ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the velonasaur? Memorable velonasaur stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
Tales of Pandora
Origins of Salizar: Chapter 8 ~the broodmother~
“Why have you brought me here, Primalis..” King Drake said looking up at the green obelisk. “Because sire, I have figured out what these artifacts are for.” Primalis said. “He has?..” Agent Fox whispered to Agents Reed and Raptor. They both rolled their eyes. “Well, go on. Do it, I’ve only got an entire army waiting.” Drake said impatiently. “As you wish, Agents! Here.” Primalis said. “What are we dogs..” Agent Reed whispered. “What was that?” Primalis said threateningly. “Nothing sir!” They all replied. The Agents walked up to the podium, their wrists glowed brighter now that they were closer, Primalis reached out and touched the control panel, the artifact distorted out of his wrist like sand and sunk into the control panel, the others did the same and instantly the obelisk glowed brighter, a dome appeared around them and started to glow. “Men! Get in the circle!” King Drake ordered. Primalis looked out at the dome, he could no longer see the surroundings, just a cave, littered with yellow sacs and green crystals, and then there was a flash and they were really there, in the cave. “What the hell..” Agent Reed said. “Stand to men!” King Drake ordered, the army looked on Drakes direction, they saw a massive arachnid.
“Now what?” Phasma asked. “Wait for them to activate the obelisk, then go cloaked and go inside, once your in the arena hide until they kill the beast, then drink of its blood.” Salizar said. “And then?” Phasma asked. “We’ll see.” Salizar said. “Thatss not very assuring..” Phasma said. “You’ll be fine, just go!” Salizar said as the dome appeared. Phasma turned to see the dome and flew towards it.
“Okay.. just got to wait for the dome, then sneak in with a whole army.. easy! I can’t fail Ryker.. I must get the trophy.. hmmm…..” Wretch continued to stutter like this until he saw the dome appear, he mustered up his courage and scuttled towards it, he hid under a diplodocus and closed his eyes, the dome closed in and he heard the familiar but ever terrifying electronic noise of teleportation. ‘Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, ok, you got this Wretch!’ He thought, he was lying to himself he definitely did not think he had it. He scuttled away from the diplodocus and the army, and headed up the wall, he made it on the ceiling and waited. “Fight!” A voice said. “Wha-” Wretch stuttered. “FIGHT FOR YOUR MOTHER!” the voice continued, Wretch fought the urge of the hive mind. “Resistor! Seize him!” The broodmother’s voice echoed in his mind, three araneos started to scuttle towards him, “please, you don’t have to do this, fight the hive mind my brothers!” Wretch said to them. “Treasonous fool! We hear your thoughts! We know what you wish to do…” one said. “Alright then.. I guess I’ll have to resort to drastic measures..” Wretch said. “I just said we can read your mind, we know you mean run away..” the araneo said. “Oh, wait what’s that!” Wretch said pointing a claw at an albino desmodus in the distance. “Intruder!!” Another araneo yelled. “You two get the intruder, I’ll get the traitor..” the first araneo said. “AAAAAAAHHHH” Wretch yelled running away. The other araneo chased after him, they scuttled across the ceiling of the cave and down the wall, ‘Surround him!’ He heard the araneo say in his mind, he ran ever faster but they did indeed surround him, he held up two of his legs in protest, “please!” He said. “Do it.” The araneo said, two other araneos grabbed the legs he held up in their jaws and tore them off. Wretch screamed in pain. “Ha! Not an araneo anymore insect.” The araneo said. “Now, end him.” The araneo said, the others got ready to strike, and then they all exploded, a tribesman had rode by on a direbear and blasted them all with his machine gun. “AGH MISSED ONE!” Grizzly roared angrily. Wretch shrieked and tan behind cover, just then he heard a scream, and the constant chatting of the hive mind stopped, the broodmother was dead.
“They killed it!” Phasma said, he tried to cloak but it didn’t work, so he dive bombed down onto the arachnid, the army was too busy cheering and celebrating that they didn’t notice him, all except Primalis, he said the bat and pointed at it. “Over there! It’s a desmodus, shoot it!” He yelled, Agent Fox and Raptor both got out their guns and aimed, Phasma ducked behind the broodmother’s corpse and bit into it, instantly he felt his stomach turn, his eyes glowed cyan, then shifted to magenta, his body mutated and changed, he felt powerful, and intended to test his newfound power, he rose up from the body of the broodmother and shrieked, it was so loud all the humans put their hands on their ears and the creatures panicked, Wretch used this distraction to his advantage, he scuttled past the army and over to the broodmother’s head, he used his mouth to grab the key out from the head and scuttled away quickly before he was seen, Phasma continued to shriek, sending the armies rexes into a rage and their other creatures into a fearful panic, some of the people even fainted, then, the flash happened again. They were back and both Wretch and Phasma were gone.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 68: Execution
Original Post Date: Jun 8, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Woolly Rhino, next chapter in Unicorn.
