Today We Rise

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Today We Rise

Chapter 7 -

A head of us was a large platform being pulled by two equus. On said platform were 3 wolves, 4 raptors, a trike, and Duck. Duck. He is our target. Pathro took Chicken from me so I shall take Duck from him.

"Sand, see the Parasuar?" I asked my wolf

Sand nodded and tensed, preparing for the attack

"Good," I smirked, "we take him when it's dark."

Sand stopped and layed down. I climbed from her back and sat on the ground, leaning on her. My leg aches still. A couple days ago as me and Sand were following Pathro, we were attacked by a couple of raptors. One of them bit my leg, luckily Sand was there and is strong.

I'm still weary about Pathro, what if he didn't have anything to do with Chickens death and had thought I had left with her during the night? No. He killed Chicken and left me, and now I will take his Parasuar. I don't know what to do with the Parasuar after I have collected it but I'm sure I can think of something.

(Night Fall...)

As soon as the sky went completely black, except for tons of stars, we set for Pathro's temporary home. Really it was a platform with a tent bland dinosaurs but it was better then nothing. Creeping up to Duck, I noticed the blood everywhere. Feathers and blood. Chicken's feathers and blood. Rage rushed through me, he will pay. As soon as I reached that Parasuar I pulled a large butchers knife from my pocket. Gripping the handle, I held it eye level and crept in front of the sleeping Duck. I gently pressed the knife to his neck and pressed as hard as I could. Blood rushed from the wound. Duck woke and let out a horrid sound, calling for help. I ran the knife down his throat and then ran back to Sand. Tucking the knife in my pocket, I pulled myself onto her back.

"Quickly Sand! To the woods!" I told her. She launched herself into a sprint and reached the woods in a minute. Behind us raptors screeched, wolves howled and Pathro was screaming. I can't tell if he was yelling in anger or sorrow. All I know is how good and weird the dark joyful feeling felt as it crept through my bones.

I was able to make out a couple words from Pathro's yelling.

"Find.... kill....avenge!" Was all I could make out.

"Come on Sand, to the cliffs!" Sand ran through the woods, hurdling over fallen logs and small streams. It took 2 minutes and we were in the large clearing.

Sand came to a sudden stop, almost flinging me off of her back.

"Sand? What the hell?" I asked, regaining my balance. I turned to see the four raptors emerge from the woods. They stopped and smelled the air, chirping to each other quietly. Sand let out a low threatening growl, smart girl. We are the threat, not them. The largest of the four growled back, preparing to attack.

"Easy Sand. We tick them off, wait for them to reach us and then we dodge out of the way. They'll fly off of the cliff," I told her. Sand growled in response.

"I can't lose you too," I mumbled. She went quiet and nodded, before growling at the raptors again. The Alpha raptor let out a loud call, telling the others to attack.

"Get ready, and... Jump!" I ordered. Everything went perfectly. The raptors fell off of the cliff, all if them except for the Alpha.

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