Ben continued, “I no longer had a muse.”
“I understand how that feels,” Sunny replied, “I felt the same way when I killed… You know who off.”
“I know. You know I hated Michael for that, right?” Ben said with a soft laugh. Sunny laughed back. Ben sighed, and he scratched the back of his head.
“Well, I applaud you for your work. You finished The Terrible Demise of Tortuga, and I couldn’t even finish my story. I’ll always respect ya for that. You have a writer’s courage, I don’t.”
“Don’t say that about yourself,” Sunny said, “I’m sure your story could have been phenomenal.”
Just then, someone exited the thatch hut. Samuel.
“Morning, you two,” Samuel said.
“Morning,” Ben replied, “Freshen up and get ready. Grab your weapons and supplies, we’ll be going out as soon as Skyler gives the word.”
“Yeah yeah whatever,” Samuel replied as he walked off.
Although Sunny felt like something else should have happened, nothing did. It was nothing.
“Probably just my imagination,” Sunny thought. She blasted herself with a wave of warmth using her implant attribute, all while she waited for the rest of the camp to wake up.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 10/11
“WAIT!” Sunny shouted, “Don’t, don’t do it yet. Please. Can you at least let me say my last words?”
The peacekeeper looked at Sunny, sighed, then dropped her hand. Michael chuckled in amusement, crossing his arms slyly.
“Alright. I’ll entertain you.”
Sunny closed her eyes, and then opened them again.
“Emma! I know you’re out there somewhere,” Sunny called out. There were murmurs of confusion.
“Do you know her?” Andrew asked as he held onto Emma’s hand. Emma shook her head.
“No, but, I feel like…” Emma continued with squinted eyes, “I feel like I’ve known her forever.”
“Emma…” Sunny shouted with a smile, “I just wanted to let you know, I’m proud of you. I couldn’t have gotten to where I was without you. So, thank you. Keep going out with someone you truly love, kay? And keep an eye out for your parents, okay? They’re going to need it.”
Aragorn, Emma’s father, shuffled uncomfortably at the sight.
“This just feels… wrong, it feels like my daughter is being hanged herself,” Aragorn muttered to Arianna. Arianna put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“And Ben?” Sunny said while looking at him, “You don’t need to tell me the answer to my question anymore.”
“I already know the answer.”
“Okay, finally,” Michael sneered, “No idea why you know so much about Emma, but that won’t matter now. Cause you’re about to DIE!”
By now, Samuel and Aurora had already reached the guards. Just a grab and they’d be instantly dealt with. But as Samuel reached his hands out for the peacemaker’s neck, he spotted a familiar girl in the crowd. A very very familiar girl. A girl with glittery, long black hair that fell to her chest and a worried expression that stuck out compared to the rest of the disorganized crowd.
“Nova?” Samuel asked as his eyes widened with surprise.
The plank that was carrying Ben dropped, and Ben plummeted to his demise. His body hung loose in the noose, and people let out gasps of shock. Not because Ben had perished, but because-
Sunny’s plank hadn’t dropped yet.
Aurora had her hands on the peacemaker’s neck, quickly strangling him to death and snatching the rifle away from his hands. She pointed the rifle at the guards and began shooting away.
“What the- WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS-” Michael couldn’t finish his words as he was finished off too, and his body collapsed to the ground, dead. Aragorn had a worried look on his face, and suddenly he turned as white as his old brother.
“Wait a minute. That girl… That girl isn’t supposed to be here!” Aragorn shouted as he pointed at her, “That girl… That girl is FICTION! I know her fate! She is supposed to be-”
“What is going on?!” Samuel asked as the world began to tear apart. Buildings began to crumble, and tears in the sky suddenly began to open. Hundreds of thousands of creatures and humans alike began to pour in, and Samuel’s vision felt like it was frying.
“I can’t see anything…” Samuel said as darkness consumed the world, “Something happened.”
“The world’s collapsing!” Sunny announced as she looked around worriedly. Aurora, through all the chaos, clambered onto the stage and freed Sunny from her constraints.
“It’s probably from the fact that too many things that were never supposed to happen in the timeline occurred all at once!” Sunny realized. The three regrouped. They had no time to react, however, as their vision was filled with lines and lines of dialogue, words, thoughts, EVERYTHING.
“What- is- going- on?”
And in an instant, it all ended.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 9/11
A half hour later, two familiar friends were being forced onto the plank. Ben and Sunny. They both wore fancy suits and dresses. Their hands were bound behind their back, and Ben’s left eye was swollen, as if someone had socked him right in the face.