Many hours before the attack on the Book Club Camp:
“What do you mean he was accidentally KILLED?!” June snarled from her throne. Patricia, Lizzy, and Layla all knelt down to her at the base of the red carpet and near her feet. None dared to raise their heads. General Wyvern was noticeably absent from the scene.
“Your majesty, I know it sounds bad, but PLEASE! He tried running away, and-” Lizzy was cut off by the sound of a fire blazing. Her eyes darted up to see red flames dancing along June’s body and hands. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she looked at her subjects.
“I should have you all burnt alive at a stake. Then you’ll understand my pain. And what you’ve done to me.”
Patricia sat there with her head hung low, accepting her fate. Lizzy began to weep and sob, and Layla looked at her two accomplices with a mixture of fear and confliction.
The flames inside the throne room began to grow brighter and brighter, until eventually the heat became too unbearable. Layla felt herself growing dizzier and dizzier, and she could feel sweat pour from her face. She looked at her friends one last time.
“I don’t want to die,” Layla muttered to the two. Patricia didn’t respond, and Lizzy briefly looked up and locked eyes with Layla. Tears still ran down her cheeks.
“Me neither, Layla… I don’t want to die. As long as we’re together, though, right?”
Layla blinked her eyes, and as she stared at Lizzy a little longer, she suddenly felt a burning feeling in her heart. One of hatred and malice. She clenched her fists, her eyes widened, and she pointed a finger at Lizzy with a glare.
“Your majesty, it was her! She was the one responsible for killing Ben!” Layla snarled with gritted teeth. Lizzy’s eyes widened. Patricia seemed just as shocked, but didn’t want to show it. The flames died down a little.
“What do you mean?” June silently asked.
“SHE was the one who slit his throat with the damn spear! Me and Patricia were doing as you asked. We even had him captured too! And when he ran, Lizzy was stupid enough to run after him and use her spear. Now tell me how do you mess up like that?!”
“Layla, what are you saying-”
“ZIP IT! You’re responsible for killing Ben! In fact, you probably did it on purpose, huh? Just to hurt June this way. You sicko,” Layla spat. June was absolutely stunned by this information. She clenched her fists, and walked up to Lizzy. Layla’s words seemed so emotional and honest, that there had to be no way she was lying.
“You did WHAT to him?! I was not told this information of his throat being cut.”
“Your majesty please-”
June grabbed Lizzy by the throat, and pulled her up into the air with one hand. Lizzy began to choke and kick her feet. June let out a scream of rage, and then she was shrouded in flames. Lizzy let out a howl of anguish, until eventually her body hung loose. June threw the corpse full force at the wall.
Patricia kept staring at the floor, while Layla looked on in terror. Then, a smile grew on her face.
“That’s what she gets… that’s what she gets,” Layla muttered, “For disobeying the Crimson Crusader.”
Without any forewarning, Queen June stomped out of the throne room. Layla let out a confused mutter, and turned her head to see her step out of the throne room with her pike. For the next few minutes, there was silence. The only thing they could hear was the flames that ate the corpse, which were already diminish.
Layla collapsed to the floor. She stared at the bloodied red carpet, and began to claw at it with her nails.
“No, no no no no, what have I done? No, no NO NO!”
Soft footsteps echoed throughout the throne hall. Then, they halted randomly. Rustling of leaves filled the air.
“You two. The Crimson Crusader has left on her own personal mission. You have been assigned to your tasks while she is gone. Her departure is of no serious concern, I will be in charge until she is back.”
It was General Wyvern. Neither woman dared to look back.
“Patricia, you will be watching over the prisoners, and Layla, you will be going on the mission to raid the Book Club Camp. There, you will round up everyone there for the Crimson Crusader and bring them back here. Those are the Crimson Crusader’s strict orders, so I hope you do not disobey them. Do we have an understanding, ladies?”
“Yes sir,” Patricia blankly replied.
“Great. I expect you to follow your tasks immediately.”
