Toxic Tales: Extra Part 1

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Toxic Tales: Extra Part 1

I wanted to put out some background information so that future chapters will have fewer explanations and more of the actual story, so this will explain the biomes, the sub-biomes, and a bit of history of Toxic Tales. (Keep in mind that Toxic Tales does not take place on any in-game map.)

Poison Wyvern Island: a large island off the coast of the Troodon Woods, it has the Poison Wyvern Caverns in the south and the rest is covered in trees. It is avoided by those on the Mainland.

Prominent creatures: Poison wyverns, allos, and troodons

Sub-biomes: none

Troodon Woods: a large segment of the Mainland covered in a forest with many streams and clearings. It borders the Incitus River and the Anapos River has a small part in it. It's the only biome that never had a dominant species leading it. There is a human village in the middle of it.

Prominent creatures: Troodons and humans

Sub-biomes: Spino Delta and the Redwoods

The Scorching Sands: a desert in the far west, it is cut off from the other biomes by the Incitus River. It is a flat, arid desert with a single vital stream in the center ruled by the fire wyverns, whose trench is in the north of the biome. There is a human village in the south of it, near the Deathworm Cave, a huge cave filled with deathworms that the fire wyverns forbid creatures from entering due to how often they wouldn't return.

Prominent creatures: Fire wyverns, deathworms, and mantis.

Sub-biomes: Piranha Oasis

The Rolling Plains: a large, open plain in the center of the Mainland, it was ruled by the lightning wyverns before they were chased off by the poison wyverns in the war, and now it's known for being a chaotic biome filled with the largest creatures all in a power struggle. It has several human villages, one in the West, East, and one in the swamp. The empty lightning wyvern cave is in the center. The Asapos River separates it from the East side of the mainland. A few streams are running through it.

Prominent creatures: Gigas, rexs, formerly lightning wyverns, brontos, and quetzals.

Sub-biomes: the swamp.

P.S. I'll make a second one of these under this same creature (I don't want this to be too long) and continue the story in the next.

- Sol

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