“That’s them,” Samuel said, looking at the two.
“So what’s the plan?” Aurora asked.
“We need to prevent that plank from dropping at all costs,” Samuel revealed his master plan, “I see two levers on the sides there. Those are probably to release the planks they are standing upon. An armed individual at each lever. We can sneak up on them and take them out easily.”
Aurora’s eyes scanned the area, and she saw three other guards in the area, along with a man holding a giant axe.
“What about those ones? They’ll shoot us-”
“We’ll shoot them first,” Samuel said, “We can use the stages as cover. And besides I highly doubt they’d want to risk shooting their own men.”
“Okay, let’s do this then,” Aurora replied while clenching her fist. Samuel decided that he would take the left (where Ben was), and Aurora would take the right (where Sunny was).
The two snuck their way through the crowd, not wanting to be seen by any of the armed ones. As they did, the two guards who were manning the levers tied nooses around the two “criminals”. Sunny had a gloomy look on her face while Ben looked pretty… happy.
“Well do you two have any last words?” Michael asked with a grin, “I’ll let the boy go first.”
“Oh, me?” Ben asked with a raised eyebrow. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest. Out of all the places he wanted to die, he didn’t want to die here. He didn’t want to die to some creepazoid. What a humiliating way to go!
“Well, I guess this is it, huh?” Ben said, looking on at the crowd, “You probably don’t even know who I am or care about who I am… But whatever. At least I’ll die for a good cause, heh. I’m sure this will appease the… Executioner's bloodlust. I know he’s been aching for a kill for a while now. Hopefully that will prevent… some people’s deaths.”
The Executioner gasped.
“What?! How did he know?!” he asked in horror.
“And, of course, we can’t forget about that creepazoid Michael. Heh. You guys should’ve seen the look on that guy’s face when we pelted him with dirt! It was HILARIOUS! Ahh, what a twig.”
A snort echoed from the crowd, and Michael looked FURIOUS.
“I heard that!” Michael shouted, “You know what? Just kill him, NOW!”
The peacekeeper reached for the lever…
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 8/11
Neddy was getting really worried for Ben and the orange-haired girl.
One minute he was having a dance battle with Ruby (which he very clearly won), and the next men and women carrying guns barged in chasing the two down. Neddy didn’t stick around to find out why they were there, but it was pretty obvious what was going on. The two were being arrested.
And now, Neddy and his allies were being brought to the town square, for some unknown reason by the woman with the gun.
“Something’s wrong, I can feel it,” Aurora said as she looked around worriedly.
“You can’t feel anything wrong,” Samuel butted in, “That’s not how it works.”
“You should feel something wrong,” someone said. They turned around to see an interesting looking fellow with aging hair and an aging body facing them.
“What do you mean by that, old man?” Neddy asked.
“They only round up the citizens for one thing,” the man explained, “A hanging. A hanging for the most serious crimes, like murder or worse.”
“But Ben and Sunny aren’t even evil! They’re normal people who barely just graduated,” Ruby protested.
“Yeah, well ever since that rat Michael and his brothers came into power following their parents’ passing, I could anticipate things going downhill. He’s probably on an ego trip, using his power to execute those he despises.”
“Who the heck is that-” Neddy was cut off by the man.
“Listen,” the man said, crouching down to look them in the eye, “I know you four don’t belong here. I would’ve known if there were more people coming to Tortuga. Once they find out you aren’t one of us they’ll kill you too. You need to escape as fast as you can.”
“We can’t do that,” Samuel said, “We need Ben and the orange-haired girl for… reasons. We can’t abandon them now. I figured, those two know more about this place than any of us. Why else would they get in trouble so easily?”
The man sighed, then began to retreat into the crowd.
“Whatever you say, but don’t say I didn’t warn you…”
Samuel nodded toward Ruby and Neddy.
“You two should find a hiding place. Those people with the guns will probably all be here at once, no one will patrol the streets. If all of us get caught then that won’t be good, me and Aurora will stay behind and find a way to get those two out of their situation.”
Neddy opened his mouth to protest, but Ruby stopped him.
“We can’t argue about it now. Let’s just listen and leave, we can go to that boat house, I don’t think the ones with guns want to investigate a house with a freakin’ crocodile in it!”
Wordlessly, the two quickly fled the scene, leaving Samuel and Aurora to sort the problem out on their own.
