King of the Wyverns

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King of the Wyverns

Chapter 3

Ares slowly flew around in the eerily dark night, scanning the skies and ground for his friend. He was sure he heard a few groans and sloshes, as if the monster had stepped out of the pond.

“Cleo?” he cried softly, flying closer to the ground. The land is flat and wide open, with only a few trees scattered around the long green grass. Soon, Ares landed and walked around the grass for a little before turning back the other way.

‘She couldn’t have gone this far from the cave,’ Ares thought. He could barely see the hill in which the cave was. ‘Where could she be?’

As Ares flew back towards the cave, hoping to find a trace of a giant creature with wings, the moonlight illuminated a flash of light blue. They seemed very similar to Cleo’s color. Filled with excitement, he flew over to the spot, which happened to be under a group of trees. “Cleo?”

“Um,” said a voice, “I don’t know who Cleo is.”

Ares felt all the joy leave his body. He had thought he found his friend. “Oh, sorry,” Ares said, turning around.

“What’s a wyvern doing out here?” came the voice again. Ares was secretly tired of the question, even though only Malston had asked him once.

“Looking for someone,” he replied. “I can’t even see you. Could you maybe come out of your hiding spot?” He didn’t need an unseen animal following him.

A moment later, he heard a rustle above him and two featherlights came from the trees. Wait… Featherlights?

“I think two lone featherlights is weirder than a lone wyvern,” Ares stated, confused. Didn’t Featherlight only live in dark places? That need light?

“Technically,” said a blue one, who was the same shade as Cleo. Her head was a lighter shade of blue, lighter even than Cleo’s sky blue. “Technically, we’re not alone since we’re with each other!”

The other Featherlight, a weirdly colored reddish-orange with purple spots on his wings, nodded.

“Um, okay?” Ares said awkwardly. “I’m Ares. Who are you?”

The red Featherlight spoke first. “I’m Razz.” Ares was taken aback by Razz’s oddly deep voice. He sounded like a grown man, even deeper than Ares’ voice.

“And I’m Jazz!” said the blue one. “Razz’s twin!”

“There used to be Zazz,” Razz uttered quietly. “He was.. um…..”

“Eaten!” Jazz finished. “Zazz was purple. Get it? I’m blue, Razz is red. Red and blue make purple!”

Ares looked sideways at the twins. For one, who could talk about a dead friend or family member so freely? Second, why did everyone he had to meet today have to be so weird? First Malston, now these abandoned Featherlight. Ares thought he was cursed.

“Umm, what are you two doing out here?” Ares questioned. “You two seem pretty young. Any parents?”

“Nah,” Razz said. “They were eaten along with Zazz.”

Ares stared blankly at them. “By what?”

Razz looked at Jazz.

“By WHAT?” Ares prompted impatiently. As much as he wanted to help these young featherlights, they were also wasting his time.

“By ‘He who must not be named’,” Jazz said mysteriously.

Ares shook his head and turned to leave. “I need to find my friend.”

Razz called out, “Wait!”

Ares stopped.

“You seem interesting,” he started, “And we….”

“We want to help you!” Jazz finished.

Ares squinted at the brother and sister duo. They could be of use. And they’re alone, which means they could get eaten more easily. Ares didn’t want that to happen.

“Fine,” Ares agreed. “Your help would be welcome.”

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