Hope’s Cry

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Hope’s Cry

Chapter eight

Ember Black limped onto his throne. When he sat down he stared at the creatures that were feasting before him. His eyes fell upon Buddy who was talking too Dawn. “SILENCE!” Ember shouted. The whole hall quieted immediately. “The Kong Estate is guarded by a city owned by Dr. John Cazador. The city is guarded by large battlements. The only way in or out is the main gate. The only thing that is let through these gates are spices, food supplies, and medical supplies. So you guys will pose as spice traders. Even though John Cazador is a human, he can understand all languages. And remember… do not betray me or else.” Ember said. Buddy stared a Ember in wonder. “This is gonna be tough.” Buddy whispered too Dawn. “I agree. Humans are very aggressive, the only way they know too end a fight is by violence.” Dawn whispered too Buddy. “How do you know?” Buddy asked curiously. “My mother was killed when Diana Alteris and her friends killed the Overseer. Instead of bringing peace too the world the Obelisk nearest too my colony fell. The obelisk completely bombed my colony. No one left… except for me. All because of humans.” Dawn said sadly. “I’m sorry about your colony Dawn. Your lucky even too remember your family.” Buddy remarked. Buddy heard commotion on the opposite side of the table. Buddy looked up too see Theriznosaurus he almost got crushed by earlier fighting with a Mesopithecus that was climbing on top of the Theriznosaurus.

Well next chapter in Arthropluera! Happy New Year! And for the people who don’t know, the chapters are in ABC order in The Island filter!

Yours Truly,


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