ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the dilophosaur? Memorable dilophosaur stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
I was playing mobile ark on my iPad,I had a level 45 Dilo called Bart!He was my only best friend.He always was beside me I always gave him treats, and he also protected me from a sarcosuchus that’s level 1 and he actually killed it if I was grinding prime meat 😢😭 he was there he was just like a brother to me,he always protected me, but soon I was attacked by a pack of raptors that were abt 90, Bart tried to kill the miserable raptors but he did not make it! 😭😭,I had no choice but to run,I was so literally mad and depressed,everytime I see a raptor I’ll kill it for my best friend.i made a grave for Bart we always go there.1up=Bart will protect you!
Rapter story: Chapter 1
I am hated by most animals. Why? I mean, who would want to be pounced on every time you try to walk in the woods? As normal, I was low on hunger. I wandered the beaches in need of a dodo. I didn't find a dodo, instead, I found a Dilophasaur. But, he was different. He had a name. Then a human ran Infront of me and started firing arrows at me. I tried to pounce but I was knocked out. When I woke I was inside a hut. A campfire, bed, a... A dodo! I licked my lips as I charged at the dodo but I stopped. Something inside of me was telling me that it was wrong to kill the dodo. I never felt like that in forever! Then, the human called me...
250 likes and I'll do a part 2!
STORYTIME, (yay🥳) So, 1 or 2 years ago I used to breed dilos, I had 10-15, for some reason that I don’t remember (probably therezinhasaurus or a really strong pack of raptors) only 2 of them survived, General and his wife Rosa, they helped me a lot to kill raptor and random Dino’s that kept trying to invade my base, so they became really special to me, and now they are retired on herbivores island, in a secondary base (I only play on Single Player because I’m to scared to multiplayer) enjoying life with another special Dinos ou weak pets that I don’t want to lose, so please take care of your dilo, they may not be the best, but they are really nice pets and companies.
I personally have tamed almost 20 of these guys and my first army helped me fight a bronto that I accidentally punched (mobile) and anyways about half of them died R.I.P but the strongest survived and are now O.G.s and a started taming more, but I have named every single one and never reused a name, which means 40+ names but my five favorites in order are Selena, Hex, Rachel (daughter of hex and Selena), Hector, and Jena.
Hex was named after my first parsaur who was killed by a sarco so in memory of the first hex I raised an army starting with Hex the dilophosaur
Selena was found at a high level and has a whopping health of almost 700 (good for a noob like me)
Rachel is good stat wise (not as good as Selena) and is daughter of my 2 favorites
Hector was an OG that survived me killing the bronto
Jena accompied me into the cave during a pursuit helping kills spiders and scorpions (or whatever their names are) while I was passed out due to torpor, Jena also helped kill my first raptor, funny thing is I thought Jena was a boy so her first name was Gene but I found out she was not a he so she got her name changed to Jena.
Also my sixth favorite is lily, she is an OG almost as old as hex and is one of the ones that has been through the most.
More stories of my dilophosaur army? Yeah or nah?
Once upon a time I joined Ark survival evolved. The first couple creatures I tamed were dilophosaur. Much to my dismay I realized they weren’t very strong. So I tamed more and more. Then bred them for mutations. Until I had a bunch of level 250+ all with melee and health stat buffed. While on gen 2 in the Rockwell garden just southwest of the reaper cave I saw a max level shadowmane. Well the shadowmane thought I was lunch but didn’t see my 20 dilos near me ready for lunch. That shadowmane didn’t live to tell the tale. Fast forward to ark ascended first two creatures I tamed were dilos. Only this time I didn’t go as crazy to get stats. Now they are just randomly roaming around the outside of my base on aggressive. It’s been almost a month and not a thing has threatened me outside my base. I only have two. Good boy. And Barbasol (from Jurassic park). We play fetch every day. Then we laugh together when he poops — seriously they laugh when they poop. It’s hilarious
In one save on the island I got this dilo, it was my first dino and I named them spitter, it saved from from another dilo and I was gonna take it home. It was dark and I was switching between starving and not starving because I only had berries (this was my first day) so I was panicking because I was dying while I can't see nothing and ran into the water, a Paraina killed me and I had to respawn obvi, and I was hoping Spitters hadn't died and I ran over to the spot and saw Spitters name, then at the corner of the screen I saw "Spitter (lvl 26) was killed by Paraina (lv12)" after The name disappeared
One Dilo Tamed=One Paraina Killed and multiple dinos saved
My favourite dilo dan🥲
I was just walking around with my pet dilo (dan) and when we came near a pack of wolves he turned on aggressive and that he could take on an entire wolf
pack he did not survive but I tamed 6 or 7 dodos and I got revenge ( their level at least 50 or 60) up please. ( I literally cried while doing this) up to respect dan
*real story**
I was looking for a dodo and then two dilos,separately attacked me. Being only lvl 13,I killed one with a spear,but knocked the other one out|when it was knocked out,I fed it like 40 meat, as I tamed it,another dilo went in me and almost killed me,but my tamed dilo woke up and saved me. Thanks dilos! And they kept attacking my base but this lvl one dilo was actually overpowered.
Name idea~saviour
The tale of the shadow phoenixes
Chapter six.
