Overseer (Previous in Overseer (lol) )

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Overseer (Previous in Overseer (lol) )

Chapter 27

I won’t survive in one safe place, Fuzzball thought. He quickly ran to another pillar, right before the previous pillar got burned down. Suddenly the place changed, the scene was snowing on a sunny bright day, Fuzzball could see himself there, stabbed in the back by something that was blurred out. Then it shifted again, there was sadness and grieving, he could see a cross that said ‘Fuzzball’, behind the bushes and trees a little Ferox peeked outside and giggled, then vanished into the bushes.

Once again the world around him shifted again, the bright snow that used to be in the snow biome was gone. It was empty, it was so quiet that only the winds and dead trees were the only source of sound. Fuzzball walked around, all the caves and burrows were gone, some fire sizzled in the far distance, the sky was filled with ashes and orange stripes. There were no bodies, it was like hell. Fuzzball kept walking, desperate to get out of this place. It is all just a dream, Fuzzball said to himself. It’s all just a dream. Suddenly Fuzzball stumbled upon a broken piece of machine that seemed to be left powered on. Suddenly it beeped and started talking:

“ June 16, 2251,

Gregory has found a new source of life for our extinguish planet. The Homo Deus and Humans have worked together to create and build the last and final hope of human survival after the UFE and Fed’s war. The Colony ship is being launched in some months, but they have disagreed on it. Both have agreed to build another chance for human lives.

The Arks. I am classified to speak of it as they are still working on it. The creators have added extinct dinosaurs and fantasy into it, and hope that the strongest survivors may lift and continue the human race is the best I can tell you. I do not know how long we can continue building, our planet is being consumed by the long wars of the UFE and Fed’s. It is slowly being diminished into ashes and elements.

To anyone that may find this one day, do not continue searching for the keystones. They will come rescue you one day, I doubt that anyone is alive back at Earth by the time someone reads this message. BANG. Oh no, no no no- BANG. AAAAHH-”

There were yelling as the speaker cried and shouted, finally it quieted down. It horrified Fuzzball, who were the Homo? What was the UFE war? What is Earth? And what do they mean the Arks? Surely they aren’t just created, Fuzzball thought. Suddenly he fainted and everything disappeared.

“Are you sure he’s ok?”

“He must be. I wonder why he just fainted in the woods.”

“Perhaps of anxiety and stress?”

“Oh shut up, that's nonsense. Must be a heat stroke.”

Fuzzball felt a wet towel pressed against his forehead, he opened his eyes and saw Sand and Bob standing next to him. Sang was sitting far behind them, waiting for something…

“Fuzzball! You're awake! What happened?”

Fuzzball looked at Bob and could sense that he felt sorry for him.

“T-the machine, where is it?” Fuzzball got up and looked for it, tossing aside tables and woods. “Where is it?”

“Fuzzball, calm down! There was no machine with you, we found you laying down in the woods.” Sand replied as he grabbed Fuzzball by the arm. He calmed down and sat down. How could this happen? Was it all just a dream? Of course not, he felt the heat of the dragon breathing upon him, he could feel the machines touch.

Suddenly Fuzzball remembered, there was something wrong with the sky, it was open… He quickly dashed outside and looked up, and surely there were small lines, soon it was in shapes.

“Fuzzball, what are you doing?” Bob asked as he looked up at the sky.

How could he have missed it? It was there the whole time. Finally Fuzzball understood the message.

They were in a simulation.

“Sand, we have to go back. The Tails must know this!”

“Fuzzball, what are you talking about? Gig just send us here to… I don’t know? Stop the C.A.I.F.T? But Gig didn’t tell us what we were supposed to do…” Sand hesitated, finally he gave a little gasp of surprise. “Could it… just could it be that Gig banished me from the Tails with you!? Oh why, we have to go back!” Sand suddenly started to cry and mumbled something that was inaudible.

Fuzzball looked at Sand and waited until he stopped. “No, they didn’t banish us. The council couldn’t, after all of that journey, they can’t just kick us out. Unless…” Suddenly Fuzzball knew what Gig was trying to do. They didn’t send any spies to the real world, they have been asking Fuzzball weird questions such as what he was dreaming of and does he foresee anything so they can keep track of what's happening in the real world.

The council was using them as the spy, they knew they couldn’t keep Fuzzball any longer because the C.A.I.F.T would go after them. They were left to stop the war. But they didn’t know about the secret barrier in the sky.

“Sand, we have to go back to the Giganti- whatever the monkey’s base in the redwoods, they have to know about this!”

“But weren’t they part of the C.A.I.F.T like you said? You’re gonna turn us in?”

“No! They are mine only closest friends left, if we could just secretly contact scar, maybe she would actually help us. We have to end this war as soon as possible or else all the lands and biomes would be destroyed. Come on!”

“Wait, what about me?” Bob asked, pulling on Fuzzball arms. The little Dodo had scars on one side of his body, he had become tougher soon after they lost him in the swamp. Fuzzball guessed it was a miracle that he survived and didn’t come with them to the desert.

Fuzzball wondered for a second then said, “You should stay here, you could be my backup base in case.” Then he grinned and leaned to Bob’s ear. “Maybe add some fortification around the camp?”

“Ooh! I can do that! Bye Fuzzball! Come on Sang!” Bob happily said and hummed a song while running back to a tent.

When Bob was gone Fuzzball looked at Sand. “Let’s go.” Fuzzball said as he climbed onto Sand’s back.

Soon they rode away deep into the woods, going back to the Gigantipitchus base.


Note: hope y’all enjoying this series right now! I forgot to say but next chapter in Ice Titan. See ya!

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