Journey Through All Creatures
Journey Through All Creatures
Chapter 20: The Strong Showdown: Part 1
Note: Story starts in Achatina, The Island ABC order for Section I and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Phiomia. This is the first chapter of the two parter of the Strong Showdown. This is also the penultimate chapter of Cave Chapters. Next part of Strong Showdown, aka, next chapter, is in Quetzal.
Cave Chapters 4/5
Chapters to the end of Section I: 5! Chapter 25a will be in: T a
The sun began to rise above the horizon, on what would be a huge day for Sodden, as it was his first time running the Strong cave. The sun’s light flooded across the Island as it rose above the horizon. The light flooded into the windows of Nudon’s castle, and across Sodden’s bed on the third floor of the castle. Sodden opened his eyes, and yawned as he got up. He looked out the window, then walked to the door and went downstairs towards the first floor. Red came down just then. So did Serenity and Rod. “Oh, hey Rod. Didn’t know you were staying here.” Sodden said tiredly. “Yeah. Dundo and Nesan are taking care of my base. I wanted to stay to help you.” Rod said. “Okay, well, big day for Sodden here. He’s doing the Strong cave. I’ll get the supplies.” Red said. He walked to the forge room. Then some people walked into the castle and to the table in the middle. They put down cooked prime meat and some longrass crops on the table, along with a soup. “That soup over there will hopefully protect him from the cold down there.” Someone said to Rod. Rod nodded. “Okay, guys. I am glad to be here today. At first, I was really bad at this. I didn’t know how to handle it. But my mistakes are in the past now. We’re so close to the day I, along with Serenity, my great friend…” Sodden said. Serenity walked to him. “And Rod, the true cool dude… by the way, I love his Diplo.” Sodden said. Rod chuckled and walked to Sodden. “Will go and beat the bosses on Alpha difficulty. That’s right. I’m going for Alpha. And when we beat them, do the tek cave, and beat the overseer, my journey here will be over. I’ll be in Scorched Earth and Aberration for the rest. And when I return, we can hopefully get to Ragnarok, Crystal Isles, Lost Island, and Fjordur. Then Extinction after everything. I don’t know how well we’re going to do, how we’re going to beat Terad… but we will try. No matter what, we’re going to persist through everything, we’re going to stay strong… and it is on this day, and for many months to come, that the Journey Through All Creatures team will work together to ascend, reach Extinction, and destroy the Assassin Heart!” Sodden yelled. Everyone let out cheers of excitement. Red walked to Sodden and took out a cryopod. “We managed to save one of your raptors back when Nameless destroyed your old base. He was very badly hurt, but we saved him. If you want, you can build the raptor army again.” Red said. “Wait. I think it’s called… the Reaper army! Because the strongest raptor is named Reaper.” Sodden exclaimed. “Of course. Such a good name.” Red said. Sodden took the cryopod, put it in his bag, and the group went to eat.
A few hours later, Sodden was packing up his pteranodon with the Strong cave supplies. He wore the ascendant fur leggings, cap, and chestpiece, and also had the soup that would give him more hypothermic insulation. Red gave him five cryopods, one containing the Yuty, two containing the Rexes, and two containing the Theris. Sodden took the cryopods and put them in his bag. Red then gave him some canteens and cooked prime meat, and med brews. “These will help you stay alive in the cave. We can’t reach Level 100 all from scratch in a week so we gotta keep you alive.” Red said. Sodden nodded and took the extra supplies. “You’d better come back alive.” Rod said. “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine.” Sodden said. “Be careful. And good luck.” Serenity said. Sodden nodded. Then the pteranodon took off and set out for the Snow Cave.
