Ok, so im going to try to describe the landscape and stuff like that of nova.

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Ok, so im going to try to describe the landscape and stuff like that of nova.

Nova has 2 biomes. In one small corner there the artic biome, and the rest of the map is a desert. Most creatures adapt to live in the desert, but some journey to the artic to live there. In the desert there are caves to hide under during the day so the dinos dont get mutated from radiation. Scattered around the map are pools of water that lead into an underground ocean. The artic is thick with tree so radiation doesnt seep in. In the top left corner, there is a hive of sklร voi Skiร , the dark crystal wyverns. They swarm this area, making sure nobody can harm their queen, Vasรญlissa Skiร (i think). Around the desert are towering cacti with nests on top. Lets just say dont go near them unless you want to be picked up and fed to babys. There are many more creatures we havnt discovered yet, but maybe soon we'll discover them all.

-shadow(theres a description fkr anyone who was wondering)

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