The Omega Timeline Chapter 54: Darkness and Light Part Two
The Omega Timeline Chapter 54: Darkness and Light Part Two
Within moments, Erica and the others were in the mansion. It seemed to be back to normal like nothing ever happened. Even the excess weapons were neatly arranged. Sylas set her on the couch where she sat for a time, sore and bruised. She lay there in pain and sighed. She still thought that she had some sort of fracture, no matter what her Tek suit said. Sylas lowered his visor as he stood above her. She saw the Reaper King transform into Drake who stood there with the creatures he aided out of there. Notably, the ones that drained had frozen it’s his breath. Tago and Sheeri, she watched as others brought in the humans or smaller allies that had been frozen too. Sylveevee and Skyocean, Dr. Yang, his strange squirrel Steve, the two raptors Rage and Snake, and Sunny the Fox were all frozen. They all looked either in petrified pain or fear. Erica shook her head in shame. They should’ve got out of there. No one knew what happened to Ben, Neddy, Ruby, and Emma at all. Everyone the
She lifted herself into a sitting position to see who was standing. She could see Aragorn and his wife were still ok, Joe Kong and another Gigantopithecus who she didn’t know. Emerald and Darkhide were ok, the two Shadowmanes Orbit and Moonbeam were there too. She could see Buddy, Star, Drake, Moonhigh and Sunhigh, Sylas, Freya and Nova were all ok. She didn’t see Jack or Jay anywhere, but she assumed they were just in the mansion somewhere since Moonhigh and Sunhigh were ok. Bear was still out there trying to help others get to safety, she was really worried about him. He was incredibly stupid and had an awful memory so who knows what he had gotten into by himself. She just hoped he and the other lost wer-
“Hah!! Told you that we could all help Freya!!” Sylas said lightheartedly, disrupting her thoughts.
“What do you mean ‘We’?” Aragorn said as he looked at the others in Tek armor, Sylas’ eyes widened in fear as she attempted to shoo away the other armored persons.
“Who are they?” Arianna asked, two of the armored persons looked at each other looked at each other before turning off their visors. Jack and Jay.
“Hi, mom and dad!!” Jack said excitedly,
“This armor’s awesome!!” Jay said in awe, Aragorn was also in awe. However, his face’s expression soon grew very angry. Jay and Jack looked at each other in worry as their dad and mom came over to them.
“Go upstairs and take that stuff off. Your mother and I will be up there soon for further discussion.” Aragorn said fuming in anger, but remaining as calm as possible in front of everyone. Jay and Jack went immediately upstairs as he said this. Queen Sylveevee saw Moonhigh and Sunhigh and walked to them and began to talk to them. She talked to them for a moment before they headed upstairs following Jay and Jack. Erica was furious, she got up groaning, and raised the visor of her helmet.
“Sylas, what were you thinking!! You went against my direct orders to not leave the Obelisk room!! ” Erica shouted.
“Look around you Erica, we saved you from dying to a flipping demon the size of a Kaiju!! Your orders would have had you and everyone else killed!! So a thank you would be nice!!” Sylas said. Erica looked at him in irritation and anger.
“If you want a thank you for nearly killing those kids you won’t get it from me.” Erica spat, she then looked at Freya who was getting off of Nova as Nova went to quickly check on her crew.
“Freya, you were in on this too!! What the hell? They’re children!” Erica shouted. Freya shrugged.
“They had heart and determination. If I tried to stop them. They would have just tried without help or behind my whereabouts. So I helped by finding their strengths and weaknesses. I made sure the ones without armor stayed far away from the fight while the ones without armor went in and came out just as fast.” Freya said, Erica's face seethed with anger.
“THEY ARE KIDS FREYA!!! Not soldiers!!”
“That’s right, but they are MY kids. My kids know what they were getting themselves into and that we would never approve of their actions in this, but would try to do something like this. With or without adult support. So I do appreciate your group’s efforts in watching over them.” Aragorn said as he turned to Erica. Erica nodded.
