ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the king titan? Memorable king titan stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
You wake up on the first Ark. With your mouth dry and your head spinning, you stand up, hoping the headache will go away. When you look around your body, you see something, a crystal maybe on your left wrist. You try to scratch it off, but it is stuck to your body. As you are alone, you struggle to survive. Ambushing dodos and hiding from dilos. You build a small thatched house under a stone pillar, hoping you will survive. Suddenly, a dilo pack came running at you! You try to run but they spat poison in your eyes and ate you up. You woke up again, this time in your sleeping bag in the house. Was it all a dream? Maybe, maybe not. As time went by, you learned that you are stuck in some kind of island in the middle of space. More time past, you had more experience, and soon defeating the alpha overseer. Soon after, you wake up on the aberration Ark. And as always, you won. But this time against Rockwell. Finally, you were on the extinction world, it had looked a lot like Earth, but you were not sure that whether it is or not. This time, you had experience as. Much than ever before. Days, months, maybe even years went by, you have obtained the M.O.M.I and four mechs. You herd your trusty and loyal tek saddle Rex and much more dinosaurs you have tamed. Soon, it is time to face your fate, as your enforcers are ready to charge into battle and the gamma and beta titans by your side, the alpha titans awake, ready to destroy whoever is in their way. You immediately jump onto the mega Mek and fight The war. Though many has died. Including your titans and all you tames. It is only you, your mega Mek and the Alpha King Titan left on the battlefield. As the Alpha King Titan was about to charge at you. You grab the mega Mek’s sword and jumped at the abomination and stabbed it in the head. You ejected yourself from the mega Mek with a parachute. You won, you won all the challenges that you have to face. Now finally, it is all over. You can finally go home, whether if it exists or not. You no longer have a home. After all your journey through the worlds. Ready to face anything to face anything that will come at you again, you step into whatever is waiting for you entering another world of Ark once more.
Protectors of Pandora
Chapter 59 ~suiting up~
The group walked through the halls, Caesar and Nash told the stories of what happened on Hades and the Jungle ark, Nash was surprised to hear of Oaks betrayal, and Caesars new arm, and Caesar was impressed by Nash’s bravery and valor. everyone was happy to be together again, but the group was still missing two important members, they still needed to find the others. Stainly walked a bit behind everyone else, he was terrified, Salizar was sure to kill him first, and he wasn’t ready to die. He clutched Lagoon’s cryopod in his hand, the oasisaur was too large to fit into the starlit sanctuary so the ark podded her automatically. “We should get weapons, we can’t fight the full force of this base.” He said. The others turned to look at him. “Your right. But where do we find weapons.” The chief asked. Stainly shrugged. “This place is a maze, we’ll be lucky to find anything in here, let alone an armory.” Skyla said. “Yes but- did you hear that?” Caesar said. They looked around. “Psst” “ I hear it too, where’s it coming from?” Jaxz asked. “Over here!” Ping said. “They looked in the direction of the noise, it was coming from a vent. “PING!” Multiple voices said at once. “SssSsSHhhHhHh!” Ping said. “Why?” Caesar asked. “Because, they could be watching!” Ron’s voice said from the vent. “In fact all of you, look away from the vent!” Ron continued. They turned away but continued talking, some made actual smalltalk while Caesar talked to Ron. “We were captured by a ferox, And we heard Salizar’s plan, he wants to exterminate all the humans and connect the Arks into a new planet ruled by him, and his “‘Barons’”. he put us in a cell next to an armory, I think he wanted us to find it and fight him.” Ron explained. “Sounds about right.” Caesar said. “That explains Oak’s betrayal, he was offered rule of an ark.” Nash said. “RAT! How dare he betray his friends and family for what!? kingship!?” The chief shouted. “Quiet! Follow us, we’ll show you the armory.” Ron said. They followed the sound of talons pattering through the vent until they reached a door, it was massive, big enough for something even larger than Bones. “How do we get in, that’s a tek door, nearly indestructible.” Stainly said. Caesar saw thought for a moment, “Hmm. Let me try something.” He touched the door with his tek arm, it turned from green to cyan and an automated voice said, “Access granted, subject: ‘Nemesis’ allowed entry to armory.” “Salizar really does want a fight eh.” Darrel said. “can you try that with the door over there?” Ron asked. Caesar opened it, the wolves exited. “I suppose your the Caesar I’ve heard about, pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Sir Charles, and this is Sir George, Sir Richard and the Lady Evelyn.” Charles said. “Knights? I am a sort of knight myself.” Nash said. “Ah, you’re Nash I’m guessing?” Charles asked. “Aye.” Nash replied. “Ha! “‘A sort of knight’” loser, Back in my day I was a baron, now I’m a ninja and a knight, get a life.” Wan said. “Excuse me?” Nash said shocked. “He said your a loser! And deaf too I guess..” Trickster said. “Caesar why are there more Pings..?” Nash asked. “No idea but my head hurts already..” Caesar said. “Cmon! We don’t have any time to lose!” Ron said.