General Wyvern exited the throne room, leaving the two to their own devices. Layla quickly got up from the ground, drew her club, and hugged it tight to her chest. She scurried out of the throne room without a word to Patricia.
“And here we are now,” Layla thought, looking up at her best friend Paige, who had her club drawn and ready to strike her head.
“I deserve this,” Layla decided to herself. She looked up at Paige. A tear rolled down her cheek.
“I’m just gonna get more people killed in the end, aren’t I? And for what… for my own fear that the Crimson Crusader will kill me?”
Layla closed her eyes gently.
“At least I’ll die here to someone I care about rather than some ruthless tyrant.”
Layla let out a soft chuckle, and spoke aloud to Paige,
“I knew it’d have something to do with art. Now what are you waiting for, bestie? Kill me.”
Paige reached her club back.
Patricia stumbled into the prison module of the castle, her head down. Traumatic memories of Lizzy’s burning corpse, Ben’s idle body within the jungle, and the screams filled her ears. Her heart began to beat against her chest badly.
As she reached the end of the hallway, she found herself leaning on the wall. She clenched her fist, and slammed it onto the stone walls, over and over again. She felt tears flood her eyes, and she began to sob uncontrollably.
“Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy,” Patricia mumbled under her breath, “Lizzy.”
Patricia began to heave up and down, leaning her head against the wall and letting out all her raw emotions.
“Why me?! WHY ME?!” Patricia cried, “Why couldn’t we have just graduated together and stayed friends?! All four of us, why why WHY WHY?! Why did we have to be brought here?! Why can’t this just be some… bad dream?”
“Why couldn’t things have just stayed the way they were?”
Patricia could hear a prison bed rustling and shaking. She didn’t bother turning to look who it was. Someone groggily walked up to the bars and gripped them tightly.
“Hey,” a voice said.
“Are you okay?”
Patricia clenched her fists tighter.
“What does it matter to you? I’m your captor.”
“Not really though. You’re just following orders,” he said. Melancholic piano music echoed in the background, and Patricia’s ears perked up.
“I heard what happened out there,” he added on, “I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Patricia muttered, “It’s not your business.”
“But it kind of is.”
Patricia turned her head to look at the man. He had a worried look on his face, one covered in scars and bruises, from battles of the far past and recent. Patricia wiped her face with the back of her hand.
“How could that be?”
He reached his arm back to scratch the back of his head.
“Well. I am his friend. So I do hold responsibility.”
“Right. I know.”
“Of course you know,” the man replied with a grin, “You’re smart. Really smart. You managed to break through my charm and capture me while all those other buffoons danced their butts off to my music.”
“It wasn’t that hard, dumbie,” Patricia whispered softly, looking away.
“Yeah yeah whatever. You know Ben isn’t really the lover type? So that ugly Crimson Crusader doesn’t even stand a chance, heh.”
“I don’t think she’d stand a chance even if he was,” Patricia said. She took a pause, before finally saying, “She’s an ogre!’
The man gasped.
“Ooooh, she is NOT gonna like that!”
Patricia slyly smiled, and she grabbed her left tricep softly.
“She’s not here at the moment. I can talk as much crap about her as I want.”
The man let out a loud laugh and collapsed back onto his bed.
“Then why don’t we make a plan? To overthrow her.”
Patricia’s eyes sparkled.
“You heard me right. Let’s plan a revolt. You were forced to work for her, right? So let’s do it! Let’s kick her ass!”
The shriek of Raptors rang out from outside. Patricia’s head jolted to the entrance of the prison. After a minute or so, Patricia let out a sigh of relief and turned back.
“But why me? I could go to the Crimson Crusader and tell her right now what you’re planning, and she’ll have you killed.”
“Because… I WANT to work with you!” he declared, “And because… you are-”
The man paused. Then, a few seconds later continued his sentence.
“Because you are the only person who has defeated me in a fight. Ever.”
Patricia nodded her head. She let out a hiccup, and then wiped the tears off her face.
“Okay. Let’s do it then… uh-”
“Ian. My name is Ian Falcon.”
“And I’m Patricia. Patricia Monroe.”
Ian gave a soft smile, giving her a soft wink.
“Cute name. Okay then. I’ll make up a game plan. For now, just pretend you’re still loyal to the queen. I’ll tell you every time you come back here. Alright… Get back to guarding me. And wipe that smile off your face. You need to look like a real guard, or they’re gonna catch us. Now don’t mind me as I sit back and take a nap.”