“I’m glad you think this was alright for my group to do, but I still have issues with it.” Erica said staring at Freya and Sylas. A hand grabbed Erica’s shoulder, Erica turned to see Drake standing behind her.
“Erica, I don’t know you, but I can see that you care for people. But it’s okay. The Queen’s children have been caught in battles before. And they are determined to help when they can. So please don’t blame your people for doing that.” Drake said, Erica smiled. However, her smile didn’t seem to be genuine from Sylas’ and Freya’s experience with her. She turned back to the and her face went immediately serious as she looked at Freya and Sylas. Her face basically said it all. This wasn’t over for them yet, but it would have to wait for later. And Erica would make sure it happened.
“Since your strange human tiff is over. What are we going to do about that… thing.” Moonbeam said.
“Right… that thing. Well, I think this place was nice while it lasted. But ah, I say we abandon it.”
“Sylas, shut it. We fight on, we figure out his weaknesses and exploi-” “Face it, Erica, that THING took dragon’s breath, both hot and cold and it did nothing, the only thing that did anything was Nova ramming it at Sub-sonic speeds. And from what it took from humans was numerous tek rifle shots and A FLIPPING RAILGUN to the face and it did NOTHING to it!! The best it did was allow that thing to be pushed over. What are we, squishy humans going to do to that!! Half our allies are down for the count of this fight and some of our strongest with them. Andrew was vaporized in light and his bow was destroyed with it, Ben is nowhere in sight, and goes for the others with him. We just need to take the group that’s down and get out of here.” Sylas stated in a saddened tone, Aragorn raised an eyebrow at this
“Excuse me?” Aragorn said,
“No. We need to fight!” Joe Kong said,
“Sylas, you need to put a sock in it.” Erica spat,
“But he’s right. Leaving is our best hope for survival.” Darkhide said,
“That’s a lie and you know it Darkhide.” Emerald said, the group started fighting about whether they should leave and stay and stand against it. And no one could agree. With Aragorn, Freya, Arianna, and the two Shadowmanes were the only ones not fighting. The female one shook her head as she looked at Aragorn
“This is hopeless, none of these creatures can agree on one thing for more than five minutes.” She said, she looked at the Male and he nodded and then they both started walking away.
“Where are you going?” Aragorn asked, the Male looked over his shoulder at him.
“We need a moment alone to think, it’s too loud over here for anyone to know what’s going on. We’re going to the room where the food is. But we’re on your side of this fight, you seem like you're the only one here who knows what to do.” He said before they both continued to walk off.
“Since it seems like you are the ones with the most common sense. What are we going to do?” Aragorn said, he looked at Freya who seemed quite disappointed with what was happening.
“Couldn’t you just use the Obelisk to destroy them like how they worked in the past?” Arianna asked,
“The Obelisk isn’t working at all. I tried using it, but I couldn’t get it to work. The black fog started coming out of it as I continued trying so I stopped. I was going to say something, but then Erica started going over why having the kids help was against what she wanted.” Freya said, Moonbeam and Orbit shook their heads as they began to walk away.
But Aragorn, Arianna heard a scream coming from upstairs, Freya seemed to hear it too. Arianna looked at Aragorn.
“Go, I’ll stay here and see if I can get everyone to stop fighting.” She said. Immediately, Freya and Aragorn all ran upstairs to find out what was going on while Arianna stayed behind to end the arguing.
Jack and Jay went up the stairs to the hallway, they could hear Erica yelling at Sylas and Freya about their decision to let them help.
“I don’t think it’s fair for them to get yelled at. We decided for ourselves.” Jack said as they got into the hall.
“Yeah and look where that got us, in trouble with mom and dad. Hey, look over here!” Jay said as he went into an open door.
“Jay, we can’t go in there. We have to go to our room. Do you want Mom and Dad to get mad at us?” Jack said,
“I know, they won’t even know we were in here. We’ll be in and out just like that.” Jay said and he continued to snoop around the room. Jack looked inward hesitantly before stepping in. The room was odd to them. It was nothing like any of the rooms they had back home, it had a small bed on the fools while another larger bed was on a bed frame. Jack looked at this puzzled. Who’s room was this? It had books scattered everywhere. And a strange thing on one of the dressers in the shape of a large black box.