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 7/11
“Those two look like they’re having fun,” Emma told Andrew as they held hands while watching, “Who do you have your bets on?”
“I definitely think the nerdy one is winning,” Andrew replied with a grin.
Suddenly, the manor doors burst open, and Ben and Sunny rushed through the ballroom in a panic.
“WATCH OUTTTT!” Ben screamed as he dived into the crowd. Everyone let out gasps as the two weaved their way through the crowd, trying to get lost by the peacekeepers who were chasing them.
A few peacekeepers entered the ballroom with their rifles out and pointed at the crowd. Everyone screamed and began to disperse.
“Darn it! We need to find a hiding place!” Sunny yelled.
“You think we can follow the crowd?”
“We can’t, they’ll notice me easily. We need to find a hiding place,” Sunny said. She sighed as she continued to run for her life, “Perhaps we shouldn’t have messed with the mayor.”
“Whatever. Doesn’t matter. We both know this place better than the mayors themselves, right?”
“Right,” Sunny replied as they made a bolt for an emergency exit.
But as soon as they approached the door, it burst open and a giant man wielding an axe walked in.
“Tsk tsk, look who we have here,” the Executioner laughed as he stomped their way toward the two. The two heard rifles being readied, and a woman shouted out to the two of them.
“Freeze! Hands in the air, both of you!”
The two stopped right in their tracks, and slowly raised their hands in the air.
“Welp,” Ben said, “We’re screwed.”
“Well, well, well,” the voice of the creepazoid slithered into their ears. Michael walked in front of the two writers with his hands clasped behind his back and a pleased smile on his face.
“Looks like I finally caught you two. You must be crazy if you think you can just humiliate me like that and be let go with no punishment,” Michael sneered, “You will be EXECUTED! Guards, have them arrested and taken to the town square!”
Michael turned to the woman peacekeeper, Helen, the one who had originally escorted Ben and Sunny to the manor.
“You, round up all the citizens and have them watch this execution. That will send a message. A message that all who dare rebel or oppose me shall face the same fate as these dimwits. I’ll be waiting in the town square…”
Michael let out an evil laugh, and he walked away, the authors’ fates sealed.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 6/11
“This sure is an extravagant lookin’ place,” Neddy said as they looked around the place. The two had followed the large family into a manor, and there seemed to be a dance taking place. Lovers danced and twirled within each others’ arms and some classical music was playing in the background.
“Hey, look, it’s Samuel and Aurora! And they’re dancing!” Ruby gasped in shock. Samuel and Aurora were slow dancing, and Aurora was holding his hand and they looked like true lovers.
“Oooooh,” Neddy giggled, “If only I had a camera to save this.”
The two approached Aurora and Samuel, and as they did they began to laugh. The two turned to them with a peculiar look.
“Neddy? Ruby?” Samuel asked politely.
“Ha ha, you two should look at yourselves! You two look like you’re in loooove,” Ruby teased the two of them. Neddy and Ruby laughed, and Samuel’s face dropped in annoyance.
“We’re only dancing because some scumbag was trying to get with Aurora, so now we have to keep this game up or he’ll see right through us,” Samuel explained. Aurora hesitantly nodded along.
“Yeah, yeah that’s right,” Aurora said, “We hate each other's guts. I’d never be seen with the likes of Samuel.”
“Well we just caught you!” Neddy blurted.
The two laughed again, and Samuel shook his head in disapproval.
“Whatever, just go ahead and dance together or something,” Samuel said.
“You know what? That’s what we should do,” Ruby said. She turned to Neddy, and pointed a finger at him.
“Dance off!”
Ruby began to pull out a few crazy moves, twirling around like a ballerina and letting her hair flow around like crazy. After she was finished, Neddy did a dance of his own. He kicked the floor, began to move his arms back and forth, and finally to finish it off he moonwalked all over.
“Okay, okay you know your stuff!” Ruby shouted back, “But you can’t surpass this move!”
Ruby instantly dropped to the floor and began to do the worm, and somehow, she jumped back onto her feet, spun around, and all while on HER HEELS.
Neddy’s mouth opened in shock, and by now a crowd had started to form. Murmurs of excitement echoed throughout the manor’s halls, and even Mike the scumbag was watching in curiosity.
“Oh yeah? Well guess what?”
“Chicken butt!”
“Gosh damn it Neddy!”
Neddy got on his head and began to break dance! Everyone gasped and began to cheer loudly, pumping their fists in the air as Ruby could only look around and watch in terror. She was losing the dance battle!