After around 30 minutes of flying, the pteranodon got to the cave. Sodden hopped off, put his pteranodon in a cryopod, and walked to the cave entrance. He took a deep breath and walked into the tunnel. When he got to the fork in the path that led to the first chamber, he saw some wolves, so he threw out his Rex to handle the wolves. The Rex chomped up the wolves, and they only bit once and did almost no damage since the saddles were good. Sodden put the Rex back into the cryopod when the wolves were gone and walked to the small gap in the front wall that led to the chamber. Sodden threw out two Rexes into the chamber and a Yuty. Sodden ran to the Yuty and it roared, causing the Rexes to become energized, and a yellow ring appeared on their backs. The roar brought out 4 purlovias, one on the wall and three on the podium that led to the path. The Rexes attacked them, along with the polar bears running at them and wolves leaping at them. The Rexes crushed the bodies of the bears and stomped the wolves down as they ran around the chamber. When all the purlovias, bears, and wolves had been cleared out, Sodden put his Yuty in a cryopod, got on one of the rexes, and whistled for the other to follow them. They walked through the ice cold water and towards the path. Sodden put his Rexes in the cryopods and threw out both his Theris. He got on one and whistled follow on the other, and walked down the path, destroying the bears and wolves that came. When he got to the small river, he threw out the Yuty again and he roared a large shriek, energizing the Theris and causing the Purlovias to come out of their burrows. They screeched and ran to attack, then the Theris stabbed the Purlovias with their claws and scratched a wolf’s head when it tried to bite the Theri. The wolf ran away, then some bears came along and Sodden threw out the Rexes to clear them out. After some time, all the creatures were gone, and Sodden put everyone in their cryopods, then walked down to the next room. It was a pond, with icebergs around and purlovia burrows on each one. Sodden threw out the Yuty and it let out the shriek, and all the purlovias in the room, and some on the walls, were revealed. Sodden threw out his Rexes and they started destroying the creatures. The Rexes ate up wolves, crunched polar bears down, and stomped the purlovias. Then when Sodden got off to cryopod the Rexes and Yuty, the direwolf that was injured earlier leaped from behind and landed a hit at Sodden, causing him to stumble into the water and causing the chestpiece to lose 10 durability. Sodden yelled as he scrambled to get out. He had lost 10% of his health from the wolf and another 10% from the water. The wolf leaped again, but Sodden dodged it. The direwolf hit a Rex and it roared, stunning the wolf. The Rex picked up the wolf, the other grabbed its tail, and they both ripped the body in half, and blood splattered onto the iceberg and into the water. Sodden let out a sigh of relief, and put everyone into their cryopods. He jumped towards the path up to the tunnel, and when he hacked through the crystals with his pickaxe, he threw out his Yuty and Rex. The Yuty let out a shriek, energizing the Rex and revealing some purlovias on the walls and ground. The Rex went to attack, then got hit back by a Yeti. Then another one, along with two polar bears, came from the right section of the tunnel and attacked the Rex. The Rex stomped and crunched the purlovias and wolves, and tried to eat up the bears, but they, along with the Yeti, was doing some damage to the Rex. Sodden had the Yuty let out another screech to strengthen the Rex and then the Yuty started fighting the creatures. After a few minutes, the creatures were gone. Blood was on the ground, but the Rex was bruised, bloodied on her tail, and the Yuty was hurt too. Sodden put them both in a cryopod and walked towards the next large chamber. It was the last major obstacle before he had the river then the artifact. But it was also the largest chamber, and it was going to be jam packed with dangerous stuff in there. When he was just meters away from the chamber, he threw out the Yuty, got on it, and had the Yuty let out a screech to reveal the Purlovias on the entrance. He threw two Rexes into the chamber, and they started attacking the surrounding creatures. Sodden used his Yuty to kill the Purlovias. It picked one up and stomped down the other, and then they went through into the chamber. Sodden threw out his Theris and they both started attacking the Yetis and polar bears running at the Rexes. The Yuty let out a screech to reveal any Purlovia they might have missed, and also to energize the Theris. Some Purlovias on the path between the tall snowy podiums and the path up to one of them came out. They ran at the Theris, only to get stabbed in the back by their claws. The Rexes were ripping up the bears but getting pushed around by the yetis. The Yuty let out another screech to reenergize the Rexes and Theris. The mate boost was working well, but the Rexes were still