On my creative map on Valgrueo, I had so many of these things, all named.

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On my creative map on Valgrueo, I had so many of these things, all named. Their leaders were Jumpingstar and her mate, Nightshade, who I named after my dog irl died just 1 year old. I bred them, getting twins and naming them Bluesky and Darklight (aka Danklight), the heirs to the throne. Then I bred Starchaser and Rainbowburst (two other high ranked manas) and got this beautiful mana that looked right at me, me instantly thinking this is the one. Her name was Brightstripe. She grew up after awhile and she didnt stop looking good and she was SO STRONG! I mostly got her in in strength, speed and stamina until lvl 100 (she was 71) And the rest was health. She was possibly the strongest at the base. She bred with another mana (cant remember the name) and created Floofy. I took floofy everywhere, since Brightstripe was retiring and I leveled him up the same.

But one day, I was swimming with a few of my manas, including him, I was looking for floofy when I saw him dead by jellyfish RIP.


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