“NO! I can’t lose now!” Ruby thought with a glare, “We’ve only just started! Well too bad for Neddy that he used his last trump card too early. I already have something better than his little break dancing up my sleeve!”
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 5/11
“Dude, look, look at that guy over there!” Ben said while pointing at a smug looking individual who was wearing a white suit. He had a terribly trimmed goatee and dirt brown hair that kneaded into curly knots.
“Dude, I think that’s Michael,” Sunny whispered back, not wanting to alert the attention of the peacekeeper.
“That’s hilarious. You never said what he looked like, he’s even uglier in person!” Ben snickered as he walked along the stone path. He looked ahead to see that the peacekeeper had her back turned on them. Ben looked at Michael, and then back at Sunny, and then tilted his head.
“I have a good idea. Let’s follow this guy.”
“What are you planning?”
“Nothing nothing this is going to be so funny, we’re just going to mess with him that’s all,” Ben whispered.
“Really, Ben? Is now the time for practical jokes?” Sunny whispered with unamusement.
“Come on, nothing could go wrong, I’ve always hated that creepazoid. I wanna at least have a little fun here, you know? This is crazy, how you can just interact with your own characters! Come on, haven’t you wanted to sock that creepazoid at least once??”
Sunny sighed, then began to storm toward Michael.
“Alright, fine. Let’s do this.”
“Woo hoo! Now, I have like, the perfect idea for what we’re going to do to him. It’s gonna be hilarious.”
The two snuck past the peacekeeper and started to slowly follow Michael. At first, Ben thought that maybe it wasn’t a good idea to mess with Michael. If the course of the timeline changed at any moment, who knew what sort of trouble could occur?
But, considering they had gotten here under strange circumstances, Ben decided that now wasn’t the time to be going over the logistics of their current situation.
By now, the two were following closely behind Michael, watching as he approached the manor closer and closer.
“Okay, so the plan is we… Give him a little gift,” Ben said, as he bent forward to pick up a clump of dirt. Sunny grinned in approval, and picked up a wad of dirt as well.
“Okay, GOT IT,” Sunny replied with a devious smile.
The two walked toward Michael, and as soon as they did, they both tripped over air and landed the dirt on Michael’s suit and hair respectively.
“What in tarnation-” Michael’s ears began to burst with steam, as he clenched his fists and turned around with an enraged expression on his face.
Ben opened his mouth in fake surprise, and Sunny covered her mouth with a gasp.
“OMG, we are like, so sorry, for that inconvenience!” Ben apologized sarcastically.
“I know, right?” Sunny added on, “And like, we know you have a date to go to, with, Emma. Oh wait, sorry, she’d never get with the likes of you. She’s with another boy who’s better than you!”
The two burst into laughter, and Michael gritted his teeth and grabbed Ben’s collar and raised his fist in the air.
“Oh you are SO getting it now! How do you even know about that?!” Michael shouted as spit flew out of his mouth and onto Ben’s flower.
As soon as THAT happened, Ben boiled up in rage.
“Dude, NOT COOL, dude,” Ben replied with a sneer. He leaned his head back and then bashed it into Michael’s face! Michael let out a cry of pain, and then dropped Ben to the ground. He held his nose in pain as blood spilled out of his nostrils and onto his lip.
Ben quickly got up, looked at Sunny, and she nodded back in affirmation.
“RUN!” they both yelled as they made a dash for the manor.
As the two attempted to flee from the mayor though, Michael glared and reached for a walkie-talkie. He pressed a button and began to speak into it.
“I want ALL the peacekeepers AND the Executioner to leave their posts and go to the manor, now! Two people just assaulted me and I want them hanged!”
“What’s their description?” a voice crackled from the other side.
“One’s a girl wearing an orange dress and the other is a boy that has a flower sticking out of his breast pocket, they’ll stick out like sore thumbs!”
“Okay, sir, we’re on it right now,” the Executioner replied with a soft chuckle, “Ahh, looks like I’ll have someone to kill, finally.”
The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 4/11
“I guess everyone’s having a fun time on the dance floor, huh?” Samuel scoffed as he looked at everyone slow dancing on the stone floor. He was wearing a black polo shirt with black jeans. Aurora took a sip of grape juice out of a glass as she looked on at the participants with jealousy.
