Here we go again...

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Here we go again...

Shadow Wranglers

Chapter 7(6 in morellatops, if you go to new to scorched earth, just go in order.)

"Heads up!" Shadow shouted as a Phoenix dived at frost. Shadow net gunned it and it fell to the ground. The flames burned through the net, scorching it. The net stayed intact though. "Fire proof nets, this isnt my first rodeo." Shadow said. "5 left." Frost replied. "I can see that." Shadow said while pointing north. The remaining 5 were scorching a town. "Well, see you there!" Shadow said as she melted into a shadow. At first it was just a circular shadow, then it morphed into a thyla shape. The shadow seemingly ran towards the town. Frost morphed into a bird and chased after Shadow. The suns rays shown through the clouds, causing the heat to rise. Shadow leapt from her shadow form onto a phoenix. "Ouch ouch ouch! Bad idea! Hot hot!" Shadow complained and she net gunned the phoenix. The other 4 saw what happened and charged towards frost and shadow. "Oh they're gettin smarter!" Frost exclaimed. Both pulled out their net guns and shot all 4 down. Shadow walked over and sent them to the shadow realm. "Next is rock elemental. Thatll be extra fun."


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