They raided the armory, it had tons of weapons, tek saddles, armor, and even a high tech 3D printer that they used to make a few custom things. “This, is, AWSOME!” Jaxz shouted with his new Tek saddle, it had lasers and rocket boosters, Skylas suit was similar, and as was Nash’s, except he kept his samurai armor and katana, and just used a jetpack. The Gigantopithicus were fully outfitted in large tek suits, tek grenades, and tek rifles. The sea serpents got tek tridents, and some lighter armor, Bones got a modded Rex tek saddle large enough to fit him, Caesar got a tek suit but tore off the left arm and inserted some element into his bionic arm, he also grabbed a tek bow. The wolves got tek saddles that gave them laser fangs, and the pengujas got jetpacks, instantly crashed them, and opted for some custom kairuku tek suits instead. Stainly had a hard time getting his tek suit on and he had no idea how to work it or shoot a gun, he got a tek pistol so he could stay back and use its healing abilities. Ron struggled to find anything that would fit him or be functional, eventually he settled on a custom suit that gave him bionic arms with lasers. “Everyone, let’s go stop Salizar.” Caesar said.
King Titan: Hello, MEK!
MEK: Why am I here!?!
King Titan: You are here cause you killed 999,999+ of my minions!
MEK, I wanna kill you for that!
Ice Titan: *leaps out of nowhere and says* SHUT UP YOU MUG!
MEK: Die!!!
Ice Titan: *Chomps MEK*
Server to Meiyin's tribe: ☠️ Your MEK-lvl 500 was killed by an Ice Titan-lvl 1000!
King Titan: Thanks!
Meiyin: Santiago, Get them!
Santiago: *Gets in MegaMEK*
King Titan when Santiago arrives: Gimme my suit!
Desert, Forest, and Ice Titan: OK!
King Titan: You are a dead MEK!
King Titan: *Disarms MegaMEK*
MegaMEK: *Charges up Super Punch*
King Titan: *Slashes MegaMEK in half*
Server to Meiyin's tribe: ☠️ Your MegaMEK-lvl 1500 was killed by an Alpha King Titan-lvl 25000!
Server to Meiyin's tribe: ☠️ Your tribemate Santiago-lvl 105 was killed by an Alpha King Titan-lvl 25000!
You can guess what's next!
So y’all fight titans with gigas, charcars, and Rex’s, but my brother, no, we fight them with Thylas, a day or two from now June,25,2023 me and my brother will be fighting and killing all titans in extinction with nothing but thylas and a yuty. We are true gigachads. Next on our list is aberration. The hardest map out there and we gonna kill drug addict with… reapers and drakes
Megalosaurus’… like and tell you what happened
Terran Federation (new story by Lamprey)
Chapter 1
20 years in to the Terran federation Vs. URE war.
Well, where do I start? I’m on a mission, a data run with my trustworthy squad mates. My name’s John, and I’ll get to the others here in a sec-
Shots were fired. I turned around to see two enemy units in a tek suit. No surprise, it’s like tek gear is being mass-produced, is our leaders hiding something? Never mind. I shot back at them with my tek rifle. I heard two of the bullets burst, just before the other few, meaning I had hit some of them. This area was divided by a corridor, so it was going to be back and forth. I grabbed one of my tek gravity grenades, and whispered “get back.” Everyone heard me and got behind cover as I threw the grenade. Santiago designed some great weapons, no wonder everyone is taking advantage of them. My three other squad mates and I unloaded tek rifle bullets on our enemies that had been pulled in to the grenade, until they were dead of course. After they had died, I sneaked over and grabbed some extra element.
