The Final Feast

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The Final Feast

Chapter 6

Years later...

Corvi cracked open an eye as Tango squaked, "She's back! She's back!" Sure enough, the human had returned, but though she had initally left with a procoptodon, she was now walking back to the base and was heavily injured. The tiny otter that had been riding on the human's shoulders scurried down onto the ground and crawled up to the aviary, curling around Tango's neck and shivering. The old pteranodon was a patient one and often overtrusting. Corvi scoffed and closed her eyes, attempting to fall back asleep until she felt a pat on her wing. The human climbed onto her back. Corvi sighed. She wouldn't be getting any rest now. She pushed herself into the sky and the human directed her to the Redwoods.

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