Rockwell’s Reign: Chapter 7 Part 1

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Rockwell’s Reign: Chapter 7 Part 1

- The Nazgûl

Erin had been tracking the Bonehounds for near an hour. She had gone back to the massacred camp and found a few weapons in the small hut. She grabbed a bow and a dagger. She wasn’t confident that she would do any damage with them, but she might as well have some form of defense. Having tracked things before, and considering how obvious the Bonehounds trail was since they had apparently been injured when taking out the camp, tracking them was easy. After about ten minutes, she began to hear noises. She stopped and listened. She thought she heard talking, but she also thought she only heard growls. She moved in closer. Through the tall grass, she could see the Bonehounds. They were talking with each other. She outlay heard growls, but occasionally a word of English caught her ear. This was weird. She consecrated on listening for the English more. It suddenly was all English and no growls. It was like she was thinking their entire conversation. She was trying to figure out what was happening when she heard one of the Bonehounds mention hunting humans. She drew her bow. One of the Bonehounds heard her. Staring into its eyes, she lost her focus. The arrow flew. She heard one of the Bonehounds grunt in pain. The others rushed at her. She tried to draw another arrow, but the other Bonehounds got to her and knocked the bow out of her hands. The arrow again managed to somehow hit the same Bonehound in the leg. She tried to fight with her dagger. One of the Bonehounds pounced on her. Her dagger got knocked from her hands. She yelled in anguish, as the Bonehound knocked it away. As soon as she spoke, the Bonehound paused. He spoke to her. She barely caught what it said as she remembered to listen carefully, or rather think more carefully. “You’ve enraged Bone. Your death may be soon.” She was very confused. Without thinking she spoke back. “Bone? How do I understand you?” After speaking, she realized how foolish this was as she didn’t know if the Bonehounds could understand her. She did not expect a reply, but the Bonehound left to join his friends and spoke to them. The Bonehound she shot in the leg, apparently their leader, came forward. “You speak my language. Why do you attack us?” It asked. Thinking it weird that she was having a conversation with an animal, she responded.

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