ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Desert Titan
Tips & Strategies from the iOS & Android apps
This is the story of the many wyvern’s, who died fighting for the good of all.
The titan came out of the corruption from where it came, my faithful wyverns behind me, and me riding Shockwave, my lightning wyvern.
We hit it head on, fighting it with all our might. All was well, until the flocks came. They damaged our tames, and killed a few. It was at about quarter health when Snowy, my first ever ice wyvern, was lost to the flocks of the desert titan. In the end everyone but me was dead, body’s of wyverns strewn across the desert.
Little known fact: the desert titan is the lightest creature in ark weighing only three kilograms.
Just to let you know I think if you go to settings and allow raid dino feeding these things can eat so you can use it for more than
24hours hope this helps and works
...Silly Survivor
Quetz with a platform saddle is the way to go. Make a metal box around where your player sits then all you gotta do is stay under the corruption on the wings and tail. 100% alpha tame every time :)
To tame it, when it targets you with lightning, go next to it's infected area on the right wing, then damage it if the corruption shows up. Then do left wibg, then back. This is the best way :)
Only boss u can tame basically just like the others
Immune to Tropical Crystal Wyvern breath attack
Carryable By
Affected By
Can Damage
Fits Through
The Desert Titan is a massive, flying, tamable mini-boss in ARK: Extinction.
Translations: عملاق الصحراء, Pouštní Titán, Wüstentitan, Titán del Desierto, Titan du Désert, טיטאן המדבר, Titano del deserto, デザートタイタン, 데저트 타이탄, Woestijn Titaan, Titã do Deserto, Пустынный Титан, Çöl Titanı, 沙漠泰坦, 沙漠泰坦.