Patricia nodded in affirmation, and as she wiped her hand over her lips, her smile faded from her face. The nonchalant expression she used to returned to her body, the one she wore everywhere she went.
But to be honest, Patricia just wanted to keep smiling and laughing with Ian.
Heard this devil and thought, I can tame that. It takes me 3 days to get one knocked out. I gave it meat tamed it. I was very excited and thought finally a easy killing machine. I wanted to create the saddle but I needed more hide for it. I went to a dodicurous and said attack! But it did it’s spin attack and hit a marelotpes and all 3 attacked and killed my Dino. I realized I suck. Next adventure managrmar. And a spelling bee
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 68: Execution
Original Post Date: Jun 14, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Woolly Rhino, next chapter in Unicorn.
Many hours before the attack on the Book Club Camp:
“What do you mean he was accidentally KILLED?!” June snarled from her throne. Patricia, Lizzy, and Layla all knelt down to her at the base of the red carpet and near her feet. None dared to raise their heads. General Wyvern was noticeably absent from the scene.
“Your majesty, I know it sounds bad, but PLEASE! He tried running away, and-” Lizzy was cut off by the sound of a fire blazing. Her eyes darted up to see red flames dancing along June’s body and hands. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she looked at her subjects.
“I should have you all burnt alive at a stake. Then you’ll understand my pain. And what you’ve done to me.”
Patricia sat there with her head hung low, accepting her fate. Lizzy began to weep and sob, and Layla looked at her two accomplices with a mixture of fear and confliction.
The flames inside the throne room began to grow brighter and brighter, until eventually the heat became too unbearable. Layla felt herself growing dizzier and dizzier, and she could feel sweat pour from her face. She looked at her friends one last time.
“I don’t want to die,” Layla muttered to the two. Patricia didn’t respond, and Lizzy briefly looked up and locked eyes with Layla. Tears still ran down her cheeks.
“Me neither, Layla… I don’t want to die. As long as we’re together, though, right?”
Layla blinked her eyes, and as she stared at Lizzy a little longer, she suddenly felt a burning feeling in her heart. One of hatred and malice. She clenched her fists, her eyes widened, and she pointed a finger at Lizzy with a glare.
“Your majesty, it was her! She was the one responsible for killing Ben!” Layla snarled with gritted teeth. Lizzy’s eyes widened. Patricia seemed just as shocked, but didn’t want to show it. The flames died down a little.
“What do you mean?” June silently asked.
“SHE was the one who slit his throat with the damn spear! Me and Patricia were doing as you asked. We even had him captured too! And when he ran, Lizzy was stupid enough to run after him and use her spear. Now tell me how do you mess up like that?!”
“Layla, what are you saying-”
“ZIP IT! You’re responsible for killing Ben! In fact, you probably did it on purpose, huh? Just to hurt June this way. You sicko,” Layla spat. June was absolutely stunned by this information. She clenched her fists, and walked up to Lizzy. Layla’s words seemed so emotional and honest, that there had to be no way she was lying.
“You did WHAT to him?! I was not told this information of his throat being cut.”
“Your majesty please-”
June grabbed Lizzy by the throat, and pulled her up into the air with one hand. Lizzy began to choke and kick her feet. June let out a scream of rage, and then she was shrouded in flames. Lizzy let out a howl of anguish, until eventually her body hung loose. June threw the corpse full force at the wall.
Patricia kept staring at the floor, while Layla looked on in terror. Then, a smile grew on her face.
“That’s what she gets… that’s what she gets,” Layla muttered, “For disobeying the Crimson Crusader.”
Without any forewarning, Queen June stomped out of the throne room. Layla let out a confused mutter, and turned her head to see her step out of the throne room with her pike. For the next few minutes, there was silence. The only thing they could hear was the flames that ate the corpse, which were already diminish.
Layla collapsed to the floor. She stared at the bloodied red carpet, and began to claw at it with her nails.
“No, no no no no, what have I done? No, no NO NO!”
Soft footsteps echoed throughout the throne hall. Then, they halted randomly. Rustling of leaves filled the air.
“You two. The Crimson Crusader has left on her own personal mission. You have been assigned to your tasks while she is gone. Her departure is of no serious concern, I will be in charge until she is back.”
It was General Wyvern. Neither woman dared to look back.
“Patricia, you will be watching over the prisoners, and Layla, you will be going on the mission to raid the Book Club Camp. There, you will round up everyone there for the Crimson Crusader and bring them back here. Those are the Crimson Crusader’s strict orders, so I hope you do not disobey them. Do we have an understanding, ladies?”
