Hope’s Cry
Hope’s Cry
Chapter twenty two
Buddy looked up at Rockwell. The dragon circled the sky above blowing fire into the demolished city. Rockwell’s eyes turned dark black as he dug his tentacles deep into the ground. That’s when Buddy heard it. Wings flapping. Buddy turned too see Dawn and the two pteranodons attacking the dragon. Even though they were supposed to be not a match they seemed to be distracting is very well. Dawn slammed her back legs into the dragon’s neck and pulled up. The dragon let out one last moan as it’s head fell to the ground. Buddy could see the form of Steve struggling too his feet. Steve looked up at Rockwell, picked up Dr. Yang’s sword, and stumbled towards Rockwell. Rockwell noticed Steve and grinned. “So the tiny squirrel is the only one brave enough to battle me. Your not even close too my size you cannot beat me!” Rockwell cackled. “I know. But they can!” Steve grinned and pointed towards the sky. Rockwell looked up and screamed. The entire Red obelisk was falling too the ground. Rockwell’s eyes turned blue and he started falling into the growing abyss below him. “DIANA!” Rockwell screeched as he fell. His tentacles retreated after him. Steve turned towards the remaining citizens of allosaurus island. “WESA FREEEEEEEE!” He screamed. Dr. Yang stumbled up behind Buddy. “It seems Rockwell’s power was connected too the Obelisks with one gone he lost a lot of power. He’s still out there. Probably going after Diana.” Yang said. “Who’s Diana?” Buddy asked. “Diana Altaras was a URE orbital strike fighter pilot when she was on earth.” He replied. “What are we going too do about Ember Black?” Buddy asked slowly. Dr. Yang grinned.
Well that’s all for this chapter next one in Dilophosaur! Fun Fact I went against the Megapithecus four times last week and won all four! Auf Wiedersehen für jetzt!
Yours Truly,