“Yeah, yeah they are,” Aurora spat. She was wearing a black dress that had white speckles of light pouring out of it. Aurora nodded her head toward a couple who looked pretty young. They looked no older than middle schoolers, and they were bouncing together left and right. Clearly, they had no experience dancing.
“Just look at this sappy garbage, what is this, Valentine’s Day?” Aurora asked with squinted eyes, “Hilarious.”
“Okay emo girl with the moody no-romance sort of thing,” Samuel chuckled as he stared at a couple who was slowly dancing meticulously, almost perfectly. One wore an aquamarine dress, while the other a fancy tuxedo. Samuel didn’t know why, but seeing these two dancing like that made him feel like he wanted something more.
“Okay so I guess last night didn’t happen then, huh?” Aurora sneered while shooting a death glare at Samuel.
“What am I even supposed to say to that sort of thing?!” Samuel asked with his arms in the air, “When you make a move like that! I mean come on, we’re on some island that wants us to die at any moment, you think I can handle that sort of information?”
Aurora sighed, turning her head away with a glare.
“Whatever… We can’t even worry about that now, we’re here in another place and we don’t know how dangerous. For now let’s just wait it out. We’ll see if some person comes in saying it was all just some massive prank.”
A few more minutes of waiting, and eventually a boy came strolling in the manor as if it were his home. It was hard to describe him for sure, but all Samuel knew for sure was that he looked like a massive douchebag.
The boy, despite being at least a few inches shorter than the two of them, began to walk the perimeter of the dance floor, carefully inspecting all of the girls, until eventually he reached Samuel and Aurora.
“Oh my, you are quite a lovely lady!” the boy gasped as his eyes met Aurora’s. Aurora raised an eyebrow at him.
“Why I’ve never had the pleasure to meet you, stranger,” the scumbag cooed, “What is such a pretty lady like you doing alone on the sidelines? You should be dancing with someone like me, Mike.”
Aurora burst into laughter, leaving Mike a little flabbergasted. Samuel couldn’t help but snort too. The whole situation was so funny to the both of them.
“Are you serious?” Aurora asked.
“Y-Yes, I am serious! I am the one who owns this manor that you step your feet in at this moment, and I am the one who runs this town! I could have you executed for your insolence!” the scumbag, Mike, shouted into her face.
“Oh come on, why would I dance with you? You look no older than a freshie!” Aurora giggled with a devilish smile.
“What is that supposed to even mean?!”
“Doesn’t matter,” Aurora grinned, as she slyly grabbed onto Samuel’s arms. Samuel groaned to himself as he realized he’d have to play along now, “I’m already taken for the night, right Sammy Wammy?”
“Yep, that’s right,” Samuel quickly lied. He then added with remarkable cleverness, “Sorry lil bro. I guess you lucked out tonight… Better luck next time, am I right? Don’t worry, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”
Aurora giggled, and she led the two away to the dance floor, leaving the mayor to fume with anger, humiliated by two strangers who weren’t even citizens of the town.
“Heh heh, that was pretty funny,” Aurora laughed as they walked near the center of the dance floor.
“Yeah, yeah it was,” Samuel replied, “But did you REALLY have to give me a pet name like THAT?!”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 3/11
“Wahhhh, wew wew wew wew,” Neddy snored. He twisted and turned, until he noticed that he felt a large, scaly snout on his legs. He blinked his eyes, looked back, and his eyeballs nearly popped out the sockets at the sight. Even without his glasses, he saw a Sarcosuchus sleeping peacefully atop his legs.
“Uh oh-”
“Neddy, OMG thank goodness you’re awake, I thought you were done for!” a voice whispered. Neddy looked up to see a girl wearing an elegant red dress adorned with gems with her hands placed on her mouth.
“Uhhh, Ruby??” Neddy guessed. Ruby smiled.
“Yeah, yeah it’s me,” Ruby smirked as she leaned against a doorway.
“Are you going to help me out?” Neddy asked, “I think I’m trapped beneath the snout of a very very dangerous, possibly hungry man-eater. I’d prefer to get out of here as soon as possible!”
“Of course, of course,” Ruby whispered back. She tippy-toed over to Neddy’s legs, crouched down, and gently lifted the beast’s snout off Neddy’s legs. He wiggled away, and Ruby laid its snout onto the floor.
“Whew, thanks for that Ruby,” Neddy thanked Ruby, “Now should we get out of here?”
“Yes, I think we should.”
The two quickly creeped out the doorway and into a dining room. The walls were made of glass panes and they could see out into a gentle man-made river. They were in a boathouse.