“What do you suppose that is Jack?”
“I don’t know any more than you do”
“Oh wait I think I’ve heard of this before. It’s like a thing that people in the past used to read books to themselves when they were tired.” Jay said,
“But why though? Didn’t they have parents to read for them?”
“Not as adults, and even when they were kids. The parents could be too tired too. So they sat there kid in front of this thing and it wouldn’t read to them for hours.” Jay explained,
“Wow, they must’ve been really smart people then.” Jack said,
“What are you guys doing in here?” Moonhigh asked as she and Sunhigh entered the room, Jack and Jay both jumped in surprise as they looked at them coming in.
“Uh, nothing. We were just looking around.” Jay said, Moonhigh and Sunhigh looked at Jay with an odd look.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in your room?” Sunhigh said,
“Aren’t you? We’re are, we are just taking a detour and look at this book reader.”
“You mean the television?”
“That’s what this was called? It must’ve been great to use to read books with when tired.” Jack said amazed. Moonhigh laughed,
“That’s not what they did, they had their own entertainments called movies and played something on the screen.” She said as she reached for the machine on the dresser and turned it on. Suddenly a living picture came on the screen as two people talked. Jay and Jack were amazed by it. But Jay’s interest slowly drew away from the screen and to the room again, and he started investigating. He looked at the bed and saw several things on top of it. He grabbed one and it seemed to be a weird glove. He looked at the other items on the bed, one was a broken piece of something futuristic, Jay wasn’t sure what it was from, but there was an odd futuristic cylinder with a clip loop and a big, gray knife and sheath lying on the bed. Jay grabbed it without hesitation and looked at it. It seemed odd out of everything. All of the other items being futuristic while the knife was really old compared to them. It didn’t make sense. Jay looked around the room. He saw the window was open which seemed odd, he stared out at the world outside and saw the strange dark mist beginning to envelop the world around them and slowly coming towards them. But yet the area around the mansion seemed to be getting brighter and the mist retreated away from the mansion. Jay looked up to see a bright light in the sky whirling its way to the mansion. He took a step back from the window and looked at the others.
“Guys, something’s going on.” Jay said, but they were distracted by the screen. Jay looked back out the window. The light got brighter and brighter and almost seemed to get bigger.
“Guy, I really need you to see this.” Jay said, but again they were distracted by the television.
“What is it Jay, is it really important? Because this thing is really cool!!” Jack said. Almost directly after saying that, the room burst into light. Soon shrill screams filled the room and Moonhigh jumped a gasp in panic as the room became blinding light. Jack quickly put his visor down as the others tried to cover their eyes with their hands.
“What did you do Sunhigh!!” Moonhigh yelled while looking at her brother.
“I didn’t do anything! I was watching TV with you!!” Sunhigh shouted. Then they all began to see something crazy. A being coming out of the epicenter of the light. The being walked closer to them and then looked around the room for a moment. Jay leaned over to Jack and whispered into his ear.
“Is that God? Do you think we’re dead if that’s God?” Jay whispered,
“I- don’t know, I didn’t feel like I died.” Jack Whispered back.
“But all I can see is white. That means we have to be dead.” Jay whispered,
“Jay, everything is white because you don’t have your visor down. It greatly reduces the light.” Jack whispered back.
“Oh…” Jay whispered as he turned on his visor. Immediately most of the light was drowned out. But still, the being was bright, but now he could see that there was something in the light.
“Jay and Jack right?” The being said, the kids began screaming again as the being said this.
Just as this happened, Aragorn and Freya entered the room. Freya paused outside the room as she looked into the room being blinded by the light.
“A Ljosalfar?” She said lightly as she stood there frozen. Aragorn got in front of the children staring towards the being. His medallion glowed with might and his eyes were black as the night sky. But nothing happened. It was too much light for anything to happen
“Aragorn!!” The being said enthusiastically, something about it sounded familiar to him though.