“You carry way to much reserve element, John.” Said one of my squad mates. It was Ryan. To sum him up, he’s the explosives guy and he’s a quiet person.
“I know.” I replied.
“We need to move on!” Whispered Julia. Julia was the hacker girl, or some crap. She’s the one extracting the data from our target. We moved on to the next room, strangely silent. Using my tek helmet would get us detected, and to be honest this was supposed to be more of a stealth mission instead of a “shoot’em all and leave” kinda situation. We all knew were close to our target, maybe it was in this room.
“I’ll walk in there, enter the room after you hear tek rifle rounds.” I said. Everyone silently nodded as I entered the room. Just then, I had almost screwed us over. Tek tripwire trap. These things are almost invisible to the human eye, but our tek helmets make it much easier to see.
“Tek tripwire.” I said, just loud enough for my squad to here. Everyone else entered the room and avoided the tripwire trap. We saw our target, and then Julia walked up to it, and then proceeded to hack in to it, or whatever it was. I don’t understand any of that coding stuff, but I guess it makes you look cool for some reason. And then the alarms went off. I heard Julia muttering something to herself, just before enemy units entered the room. This was gonna be hell of a fight.
(Just a note, hoped everybody like it, and this is probably going to be a better version of the original. Also I’ll introduce the fourth squad mate in the next chapter. -Lamprey)
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
Through the eyes of the Dark phoenixes.
Chapter two: mutiny
Several years later….
Jack stood on the quarter deck sailing his boat while his crew worked on the sails and other stuff. Many years had passed since he had escaped from the British. He had traveled far, running from the British and others. He’d even found Jay but it hadn’t gone well. Jay had blamed him for Josephina and Jaquin’s death all because Jack didn’t save them. Jack scoffed. What did Jay expect him to do? Go and get bombed to? Well, it was to late now. He didn’t save them. They were dead. And apparently it was all his fault. His thoughts were suddenly broken apart whenever one of his sailors walked up. “Captain. The crew is planning a mutiny against you.” The sailor stated. Jack nodded slowly. “Well, at least I’ll have you by my side Douglas.” Jack said calmly. “Actually sir my name is Donald and I’m leading the mutiny.” Donald said. Jack blinked. Before he could move, his crew was all around him ,pointing their swords at his face. “Why are you doing this?” Jack asked. “Because you’re a horrible captain. That’s one reason why we’re turning you over to the British. Plus they’re after you and they have a very handsome ransom fee.” Donald said. Jack smirked. “Riggghhht…they don’t put you in jail for being a bad captain.” Jack said confidently.
A few minutes later…
Jack watched as a cell door slammed shut in front of him. His crew had turned him over to the a high security British island jail. The jail had many floors. Each floor indicated how dangerous the prisoners on that floor were. The higher the floor, the more dangerous prisoners. Jack was on the top floor. Jack sighed. “So…I was wrong. They do put you in prison for being a bad captain.” Jack muttered to himself. Two cots were in his cell even though he didn’t have any cell mates. Jack crossed to the cot in the corner and collapsed on it. What a horrible day. How was he gonna get out of this problem?
Next chapter coming soon! #FF4L.
Terran Federation
Chapter 6
So, we left off at the URE sending heavy weapons at us. TEK fighter jets zoomed across the sky, sending an endless barrage of lasers, with TEK tanks sending huge, explosive tek shots. The only way for survival was to retreat, otherwise we would all die here. I shot down a fighter jet with my tek railgun, and then I switched to my tek rifle and retreated with everyone else. We might have to run from all this, on foot which would be almost impossible, seeing that is a desert area. I shot at more of the fighter jets with my rifle, destroying a few. I had gotten so used to timing these tek bullets, that it felt weird using other weapons that didn’t have the same travel time.
* * *
It had been a while, everyone had escaped with many losses, but Ryan and Julia were alive, and that’s what mattered to me.
“So, that was hell of an escape, yeah?” I said, talking to Ryan and Julia.
“They might be able to push us further, maybe to one of the cities that the feds own.” Ryan said.