“Yes sir,” Patricia blankly replied.
“Great. I expect you to follow your tasks immediately.”
General Wyvern exited the throne room, leaving the two to their own devices. Layla quickly got up from the ground, drew her club, and hugged it tight to her chest. She scurried out of the throne room without a word to Patricia.
“And here we are now,” Layla thought, looking up at her best friend Paige, who had her club drawn and ready to strike her head.
“I deserve this,” Layla decided to herself. She looked up at Paige. A tear rolled down her cheek.
“I’m just gonna get more people killed in the end, aren’t I? And for what… for my own fear that the Crimson Crusader will kill me?”
Layla closed her eyes gently.
“At least I’ll die here to someone I care about rather than some ruthless tyrant.”
Layla let out a soft chuckle, and spoke aloud to Paige,
“I knew it’d have something to do with art. Now what are you waiting for, bestie? Kill me.”
Paige reached her club back.
Patricia stumbled into the prison module of the castle, her head down. Traumatic memories of Lizzy’s burning corpse, Ben’s idle body within the jungle, and the screams filled her ears. Her heart began to beat against her chest badly.
As she reached the end of the hallway, she found herself leaning on the wall. She clenched her fist, and slammed it onto the stone walls, over and over again. She felt tears flood her eyes, and she began to sob uncontrollably.
“Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy,” Patricia mumbled under her breath, “Lizzy.”
Patricia began to heave up and down, leaning her head against the wall and letting out all her raw emotions.
“Why me?! WHY ME?!” Patricia cried, “Why couldn’t we have just graduated together and stayed friends?! All four of us, why why WHY WHY?! Why did we have to be brought here?! Why can’t this just be some… bad dream?”
“Why couldn’t things have just stayed the way they were?”
Patricia could hear a prison bed rustling and shaking. She didn’t bother turning to look who it was. Someone groggily walked up to the bars and gripped them tightly.
“Hey,” a voice said.
“Are you okay?”
Patricia clenched her fists tighter.
“What does it matter to you? I’m your captor.”
“Not really though. You’re just following orders,” he said. Melancholic piano music echoed in the background, and Patricia’s ears perked up.
“I heard what happened out there,” he added on, “I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Patricia muttered, “It’s not your business.”
“But it kind of is.”
Patricia turned her head to look at the man. He had a worried look on his face, one covered in scars and bruises, from battles of the far past and recent. Patricia wiped her face with the back of her hand.
“How could that be?”
He reached his arm back to scratch the back of his head.
“Well. I am his friend. So I do hold responsibility.”
“Right. I know.”
“Of course you know,” the man replied with a grin, “You’re smart. Really smart. You managed to break through my charm and capture me while all those other buffoons danced their butts off to my music.”
“It wasn’t that hard, dumbie,” Patricia whispered softly, looking away.
“Yeah yeah whatever. You know Ben isn’t really the lover type? So that ugly Crimson Crusader doesn’t even stand a chance, heh.”
“I don’t think she’d stand a chance even if he was,” Patricia said. She took a pause, before finally saying, “She’s an ogre!’
The man gasped.
“Ooooh, she is NOT gonna like that!”
Patricia slyly smiled, and she grabbed her left tricep softly.
“She’s not here at the moment. I can talk as much crap about her as I want.”
The man let out a loud laugh and collapsed back onto his bed.
“Then why don’t we make a plan? To overthrow her.”
Patricia’s eyes sparkled.
“You heard me right. Let’s plan a revolt. You were forced to work for her, right? So let’s do it! Let’s kick her ass!”
The shriek of Raptors rang out from outside. Patricia’s head jolted to the entrance of the prison. After a minute or so, Patricia let out a sigh of relief and turned back.
“But why me? I could go to the Crimson Crusader and tell her right now what you’re planning, and she’ll have you killed.”
“Because… I WANT to work with you!” he declared, “And because… you are-”
The man paused. Then, a few seconds later continued his sentence.
“Because you are the only person who has defeated me in a fight. Ever.”
Patricia nodded her head. She let out a hiccup, and then wiped the tears off her face.
“Okay. Let’s do it then… uh-”
“Ian. My name is Ian Falcon.”
“And I’m Patricia. Patricia Monroe.”
Ian gave a soft smile, giving her a soft wink.
“Cute name. Okay then. I’ll make up a game plan. For now, just pretend you’re still loyal to the queen. I’ll tell you every time you come back here. Alright… Get back to guarding me. And wipe that smile off your face. You need to look like a real guard, or they’re gonna catch us. Now don’t mind me as I sit back and take a nap.”
