The tale of the shadow phoenixes

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The tale of the shadow phoenixes

Chapter sixteen.

Cole awoke the next morning to a sunny day. He stumbled downstairs. His mother was putting dishes away from breakfast. “Where’s Leah?” Cole asked sleepily. Nathan looked up from the newspaper. “She’s at the musician’s house. You slept in.” Nathan said. Cole hurriedly ate his breakfast then hurried off to the musician’s house. Leah and Tom were sitting at the table playing chess and Arianna was braiding her hair on the piano stool. Arianna looked up when he entered. She smiled brightly, her white teeth glittering. “Hi Cole.” She said. Cole’s heart raced. “Hi.” Cole said. Cole sat down at the table and watched Leah and Tom play chess. For some reason Cole get help but feel something was wrong. The room was to quiet. The he realized it…James want there. “Where’s James?” Cole asked. Tom gave a sad smile. “He got grounded. He was late for curfew last night.” Leah grimaced. “That’s terrible.” Leah said. Tom shrugged. “Our father is kind of strict. Anyways…James says he’s bored and he told me to tell y’all not to do anything for the band without him.” Tom said. “Oh, poor James.” Arianna said, pity filling her face.

Back at the Riddle’s house…

James was SUPER bored. His only company was his shadow and sometimes Jenny. Jenny was very shy around people she just met but was very sweet to her brothers, who she adored. James sat down at his desk and tried to read the book Tom had told him about. He opened it to a random page and began to read silently.

Sirens are basically a form of mermaids but more dangerous. They are prone to go after sailors and pirates at sea, although Sirens are a very rare creature. They use their voices to hypnotize people, mostly men, and draw them to the Sirens. However women are less likely to be hypnotized by a Siren so usually Sirens will go after the women first to get rid of the threat of a woman breaking the hypnotizes.

James scoffed. “Yeah right.” He flipped to the next page which illustrated a scary black beast.

The Krakos is a dangerous species that is formed when a powerful person lets their emotions take control of them. The Krakos enhances the emotions and makes the person more likely to do something risky. Not much is known about the Krakos and they are rarely found. The last time one was seen was one thousand years ago-

James slammed the book closed and banged his head on the desk. “It’s so boring.” He muttered. James got up and grabbed his guitar from the closet. He sat down on the edge of his bed and strummed the guitar slowly: “People always telling me, I’m just a crazy teen, I’ve got crazy dreams. I’ll never do anything. People always telling me that music is just a hobby I better learn to study but I, I, I want to make a change no one standing in my way. I, I, I’m here to say. Just cause we’re young doesn’t mean that we’re stupid,doesn’t mean that we’re crazy, doesn’t mean that we’re lazy. And maybe, just maybe we’ll light, light,light it up, we’ll light, light it up.” James sang softly. He paused suddenly, hearing someone in the hall. The door opened and Tom came in, beaming happily. “Hey James. I brought your lunch since you can’t go downstairs.” Tom said. James glared at him. “I’m not hungry….but WHY are you so happy?” Tom frowned at him. “I CAN be happy, and it’s none of YOUR business anyway.” Tom said. James raised an eyebrow mischievously. “Let me guess….what could it be…oh wait I know! You asked Leah on a date didn’t you?” James asked. Tom gaped at him. “How did you know?” Tom questioned him. James smirked. “You talk in you’re sleep when you’re anxious.”

Chapter seventeen coming soon!


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