“Hey this house is pretty nice,” Neddy commented as he blinked rapidly.
“It’s dark, huh? It’s even a little hard for me to see,” Ruby realized, “I want to make a torch, or anything really but for some reason, I can’t fathom the idea of even making one.”
“What do you mean? You can make anything!”
“Neddy, I don’t know what was happening to us in our sleep, but when I woke up I saw we were traveling through this weird void. I saw four other people falling too. Aurora, Samuel, Ben, and the girl with orange hair.”
“So we’re not alone in this. But where else could they be?”
“I don’t know, but we’re going to have to find out. Maybe we can find some people, they’ll know if they saw any emo girls and emo boys and orange-haired girls and, well, you get the point,” Ruby declared with closed eyes.
So with that plan set, the two headed out the presumably front door, and noticed a large gathering of people walking toward a large manor. They were all wearing formal attire.
“Hey, I think they’re going somewhere,” Neddy pointed at them, “I guess we should follow them.”
There were a few lamp posts that followed the stone paths, and Ruby noticed that Neddy was wearing a white dress shirt and black bowtie. He was also wearing black dress pants. Neat.
“I don’t know if you look like a gentleman or a nerd,” Ruby said as she looked Neddy up and down. Then she grinned, “I guess you look more like the former.”
“HA HA,” Neddy laughed boisterously, “Wait, really?”
“Yeah dude, you look snazzy!” Ruby said while slugging his shoulder playfully.
The two continued to laugh the night away. Even with this crazy situation going on, it wasn’t that bad if the two were together in it. It would never be that bad.
Yeah, it was pretty nice, actually.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 2/11
“What are you two doing out here? You two should be at the mayors’ manor!” the woman shouted at the two. As she marched up to them, Ben noticed she was carrying a rifle on her back, and had a dagger on her belt. She had a walkie-talkie too. She had long, blonde hair that was hanging in a braid down her back and stern, green eyes. She also wore a black uniform that blended in with the shadows of the night.
“Hello?? Can you not understand me or WHAT?!” she barked. She reached for her dagger, but Sunny raised her hand out with desperation.
“Wait! Please, we were going to go to the manor!” Sunny cried out, “But we’re new here and we don’t even know where it is… We’ve been walking around for ages but still haven’t found it. We’re new here, please forgive us. We’d never go disobeying the mayors’ verdict.”
The lady squinted her eyes at them, but eventually turned around and ushered them to follow her.
“Ugh. You must be from that crazy family with the ugly necklaces. Fine, you’re off the hook this time. Come with me. I’ll show you the manor, you’re lucky you ran into me and not the Executioner.”
“Lucky indeed,” Ben muttered as he followed along. Sunny walked closely behind, and Ben looked at Sunny as if she were crazy.
“Sunny, what are we doing in your story?!” Ben whisper-shouted, “What kind of madness have you put us through-”
“Look, I never asked to be put here in Tortuga, it’s not like I even have the power to make portals to fictional realms,” Sunny responded sarcastically, “We were brought here against our own will. For some reason, although I don’t know why.”
“So what are we even supposed to do now? Sure, this is better than stressing out on that island, but we can’t just stay here in this damned city! Who knows how time will pass, for all we know all our friends back in the Book Club are dead-”
“Don’t stress it, Ben,” Sunny assured Ben hastily, “Our survival matters most. We’ll figure a way out of here. Besides, we’ll know the day the British come. So if we do have to wait THAT long to get out of here, then we’ll go to the sewers before everyone else. We’ll be safe.”
“And what about the recruits?” Ben asked.
“They’ll be fine. Remember we have to worry about ourselves before anyone else.”
“Alright then,” Ben said as he adjusted his collar, “I guess we have a ball to attend.”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 23.5: Time Paradox
Part 1/11
“What’s wrong?” Ben asked as he leaned against the wall of his hut. Sunny had a troubled look on her face, her eyes squinted and her head hung in shame. Her bright orange hair seemed duller than usual.
“Ben, do you ever regret not finishing your story?” she questioned as she looked up with remorse.
Ben paused, then put his fists in his pockets. More vines continued to ensnare his limbs as he struggled to find the right answer.
“Yes. And no, at the same time,” Ben answered honestly, “I never really told you why I stopped working on my story, did I?”
“No. You never did,” Sunny replied, her eyes darting around the area. The others were still asleep. But Sunny knew that Ben hated revealing his secrets to people he didn’t trust. People like Samuel could make way with that information and use it against him, to either emotionally bribe Ben or get him on his side. Ben took his hands out of his pockets again and clasped them together, trying to feel some sort of semblance. Some sort of semblance to affection.