“Andrew? You’re… alive?” Aragorn said shocked. Freya’s eyes widened as he said this. With hesitation, she stepped into the room. Trying to look at him without being blinded. The being stared at them both. But the kids looked at Aragorn.
“You mean the man that disappeared, the one you thought was vaporized.”
“I am.” Andrew said,
“What happened to you?” Aragorn said,
“We thought you died.” Freya continued
“It’s an unusual story, but we are on the clock. I need to see the rest of the group.” Andrew said,
“They’re all in the main room downstairs.” Freya said,
“Then let's go.” Andrew said,
Andrew and the others left the room quickly, though the others stayed in front of him as they went down the stairs. He could see the others, who seemed like they had been fighting for a bit. He could almost perfectly hear each individual say what they were saying, even hearing two in the kitchen as he walked down the stairs. He began to hear the voices die down as they saw the light coming down the stairway. As he started reaching the bottom of the stairs and the others joined with the others, he began to notice that the crowd gathered around the base of the stairs in awe. Covering their eyes from the light he emitted.
“What is that?” Sylas said,
“A great ball of light?” Emerald said, Aragorn looked at the drake, and gave a smile as he chuckled.
“That is Andrew.” He said, the other’s looked at him in awe.
“That can’t be Andrew though. You said he disappeared.” Erica said,
“That’s right, in a ball of light. I was chosen.” Andrew said,
“Chosen?” Ariana said confused, Buddy came out of the group and looked at Andrew, squinting into the light.
“Chosen by what?” Buddy asked, Andrew looked at him for a moment.
“I am not sure. All I know is a dagger called me and it gave me a test. I chose right and I became the Herald of Light to face the Darkness.” Andrew said,
“The Darkness, you mean that thing? That monster!” Darkhide said,
“The Herald of Darkness, Drain was chosen to become it, I don’t know what it did to him. But if you had known who it was, then I could only imagine his appearance.” Andrew said, everyone was in awe at this.
“Your transformation is… beyond our imagination too Andrew” Freya said, Darkhide chucked at this.
“It is, but what are you going to do against him?! He’s huge and so powerful!!” Darkhide exclaimed, Andrew stood there for a moment in silence. They couldn’t see through the light, but he didn’t know what to do. He lowered his head in shame with his eyes closed, not knowing what he needed to do. He opened his eyes, expecting to see the stair’s floor. Only to see dirt and rubble. He looked up to see he was outside and surrounded by the villains. Though they didn’t move, he looked down at himself and didn’t see his armor, but just light. He couldn’t see his feet or anything. He felt for his face to feel nothing. He was pure light? What was going on? He looked at the villains again who again weren't moving, though they all now were wearing the same type of armor, demonic-looking and black as the abyss. He then noticed a shadow being cast from something above him. He looked in horror and awe. Above him stood a beast or kaiju like none he had ever seen. With the face of a Japanese demon, it was looking on to the others. Andrew stared at it for a moment. Knowing who it was.
“Drain.” He said, suddenly the eyes moved and looked straight at Andrew’s face. A large smile grew on his face and his head moved in super slow motion to look down at Andrew. Andrew gasped as he snapped back to the stairway in the mansion, he could hear everyone’s whispers about him. He looked down at himself Drain had done something to the villains, he gave them power of the Harold in exchange for their allegiance to him. Andrew thought for a moment about what to do. Before it came to him. Fight fire with fire.
He looked up back at everyone, though they didn’t know he ever was gone.
“This.” He raised his hand in the air and six different colored lights began to glow brightly in his hand and strung to life and fluttered around the room.