Patricia nodded in affirmation, and as she wiped her hand over her lips, her smile faded from her face. The nonchalant expression she used to returned to her body, the one she wore everywhere she went.
But to be honest, Patricia just wanted to keep smiling and laughing with Ian.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 68: Execution
Many hours before the attack on the Book Club Camp:
“What do you mean he was accidentally KILLED?!” June snarled from her throne. Patricia, Lizzy, and Layla all knelt down to her at the base of the red carpet and near her feet. None dared to raise their heads. General Wyvern was noticeably absent from the scene.
“Your majesty, I know it sounds bad, but PLEASE! He tried running away, and-” Lizzy was cut off by the sound of a fire blazing. Her eyes darted up to see red flames dancing along June’s body and hands. Tears trailed down her cheeks as she looked at her subjects.
“I should have you all burnt alive at a stake. Then you’ll understand my pain. And what you’ve done to me.”
Patricia sat there with her head hung low, accepting her fate. Lizzy began to weep and sob, and Layla looked at her two accomplices with a mixture of fear and confliction.
The flames inside the throne room began to grow brighter and brighter, until eventually the heat became too unbearable. Layla felt herself growing dizzier and dizzier, and she could feel sweat pour from her face. She looked at her friends one last time.
“I don’t want to die,” Layla muttered to the two. Patricia didn’t respond, and Lizzy briefly looked up and locked eyes with Layla. Tears still ran down her cheeks.
“Me neither, Layla… I don’t want to die. As long as we’re together, though, right?”
Layla blinked her eyes, and as she stared at Lizzy a little longer, she suddenly felt a burning feeling in her heart. One of hatred and malice. She clenched her fists, her eyes widened, and she pointed a finger at Lizzy with a glare.
“Your majesty, it was her! She was the one responsible for killing Ben!” Layla snarled with gritted teeth. Lizzy’s eyes widened. Patricia seemed just as shocked, but didn’t want to show it. The flames died down a little.
“What do you mean?” June silently asked.
“SHE was the one who slit his throat with the damn spear! Me and Patricia were doing as you asked. We even had him captured too! And when he ran, Lizzy was stupid enough to run after him and use her spear. Now tell me how do you mess up like that?!”
“Layla, what are you saying-”
“ZIP IT! You’re responsible for killing Ben! In fact, you probably did it on purpose, huh? Just to hurt June this way. You sicko,” Layla spat. June was absolutely stunned by this information. She clenched her fists, and walked up to Lizzy. Layla’s words seemed so emotional and honest, that there had to be no way she was lying.
“You did WHAT to him?! I was not told this information of his throat being cut.”
“Your majesty please-”
June grabbed Lizzy by the throat, and pulled her up into the air with one hand. Lizzy began to choke and kick her feet. June let out a scream of rage, and then she was shrouded in flames. Lizzy let out a howl of anguish, until eventually her body hung loose. June threw the corpse full force at the wall.
Patricia kept staring at the floor, while Layla looked on in terror. Then, a smile grew on her face.
“That’s what she gets… that’s what she gets,” Layla muttered, “For disobeying the Crimson Crusader.”
Without any forewarning, Queen June stomped out of the throne room. Layla let out a confused mutter, and turned her head to see her step out of the throne room with her pike. For the next few minutes, there was silence. The only thing they could hear was the flames that ate the corpse, which were already diminish.
Layla collapsed to the floor. She stared at the bloodied red carpet, and began to claw at it with her nails.
“No, no no no no, what have I done? No, no NO NO!”
Soft footsteps echoed throughout the throne hall. Then, they halted randomly. Rustling of leaves filled the air.
“You two. The Crimson Crusader has left on her own personal mission. You have been assigned to your tasks while she is gone. Her departure is of no serious concern, I will be in charge until she is back.”
It was General Wyvern. Neither woman dared to look back.
“Patricia, you will be watching over the prisoners, and Layla, you will be going on the mission to raid the Book Club Camp. There, you will round up everyone there for the Crimson Crusader and bring them back here. Those are the Crimson Crusader’s strict orders, so I hope you do not disobey them. Do we have an understanding, ladies?”
“Yes sir,” Patricia blankly replied.
“Great. I expect you to follow your tasks immediately.”
General Wyvern exited the throne room, leaving the two to their own devices. Layla quickly got up from the ground, drew her club, and hugged it tight to her chest. She scurried out of the throne room without a word to Patricia.