“I never finished my story because I-”
The air around them began to crackle, and suddenly the world around them began to corrupt. A chilling bellow echoed throughout their ears, as Ben and Sunny fell through time and space itself.
“Okay… I didn’t expect to be interrupted by THIS!” Ben shouted as he felt his words distort and replay all at once. The two of them looked around to see four figures falling with them. Samuel, Aurora, Neddy, and Ruby. But as Ben squinted his eyes, in the distance he could see a fifth. It was a girl with long, black, glittery hair.
“Who is that??” Sunny screamed.
In an instant, everything seemed to return to normal. A chilly wind brushed past their cheeks. They were in some small city that had stone paths and had buildings of the old days. It was the dark of night, and Ben felt a tight feeling on his body. He looked down to see himself in a black tuxedo with a red tie. Sunny was wearing an orange, modern dress that was the color of the sun.
“Where in the world are we?” Ben asked as he looked around, “And why do we have these uncomfortable suits on? What is going on here?!”
Before Ben continued to speak, he reached for his pocket, and let out a sigh of relief as he felt the soft touch of the hibiscus flower in his tuxedo pocket. He pulled it out a little and now it stuck out, like how a gentleman would wear it.
There were a few burning lights, but they could barely see whatsoever. The streets were barren, and it looked like a ghost town if they’d ever seen one.
“I don’t know, but something about this place looks familiar,” Sunny murmured as her head darted around the place, “Let’s look around. I saw the four recruits get transported with us. Maybe they’re somewhere around the area.”
The two began to wander the city, until eventually they spotted a woman marching toward them. The two stopped in their tracks, and as Sunny took a good look at her, her face washed with white.
“No, it can’t be,” Sunny whispered.
The tale of the shadow phoenixes
Chapter twenty eight.
James and Tom back at the castle were practicing fighting with swords. James blocked Tom’s sword with his own then stuck out his leg, tripping Tom. James stood over Tom about to tap him with his sword when a face flashed in his mind. A girl with glowing hazel eyes and long rolling curls of brownish-red hair. A pretty smile played on her mouth. James blinked and he was on the floor. Tom was looming over him. Tom tapped James gently with his sword. “Point.” Tom said. James got to his feet. “Let’s be done for today.” James said, sighing. Tom raised his eyebrow. “Are you okay James? Listen James I know you love her.” Tom said. James opened his mouth to retort but Tom held up his hand. “No. If you love her that much..go tell her. I’ve seen her with Cole. She doesn’t seem happy with him. Not as happy as she is with you.” Tom said. “Do you really think so?” James asked. Tom nodded. “Yes, yes I do. Now, let me try to convince mom and dad to let us…visit Riverbend city one last time. Besides…I need to ask Leah something.”
Arianna sat her in her room that night, unable o go asleep. She just couldn’t get James off her mind. Everywhere she went he was always in her thoughts. Luckily Cole hadn’t stopped by. Arianna shivered. She liked Cole…as a friend but nothing more. Outside a dog began to bark. “Probably a wild dog.” Arianna thought. The dog continued barking. Then something hit the brick wall beside her window. Then something else hit the wall. Arianna ran to the window and looked out. A figure stood below her window. Arianna pulled the window up. “Hello?” She called. The man smiled up at her. “Arianna?” The man called. Arianna almost leapt from the window. “James!” She exclaimed happily. James smiled up at her. “Well? Don’t just leave me out in the cold. I didn’t come out here for nothing.” Arianna grabbed James’ jacket and hurried quietly out the back door where James was waiting. She ran into his arms. Arianna felt him embrace her gently. Tears of joy dripped down her face. “James. I didn’t think I’d see you ever again.” She said. James grinned. “Well, we convinced our parents to let us visit one last time. After all…there was a really special girl I met.” James said. Arianna smiled. “Oh James. I love you.” Then they kissed. A kiss full of love and joy. Until finally they broke apart. James led her to a bench in the garden and they sat down at it. “Before anything Arianna there’s something I need to tell you.” James said. Arianna nodded, her heart racing with excitement. “My family is no ordinary family. My father and mother are king and queen of a secret kingdom called the Shadow phoenixes. Me and my brother Tom will be the next rulers, since we’re twins. Our medallions are made from elements and every child gets one, which gives them powers to protect yourself. Arianna, if you marry me you would be queen. Are you wanting to do that?” James asked. Arianna stared at him in shock for a second then smiled. “James, I did not fall in love with a king over some childish whim, I fell in love with a man with a heart the size of Africa and the kindest man I’ve ever met.” Arianna said. “And I fell in love with a beautiful woman who loves people with all her heart and with eyes deeper than the seas.” James said. He sank to one knee. “Arianna Black, will you marry me. I’m not the best man in the world but…I don’t think I could live without you.” James said. “And I couldn’t live a day without you either. Yes!” James sprang to his feet excitedly and spun Arianna around in the air. Then they kissed again.
