Journey Through All Creatures

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Journey Through All Creatures

Chapter 16: Ripples Through the Island

Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Megalodon, next chapter in Otter.

Chapters to the end of Section I: 9

The moonlight shone over the Island, the quiet island where creatures slept in their nests, the tribes were all sleeping, and everything was peaceful. All except one. The castle on the slopes of Far’s Peak had lights on in the windows near the front door. In the room, there was a group of people sitting at a table, sleep derived and tired. Terad was restless, though, and stood in the front of everyone. “Dude… it’s 1:30 in the morning. Why did you get us up so early?” Someone said tiredly. “Because we’ve gotten reports that a large battle went down near the volcano yesterday afternoon. That battle had Nudon in it, and I’ve even heard…” Terad growled. He muttered something under his voice. “What?” Someone said. Terad started to growl louder until he yelled and slammed his fists on the table. “Nameless actually got hold of… her. One of the Gigas got hold of Serenity. I should’ve known he’d put my tribe in danger!” Terad yelled. “Dude, calm down. Nameless is really strong and Nudon…” Someone said, but Terad cut in. “Nudon, Nudon, Nudon has the most powerful shotgun in the universe! A pump shotgun that does 4500 damage is something astronomical. They would’ve easily destroyed Nameless. But no. Sodden had to try and do it himself and let them grab my friend.” Terad growled. No one said anything. “First thing when you wake up later this morning, we’re going to Nudon and we’re going to have a chat with that guy.” Terad said. Everyone nodded then ran upstairs. “I shouldn’t have trusted him.” Terad growled.

Later that morning, at around 9, when the sun was well above the horizon and light on the entire island, a group of Gigas, with people on them, walked from Far’s Peak towards the volcano. They approached the volcano and walked to Nudon’s wall. The hole in the wall had been fixed, and Terad hopped off the leading Giga to knock on the gates. Red sat in his castle when he looked at his security cameras set outside the walls and noticed the Giga group. He saw Terad knocking on the gates. Red leaped up from his chair and ran up the stairs to Denine’s room. Denine got up from her chair and the two ran down to the gates of the castle, then opened them and ran to the front gates. The gates opened and Terad walked to them. “Where’s Sodden?” Terad growled. “Whoa, dude. Chill. He did nothing wrong. In fact, his quick thinking saved our butts yesterday.” Red said. “In exchange for Serenity’s butt, right?” Terad said. “What are you talking about?” Red said. “I know he let Nameless get her. You had the shotgun. Why didn’t you use it?” Terad said. “We didn’t have the shotgun at the time! Sodden made a mistake, which caused the shotgun to fall in the hands of Nameless! Then they attacked us and had us on the ropes with the god shotgun! What, you thought we were just going to charge at someone holding a shotgun that does 4500 damage per shot!?” Red yelled. “Enough. I would like to see Sodden now.” Terad said sternly. “He’s not here right now. He’s doing some caves.” Red said. “Okay, Then I want Serenity back.” Terad said. He stormed through the gates and Red grabbed him, then Terad hit him. “Don’t grab me.” Terad said. “You don’t even know where she is.” Red said. Then Serenity walked from behind towards the gates. “What’s going on here? Oh, hey, Terad.” Serenity said. Terad grabbed her arm and stormed to the Gigas. Terad pulled Serenity onto a Giga, then Serenity said, “Dude, what’s happening…” Terad interrupted the sentence. “Your little friend is in big trouble.” Terad said. He turned his Gigas around and they walked towards Far’s Peak.

On Carno Island, Sodden ran out of the Devious cave with the artifact in his hands and hopped on his pteranodon. “That was crazy. My crossbow almost broke and I almost lost my raptor, but at least I have another artifact. Two down, one to go.” Sodden said. The pteranodon took off and they flew towards the Artifact of the Brute cave. But while they flew there, a bola flew at the pteranodon and it hit, causing the pteranodon to screech and start pummeling to the ground. The pteranodon lost 80% of its health the second it hit the ground. Sodden looked up to see Terad’s Giga, Grease, standing above him. He picked Sodden up and threw him onto Grease’s saddle. Sodden got up and saw Terad. “You’re an idiot. And a traitor. You could’ve used the shotgun to kill the Gigas, but you didn’t.” Terad growled. “Wha… what are you talking about? Is this about the battle yesterday?” Sodden said. “What I’m sure happened was you stood there, in front of Cordor and his friends, and did nothing while their Giga grabbed Serenity. You could’ve used the god shotgun, but you didn’t. You did nothing. Explain now what is happening.” Terad sneered. “Okay… first of all, we didn’t have the shotgun. Nameless did. I made a mistake a few days ago and Nameless got the shotgun. Then they attacked us and tried to kill all of us. He had my Carcha on the ropes and I knew that sudden moves would get us killed. That shotgun does 4500 damage per shot! That’s 27,000 damage per one six-shot round! I knew that I’d have to think because he could have the power to one-shot any survivor. Terad, don’t blame me for this. Cordor had the shotgun in his hands. He was thinking about killing everyone in the tribe. Everyone… including her.” Sodden said as he pointed to Serenity. “Oh, yeah? Okay, what did you do?” Terad said. “When my Carcha was one shot away from death, I released my Raptor, Reaper, and led one of the super Rexes up, and they both distracted Cordor. I caught the shotgun and put him down instantly.” Sodden said. “Okay. I guess I misjudged you. But I’m keeping my eyes on you. You can’t ascend without my consent.” Terad said. Sodden nodded, then he and Serenity hopped off the Giga and ran to the pteranodon.

On the tip of Whitesky Peak, below the Blue Obelisk, there was a castle. A large castle that guarded the obelisk terminal device. In one of the top windows was Cordor, who sat near fires, the windows closed, and Cordor muttering angrily. Two people stood outside the door to the room. One said, “This is stupid. Because Cordor’s Level 1, any exposure to the outside can kill him in seconds. We can’t even take him out of the room without him losing 3 HP per second!” “We need our revenge.” Another said. The person nodded.

Sodden rode on his pteranodon with Serenity towards the volcano. After around an hour, they arrived back at the base. Serenity hopped off and proceeded to walk towards the castle, then looked back. “You coming?” Serenity asked. “No. I still got one more cave to do.” Sodden said. Serenity nodded. Sodden’s pteranodon took off again, and flew towards the cave that held the Artifact of the Brute.

When he arrived at the shore going to the cave, he put his pteranodon in a cryopod and threw out fived cryopods, each with high level Basilosauruses that Nudon gave him. He heard loud screeching from behind, then yanked out his shotgun and turned around and shot down the microraptor coming at hi. Sodden walked to the Basilosaurus, shot a Moschops down, and put on the scuba gear then dived down deep into the water. As he approached the cave, a Mosa came at him. Sodden’s Basilo pack ripped it apart in less than a minute, then they entered the cave, clearing out the eels and jellyfish that came at them.

We’ll be clearing out the rest of the caves for the next few chapters.


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