“And here we are now,” Layla thought, looking up at her best friend Paige, who had her club drawn and ready to strike her head.
“I deserve this,” Layla decided to herself. She looked up at Paige. A tear rolled down her cheek.
“I’m just gonna get more people killed in the end, aren’t I? And for what… for my own fear that the Crimson Crusader will kill me?”
Layla closed her eyes gently.
“At least I’ll die here to someone I care about rather than some ruthless tyrant.”
Layla let out a soft chuckle, and spoke aloud to Paige,
“I knew it’d have something to do with art. Now what are you waiting for, bestie? Kill me.”
Paige reached her club back.
Patricia stumbled into the prison module of the castle, her head down. Traumatic memories of Lizzy’s burning corpse, Ben’s idle body within the jungle, and the screams filled her ears. Her heart began to beat against her chest badly.
As she reached the end of the hallway, she found herself leaning on the wall. She clenched her fist, and slammed it onto the stone walls, over and over again. She felt tears flood her eyes, and she began to sob uncontrollably.
“Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy,” Patricia mumbled under her breath, “Lizzy.”
Patricia began to heave up and down, leaning her head against the wall and letting out all her raw emotions.
“Why me?! WHY ME?!” Patricia cried, “Why couldn’t we have just graduated together and stayed friends?! All four of us, why why WHY WHY?! Why did we have to be brought here?! Why can’t this just be some… bad dream?”
“Why couldn’t things have just stayed the way they were?”
Patricia could hear a prison bed rustling and shaking. She didn’t bother turning to look who it was. Someone groggily walked up to the bars and gripped them tightly.
“Hey,” a voice said.
“Are you okay?”
Patricia clenched her fists tighter.
“What does it matter to you? I’m your captor.”
“Not really though. You’re just following orders,” he said. Melancholic piano music echoed in the background, and Patricia’s ears perked up.
“I heard what happened out there,” he added on, “I’m sorry.”
“You shouldn’t be,” Patricia muttered, “It’s not your business.”
“But it kind of is.”
Patricia turned her head to look at the man. He had a worried look on his face, one covered in scars and bruises, from battles of the far past and recent. Patricia wiped her face with the back of her hand.
“How could that be?”
He reached his arm back to scratch the back of his head.
“Well. I am his friend. So I do hold responsibility.”
“Right. I know.”
“Of course you know,” the man replied with a grin, “You’re smart. Really smart. You managed to break through my charm and capture me while all those other buffoons danced their butts off to my music.”
“It wasn’t that hard, dumbie,” Patricia whispered softly, looking away.
“Yeah yeah whatever. You know Ben isn’t really the lover type? So that ugly Crimson Crusader doesn’t even stand a chance, heh.”
“I don’t think she’d stand a chance even if he was,” Patricia said. She took a pause, before finally saying, “She’s an ogre!’
The man gasped.
“Ooooh, she is NOT gonna like that!”
Patricia slyly smiled, and she grabbed her left tricep softly.
“She’s not here at the moment. I can talk as much crap about her as I want.”
The man let out a loud laugh and collapsed back onto his bed.
“Then why don’t we make a plan? To overthrow her.”
Patricia’s eyes sparkled.
“You heard me right. Let’s plan a revolt. You were forced to work for her, right? So let’s do it! Let’s kick her ass!”
The shriek of Raptors rang out from outside. Patricia’s head jolted to the entrance of the prison. After a minute or so, Patricia let out a sigh of relief and turned back.
“But why me? I could go to the Crimson Crusader and tell her right now what you’re planning, and she’ll have you killed.”
“Because… I WANT to work with you!” he declared, “And because… you are-”
The man paused. Then, a few seconds later continued his sentence.
“Because you are the only person who has defeated me in a fight. Ever.”
Patricia nodded her head. She let out a hiccup, and then wiped the tears off her face.
“Okay. Let’s do it then… uh-”
“Ian. My name is Ian Falcon.”
“And I’m Patricia. Patricia Monroe.”
Ian gave a soft smile, giving her a soft wink.
“Cute name. Okay then. I’ll make up a game plan. For now, just pretend you’re still loyal to the queen. I’ll tell you every time you come back here. Alright… Get back to guarding me. And wipe that smile off your face. You need to look like a real guard, or they’re gonna catch us. Now don’t mind me as I sit back and take a nap.”
