Just a warning in advance, read the entire thing before arguing please,

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Just a warning in advance, read the entire thing before arguing please,

Because you'll understand that I didn't mean it...

Ok, the argument is over...almost.

But uh, damn.

I scrolled down and wow p Metallica why did you ramble on and on and on. My god.

"If you had a brain, blah blah blah"

Looks like somebody's:









That's like my favorite word, don't take it personally. Also WHY THE HELL DID YOU SPEND ALL THAT TIME TALKING ABOUT BEING A SPECIES OF ALIENS AND STUFF? how much free time do you have? Also, did you seriously call "DIY" arguments bad? Do I need to put more of your arguments into a plagiarism test?

Before you throw twenty pointless arguments that make no sense because they aren't elaborated on,

let me tell you:

I'M jOkInG.

It's all A Joke (like my existence).

I need to go to discord now, so yeah...Oh no...Crap.

If you join it we are NOT going to argue on it.

-GTD backwards

(Also, DT is crappy when compared to the people who actually know how to write good stories. I plan on writing a better story afterwards that follows a steady and action-packed storyline and actually has characters who people would care about)

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