“Look at all these instruments.” James marveled, fingering a guitar. “Do you play guitar?” Cole asked. James grinned. “Oh yeah, I’m great at it if I say so myself.” “What about y’all?” James asked. “I play the piano and the violin.” Arianna said. “I play the electric piano.” Cole said. “I play the drums.” Tom said. “Honestly, I don’t really play any instruments I just like to sing.” Leah said. “What about you Arianna don’t you like to sing?” Cole asked. “You have a lovely voice.” Arianna blushed. “Thanks, but I just don’t like singing in public. It’s….embarrassing.” James raised his eyebrow. “But you aren’t in public. You’re with us….you’re friends.” James said. "Yeah, sing for us Arianna.” Cole said. Arianna’s face turned even redder. “…um…no..I mean… no thanks.”
Later that day Cole and James wandered off together. “So….you wanna come to the pond with me?” James asked mischievously. “Uh sure why?” Cole asked. James grinned. “Well… Arianna and Leah are going there to just well…sit there dipping their toes in like all girls do. And my serious brother won’t be there to try to persuade me to do the “good thing”.” Cole gaped at his friend. “Wait a second, you want to mess with the g i r l s?” James nodded. “As in play a prank on them?” James nodded again. “Hey, listen I know you like Arianna and all…no don’t deny it I’ve seen the way you looked at her when y’all first met….but listen if anything goes wrong we’ll blame it on me. Ok?” James asked. “I don’t know…..” Cole began. James narrowed his eyes to where they looked like puppy eyes and stared at Cole pleadingly. Cole sighed. “Oh all right fine.”
They headed to the lake and waded in. “The girls should be here any minute but we don’t want them to see us so go underwater and your breath as long as you can then we’ll scare them.” James said.
A little while later the girls arrived to a empty lake. They dipped their feet in all the way to their ankles. “Ah this water is so refreshing and I’m so hot.” Leah said. Arianna smiled. “Yeah and we’re the only ones here so it’s so quiet.” Arianna said. Suddenly Leah looked up. “Something touched my ankle!” She exclaimed. “Yeah something touched me too! Wait we probably just touched each other, it’s fine. Besides there’s no fish or sharks in the lake.” Then Arianna and Leah felt something suspiciously like hands grab their ankles and began to tug. “Ah!” Leah yelped. “What in the…” Arianna was kicking her foot around trying to free her ankle when suddenly she struck something. A head bobbed to the surface. He had long wet black hair and his eyes were practically dancing with mischief. “Hi ladies.” James said. “James! What were you thinking?!” Leah shrieked. James shrugged. “It was Cole’s idea.” Cole surfaced, still holding his sister’s foot. “It was not!” Cole protested. “Oh you two!” Arianna exclaimed angrily. James chuckled and grabbed her foot again, and starting pulling her toward the water. “Hey you owe me. You hit my chin so hard.” James said. The girls tried to resist but eventually they gave in. They splashed each other with water and swam after one another around the lake. After a while it started to get dark outside so they headed back home. “See y’all tomorrow.” Cole called looking specifically at Arianna. She waved goodbye. James passed him, smirking. Cole punched him playfully in the shoulder.
Next chapter coming soon!
The dodos roam the beaches as they search for their favorite kinds of berries.. mejo berries (purple berries) they squabbled and marched, hopefully nothing went wrong right?.. well something did… they barely heard the rustling in the foliage from a disastrous venomous dinosaur…. That dinosaur was called the DILOPHOSAURUS.. the dilophosaurus soon strikes and bit the neck of a bluish purple dodo, the dodo squealed as venom had been injected in their nervous system soon paralyzing the dodo, soon it died to fatal injuries as the devilish frilled lizard ate its unfortunate target. [THE END]
Hope’s Cry
Chapter twenty three
Ember Black sat nervously on his thrown. He was staring at the wall. The large gates to the thrown room were thrown open with a bang. Joe Kong, Dr. Yang, Steve, Buddy, and Ben walked in. “Raid the dungeon.” Yang whispered too Ben and Steve. “What about the guards?” Ben asked nervously. “The only reason they were following Ember was because of Rockwell. They’re on our side now.” Yang replied. “EMBER!” Yang yelled across the room. Ember shrieked then regaining his composure replied, “What do you want from me Yang?” He sneered. “What did you do too Buddy?” Yang asked. “Why should I tell you?” Ember coughed. Yang looked at Joe. Joe stepped forward and cracked his knuckles. Ember yelped. “I experimented on him! All the survivors have an implant in there wrist that gives them special ability’s! Like yours, speaking too us!” Ember screeched. “I’m guessing your experiments brainwashed him?” Yang asked. “No i did that… with help.” Ember said. “Who helped you?” Yang questioned. “Rockwell! He used his tech too give abilities to Buddy.” Ember sneered. “What abilities?” Buddy asked quietly. “Your a seer. You can see the past, present, and future, anytime anywhere. Once you figure out how to master it of course!” Ember said. “Sir! We found these two in the dungeon!” Ben said as he walked in the room. Behind him walked another Purlovia and another Terror Bird. “You imprisoned your own FATHER?!?! MAN, your evil knows NO BOUNDS!!” Steve sniffled. “And who’s this?” Yang asked looking at the smaller Purlovia. “I’m… Jake Traurig.” The Purlovia said quietly. Jake looked at Buddy. “Dad?” Jake asked.
Next one in Dimetrodon! I hope you like it!
Yours Truly,