Patricia nodded in affirmation, and as she wiped her hand over her lips, her smile faded from her face. The nonchalant expression she used to returned to her body, the one she wore everywhere she went.
But to be honest, Patricia just wanted to keep smiling and laughing with Ian.
I spent pretty much two weeks bothering my sever for a saddle and all I got was nope, dont have it any more, today some random guy from a different server gave me a ascendant vilo saddle, I just started the best I could and tryed to pay but he told me to pick it up. I choose a good server to bother. Lol
Journey: Chapter 9
“WE’RE DEAD!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO DIE AND ITS YOUR FAULT!!!!! WHY DID I HAVE TO RUMMAGE THROUGH YOUR BAG!!!!” Nightfall screamed as Forest was gliding over the jungles of the Island.
Forest was mainly ignoring his temporary companion on his back. Forest looked over the landscape as he flew passed it. It was very different atmosphere from what he knew of, but at the same time it has the same societies. All the creatures have the same way to living, nothing different from Fjordur except for a large number of creatures were missing from here unless they were tamed.
After some time they got to the to the edge of the swamp on the outskirts of the obelisk off of Forests single glide. Nightfall was shaking as he got off Forest’s back, he stumbled off and fell into the mud.
“Why do you drakes have to be such speed demons and not keep it at a steady pace like most flyers!!” Nightfall said as he was trying to get himself off the ground.
Forest laughed at what he said “I was going pretty slow with you on my back.” Forest trying to stop giggling.
“Well you should have been slower. I can’t even feel my legs from the fear.” Nightfall said.
As Forest was going to say a remark, he heard loud buzzing from what sounded like a single creature. Nightfall’s eyes went wide and he began shaking again as the noise got closer. “GET IN THE SWAMP!!! GO!!” Nightfall shrieked as he started to dart into the swamp.
The buzzing sound was getting louder, Forest quickly panicked and ran into the swamp before turning his camouflage on and stood still. A huge insect with massive wings, claws and singer flew over pass looking down into the swamp, almost like it was staring at Forest, it hovered over them for a moment, spinning around for a complete look as it did.
It flew off in the direction towards the obelisk. Forest took a deep breath, he was afraid that it saw him. He quickly looked over at Nightfall who was just getting up from being under water and was shrieking with terror. As he got up, Forest saw why. Three leeches decided to latch on to Nightfall and he was having a panic attack about it. Forest than tried to calm him down.
A Velonasaur’s tale
Chapter 1
Quills was being swarmed by corrupted raptors, Because he killed the alpha. “Dang raptors!” Quills said.
1 Day until the corruption.
It was sunny and peaceful in the desert dome. Quills had just eaten his morrelatops for dinner. “I wonder what lies outside this dome” wondered Quills. His little adventure to the edge of the desert dome went well. But night came quickly and Quills slept on the hard and cold ground. The next morning he ate a few dodos for breakfast. Suddenly, the dome shields went down. “What is happening” Quills wondered
Ok so my friend and I had been playing on an extinction server and we needed a good level female velonasaur. So I went off on our wyvern (it was given to us by someone who had just transferred it over) and my friend had told me that they were friendly, and that’s when I came across a group of around lvl 200 female velonasaurs. So when I shot one with a tranq you can imagine my screams of terror as the velonasaurs shredded through my armor and health as I was frantically trying to get on my wyvern.
My friend mg62
So I was wondering in the desert thinking nothing could kill me, I was bombarded by bugs and killed everyone than I forgot to watch for death worms and killed my volonasaur but I was able to get away and brought three Rexes and killed it so I made a grave for mg62 and I mourned for a while and went deathworm hunting and died again so keep your distance and stay safe in the desert
A Velonasaur’s tale
Chapter 2
As the dome shields went down, he saw raptors. But they had this black and purple stuff on them. “What happened to them?” Quills wondered. Suddenly, one of the raptors came at him. Quills shot down the raptor as he got close. What Quills didn’t realize is that how big the pack was. Then, he was being swarmed by raptors. “Dang raptors!” Quills said. Quills starting shaking as his quills launched off him and onto the raptors. “That should be all of them.” There was about 7-8 corpses on the ground. “What happened here...” Quills wondered as he saw the huge wasteland and the black and purple spikes. Then a voice beside him said “This is the corruption.” Quills quickly moved to the side and was ready to attack. “Who are you?” Quills said. “I am a gasbags, but I do not have a name.” “Are you going anywhere today?” Quills said. “I am going to the snow dome to find a snow owl and a managarmr to help stop the corruption.” The gasbags said.