getting injured. The Yuty ran to help the Rexes, then a purlovia shot out of nowhere from the snowy podium and leaped at the Yuty. It threw Sodden off and hurt the Yuty, and Sodden took out his shotgun to shoot down the purlovia, but it was sticking, and after just three hits, the unthinkable happened and his chestpiece was destroyed. Then the Rex grabbed the Purlovia and crushed its body. Sodden limped to the Yuty and climbed on. He took out the fria curry in his bag, took off the lid on it and drank it down. It didn’t stop the freezing completely, but he wouldn’t lose health as fast. He was at 190 HP, and his armor was heavily damaged. He had no time to resupply, though, because the Rexes were getting very bloodied. The Yuty screeched to energize the tames and then ate the heads of the last few Yetis off. Then he crushed the last purlovias, and the Theris destroyed the bears and wolves. There was nothing left. Sodden put everyone in a cryopod and ran towards the river that separated him from the artifact. He threw out the yuty to get the purlovias out, but he was too close to one of the burrows on the wall and the Purlovia in it leaped at the Yuty, seriously injuring it. The Yuty ripped the Purlovia off, but now it was at 3000 HP out of 21000. The Rexes were very badly hurt too, and so were the Theris. Sodden threw out a Theri towards the other side, and it got ambushed by some bears and wolves. Sodden got on the Yuty, and it let out a screech to energize the Theri. It then walked to the wolves slowly, and ate up one of them. It then crushed the body of another, then a bear went to hit it. The bear smashed the foot of the Yuty, causing it to let out a huge screech of pain and collapsed. Sodden quickly leaped across the river and threw out the Rexes. They crunched down the bear, and when the bears and wolves were gone, Sodden put everyone back into a cryopod, then something fell out of Sodden’s bag. Sodden went to pick it up, then Reaper came out. “Oh, hey. This isn’t safe for you.” Sodden said. Reaper screeched then ran around Sodden,nudging him. “Oh, okay. You’re that brave, huh? Okay. Worth a try, I guess.” Sodden said. He got on and walked into the artifact room. “Oh, yes. We did it.” Sodden said. The raptor was about to take a step towards the artifact when suddenly… BAM!! CRACK!
A Yeti ran from behind and rammed Sodden in his left shoulder,, causing the lower part of his implant to crack and the raptor to screech and fall off the ledge into the death water. Sodden collapsed on the small portion of land, and did not budge. The Yeti jumped down, then the raptor leaped and bit the Yeti hard on the neck, and it let out a screech, and tried to pull the raptor off, but it choked and collapsed in seconds. The raptor backed up, looked around, and noticed Sodden on the ground. It purred in curiosity, then let out a screech of terror when it saw the crack on Sodden’s implant. It whimpered as it tried to pick Sodden up. He then tried to get up, holding his left arm. “Hey. We have to get it.” Sodden said. The raptor shook her head and pointed her claw to Sodden’s implant. Sodden looked down and gasped as he saw some green ooze leaking out of the crack. “Oh, no.” Sodden whispered. The raptor screeched and went sniffing into his backpack, then took out a roll of bandages. Sodden held the roll and wrapped some of the gauze around the implant’s crack. It was going to slow the leak by a lot. Sodden’s pants were broken, and he was losing health at .2 HP per second, which didn’t sound that bad until they realized he was at 60 HP. Sodden used his last bit of strength to put down some standing torches. The Angler Gel had fallen into the water, and the raptor’s health was great, at 2100, but her current health stat after the attack was 1400 and she didn’t want to take more damage. The raptor grabbed some wood out of the bag with her mouth and put them onto the five torches around. They were only going to last 4 hours, so the raptor didn’t have much time to get help. The raptor looked down at Sodden and whimpered as it put her head into his laps. Sodden petted the raptor with his right hand. “Hey. You’re one brave dude. You need to get back to Nudon and get help. You gotta do it fast. Okay?” Sodden said. The raptor whimpered, scared of what would happen. “You can do this. You can do this…” Sodden said. Then he let out some cold breaths before collapsing, unconscious. The raptor looked at the cave entrance and screeched. I can do this. I’m gonna save my owner, like he saved me once. The raptor thought to herself. She ran through the tunnels of the cave, for 7 minutes until she rose from the cave and into the light. The raptor looked back, growled, and ran towards Nudon. Then she heard growling as she approached the jungle, and saw Gigas going to the cave. Reaper screeched, as she thought, Is that Nameless?!, and ran towards Nudon, as the Gigas stopped at the cave. Cordor hopped off the lead Giga, and his group followed him into the cave.
To be continued…
In the Cave Chapters Finale…