A light red one sputtered through to its destination, Star. It touched her and immediately as it did. Armor started covering, glowing in a bright red hard light but almost acting as a mek suit made of light, looking like a Terror Bird. A green one landed on Emerald, covering her in a lavishing green armor made of hard light, light but strong and covering every scale of her body. A light of black fluttered and spun around the room before landing on Aragorn. Thick-plated armor started forming around him, shining with a deep ultraviolet hard light with a large Excalibur sword made of the same light. A light of blue fluttered for a moment before landing on Buddy covering him in blue armor, light and covering most of his body and enhancing his claws with this hard light. A ball of yellow light circled the room several times before going to Erica with great force. With a grunt as it hit her, yellow armor resembling Tek started forming around her armor, she felt healed from her bruising, and in her hand formed a Rifle made of light. She looked at the armor and weapon in awe, Andrew could see her mind trying to figure out how this was all possible. He still wondered to himself how it was. He saw another orb of purple light flying through the air and touching Drake. Forming Purple armor of Hard light around him. Also forming a rapier in his hand. Andrew smiled seeing them all in the armor. And for a moment, he thought all of his knights were chosen. Until he saw a small orange light fluttering through the air, looking for someone to call its own. It fluttered around the room before bolting down the hall and into the kitchen. Andrew could hear snarls of shock as the Shadowmanes ran out of the room and down the hallway, being chased by the orb of light.
“What is going on? And what is thi-” Moonbeam said before stopping mid-sentence and seeing Andrew, and the others in the armor of light. She and Orbit stood there in udder confusion looking at this.
“What, happened while we were in there?” Orbit asked, the orb continued to fly around them for a moment before shooting off into the other room. The crowd followed it out of curiosity. They saw that it was going through the frozen. It searched through the many before coming to a wyvern that was frozen with the others, Tago. With a graceful touch, it began to glow brighter as she began to twitch, her eyes moved quickly, and she let out a gasp as she jolted up. Orange armor started forming around her as she looked around her.
“What, what happened? What’s going on?” She said looking at herself in the armor, the others looked at Andrew who was noticeably dimmer with this all happening, but still too bright to truly see him. Jack and Jay both could see him now though wearing their visors. His head and face were only two-thirds visible to them and they could see part of his coming out of his armor, the rest though was light.
“Why did you do this? Aren’t you strong enough to fight Drain on your own?” Emerald asked, the other in a mutter and partly unison agreed. Andrew looked at them with a smile. Though most couldn’t see it.
“I believe I am, but Drain has troops of his own and I am not sure if I can deal with all of them at pounce. I need you, my friends, my acquaintances, my knights to distract and fight his knight of darkness well I deal with the Harald of Darkness.” Andrew said, he held his bow tightly in his hand, the light from it still shined brightly.
“So you need all of our help?” Sylas asked, Andrew shook his head.
“I wish I could have you guys out there, but not this time. I need you all to go down to the White Obelisk room with the injured and frozen while we deal with knights and Drain.” Andrew answered, they all nodded their heads when he said this. “Now please, hurry.” Andrew continued. Erica walked up in front of Andrew as the other began to help the injured and frozen down to the Obelisk room.
“What? How do you know that Andrew?” Erica asked as she covered her eyes from the light of Andrew,
“There isn’t time to explain. We need to get outside now while they get everyone down there now.” Andrew answered,
“Why?” Erica asked, Andrew seemed to point to one of the windows, she looked out and saw the entire outside was dark, she began to feel the mansion rumble and quake as something from above came over and went by and repeated this once more. Almost like something circled the mansion. Then a thunderous boom rocked the house and everyone in it from outside. The children began to whimper and cry as the parents and Drake tried to comfort them as they took them downstairs first with some of the injured. Outside, Erica could see blood-red eyes peer from further in the darkness, and a demonic cruel grin slowly appeared out of the black mist, almost supernatural in how they stood out of the darkness. Erica could feel her heart rapidly beat as she stared out into those eyes. She could feel that they looked back directly at her. Erica thought could the black mist retreat from the window as Andrew walked up next to her. But she didn’t need to squint or even cover her eyes when he came close to this black mist as his light almost counteracted the mist and it just retreated from the window.
“Because, they are here.” Andrew said…
Author’s Note: Typo in the beginning, this is not the Finale!!! This is the SemiFinale!!! 55 will release soon from the ever wonderful Ben!!! I hope you enjoy this Arc of the series so far and our excited for the Finale for it!!!