The Volcano

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The Volcano

Chapter 19

The dragon roared when it saw them. The dragon shot electricity at Magma, but he barely got out of the way. And then, something strange happened. Everyone was teleported into a very warm area with lava.

“Finally! Now we can finish it!” Said a voice. And then, flying drones came into the big room. And then robots rolled into the room.

“Magmasaurs, my attack drones in the air will help you! My defense units shall do the same!” Said the voice again.

“Who are you?” Asked Magma.

“Watch out!” The voice said again. Magma saw the dragon diving at him with his mouth open. Magma charged up his lava quickly and shot it into the dragon’s mouth. The dragon almost hit magma with its body, but it hit the ground hard.

“I will explain who I am later. We have to finish the dragon!” Said the voice. The dragon got back up and looked up at the attack drones shooting at it. It flew at them and ate the drones. The dragon landed. The defense units rolled towards the dragon and started to slash at it. This time, the dragon was getting hurt.

“Magmasaurs, get out of the room quickly! I am going to try something!” Said the voice. And then a part of the wall opened up and the magmasaurs went inside. And then they teleported to a strange area. There was a big floating thing looking through a window. The magmasaurs walked over to the window to see what was happening. Then they saw what was happening. The room they were once was flooding with water. And then they saw the dragon inside of it.

“I am the Overseer.” Said the Overseer.

“The dragon is dying to the water.”

They saw the dragon in there. A few parts of it had fallen off, revealing its robot insides.

“It’s robotic?” Said Fire.

“He was always a robot ever since we made him.” Said the Overseer.

“His entire purpose was to fight the uprising threat. But he had a mind of his own. He destroyed a few of my defense units and escaped to an ark. But now he is dead.” Said the overseer.

“What is an ark?” Asked Magma.

“Here we go again.” Said the Overseer. The Overseer explained everything to them. The Arks, how they were created, the threat, and much more.

“But before we can kill the threat, we must destroy the other haywire creatures I created.” Said the Overseer.

“Are you ready to go to an Ark that I call the island?” Said the Overseer.

“We’re ready to face anything.” The three magmasaurs said.

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