They spent a while together until finally James walked her to the back door. “What is your power anyway? Charming young women?” Arianna teased. “No. I can control shadows. Watch. ” James said. His medallion began to glow and suddenly Arianna’s shadow spun from behind her and James’ shadow caught her. Then Arianna’s shadow appeared back behind her. “Wow. That’s cool.” Arianna said. James shrugged. “Kind of.”
“What is it?” Arianna asked. James sighed. “The bad part of being in the shadow phoenixs family is that…our medallions keep us alive. So basically I’m chained to this body for a long time. We can live a long, long time and cause other people we love to live a long time but…if I were to die…” James shuddered. “…I’m afraid of that happening.” James said. Arianna put her hand on his cheek. “It’s okay James. You won’t have to go through that.”
Next chapter coming soon!
The tale of the shadow phoenixs.
Chapter twenty six.
Arianna sat in the musician’s house the next night waiting for James. She brought with her his jacket. The door opened and james walked in. Arianna’s heart skipped a beat. “Hi James.” She said. James smiled at her. He looked tired. “Are you ready for another lesson?” He asked. “Yes.” Arianna said. James went and stood in front of her on the stage. “So to help not be so embarrassed you have to pretend that the audience is cantaloupes.” James said. Arianna giggled. James gave her a mock serious look. “Shh. I’m talking student.” James said in a fake serious voice. “Okay. Maybe…could you show me what to do?” Arianna asked. James grinned. “Of course.” He grabbed his guitar, cleared his throat and faced her from the stage then began to sing. “You’re insecure, don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the door. Don’t need makeup to cover up, being the way that you are is enough. Everyone else in the room can see it. Everyone else but you. Baby, you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed but when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know, you don’t know you’re beautiful.” James sang. Arianna stood and clapped. James pretended to bow. “Thank you, thank you.” James said. Arianna walked up to him. “That was…beautiful James. Who…who were you talking about?” Arianna asked softly. James gulped and he stared into her bright hazel eyes. James and Arianna’s faces moved closer together and their lips were almost touching when….James pulled away, breathing heavily. James turned away from her. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. Listen, we can’t have anymore lessons. I’m leaving to go…home tomorrow. I hope…I hope that you and Cole have a good time.” James said, walking out the door. Arianna watched him go, a sob caught in her throat so she was unable to speak. Tears began to drip down her face. Why was he leaving her? Suddenly she realized why she had been feeling so sad. Because she loved James. Arianna sank down into a chair.She hugged James’ jacket to her chest. Then sobs began to rack her body.
Queen Of Aberration chapter 4
Sylveevee sat on her bed feeling dizzy she felt like someone was watching her she couldn’t see anyone she heard sunhigh talking to something she heard him moan she stayed where she was when she heard “if she goes to light i will take her soul” a mysterious voice said she froze hearing this she looked at one of her crystals it was dull it wasnt before she picked it up and pointed it to a figure and said “YOU FOUL BEAST GO BACK TO WHERE YOU BELONG” she yelled the figure disappeared into the crystal she stared at the crystal she walked out of the cabin and went to a nearby water source she threw the crystal into the water it sank she walked away but not to where the villains were but somewhere else a big tree with a hole underneath it she went down the hole to see skyocean there “what” skyocean said he had now just realized that sylveevee was being mind controlled cause when he saw her on the attack her eyes were clouded but they were clear now he didn’t trust this so he was standing back “your not the real sylveevee your not my actual sister your just a fake clone” skyocean said sylveevee’s heart broke at this she backed away and ran out of the tree tears in her eyes she ran into a deep woods she was crying a fairy was there “are you ok” it said in a sweet voice “no..” sylveevee said still sobbing “im sarah” she fairy said “im sylveevee” sylveevee said they chatted for a while…
P.S the fairy was requested by my aunt