“Only if they know what their doing and do everything carefully and correctly.
“Maybe” I said.
“I wonder how long we’ll be out here.” Said Ryan.
“Probably until we die.” Said Julia.
“On that note, we should probably go. I’m tired, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, yawning. I headed back to my Cabin that I shared with a few others, and then we awaited what would happen next.
(Sorry for the short chapter, but I plan on making this 15-20 chapters, so it won’t end for a while -Lamprey)
Fantasy vs reality. Episode 2
King Titan
Star the featherlight
King Titan
The Dodo King the dodorex
King titan sits in his arena thinking of the declaration of war. "Those foolish creatures thinking they can defeat us", thinks King Titan. Suddenly, his servant, Star the featherlight, walks in. "Sorry to intrude but The Dodo king is outside". "That dodorex that calls himself a king", says King, " whatever, let him in". "Hello King", says Dodo King, " I would like to invade the island with my army of zombie dodos and dodowyverns". " I'm sorry but you might need some more reinforcements. Maybe the crystal wyverns and the feroxes can help", says the King. "Okay but I am in charge, not that wyvern queen", says Dodo King. "This war will not last long", remarks Star. "You are correct", says King.
Terran Federation
Chapter 10
I was currently in the docks, alone. I could see some stairs, which lead to another room. I took the stairs, got to the room and I quickly killed a few URE soldiers. I could hear emergency alarms going off, screaming “EMERGENCY, EMERGENCY. FEDERATION SOLDIERS IN THE TEK RIFLE FABRICATOR ROOM, KILL THEM IMMEDIATELY.” So now I probably didn’t have anyone to fight, but I could try to pick off some URE soldiers by surprise. I navigated around the ship, killing off enemy units. I made it to a fabricator room, and I could see TEK railguns being made. I heard something being grabbed, and I instantly dashed off to the side. I heard a a railgun being shot, and then I looked where the bullet came from. I approached while also being ready to fire. I got to whoever that person was, and dodged another railgun shot and blasted the enemy unit.
“REPORT TO SECONDARY CONTROL ROOM IMMEDIATELY. ENEMY UNITS ARE SEEN HOLDING EXPLOSIVES, STOP THEM NOW.” I heard the alarm say. The specialists had made it far, maybe I could get to them and make it out alive with them. I continued towards the core of this place, and this place was pretty damn huge, or that’s what it felt like atleast. I made it to the secondary control room, and I didn’t see the specialist team anywhere. The alarms didn’t say anything, maybe they had disabled it. Corpses littered the ground, it was surprising how many the team had killed. I made it to the main control room, and I could see somebody in the middle of the room, holding a TEK rifle, and a railgun on strapped to his back, which was probably a secondary. I also could see a belt with strange capsules with a blue liquid strapped to his side.
“Another Terran federation scum that want to challenge me? Your fighting for the wrong the side bud.” He said.
“Your trying defend an already defeated faction.” I replied. He turned around, and shot a volley of TEK rifle bullets at me. I dodged to the far right, and opened fire. I took cover behind a control panel, but that got destroyed quickly.
“You can’t hide from me, idiot.” He said.
“You sure you aren’t just mindlessly destroying things?” I replied. I heard him mutter something as he threw out something, and then a tek wall separated us.
“Your just a waste of time, I’ve got a bomb to defuse.” He said.
“Damn it…” I whispered to myself. I shot at the tek wall, but nothing. Luckily for me, I had grabbed a TEK Railgun in the railgun fabricator room. I could see his head through the x-ray scope, and I shot. I heard a thud, and the wall disappeared. He was definitely dead, so I had to check if he delayed the timer. The timer said an hour, so I reduced it to three minutes, just enough time for me to escape. I noticed that this room overlooked an exo-mek fabricator room. Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I turned around, and I saw a railgun pointed in my direction. I shot the supposedly “dead” corpse a few times to confirm he died. I just had to ignore the pain, and I could get out of here, alive hopefully. I broke through this room to the exo-mek room, and hopped into an exo mek.
“Sir, I detect this place is about to be destroyed. What do you want me to do?” The exo-mek said.
“Show me the nearest exit route.” I said.
“Showing nearest exit route… readying boosters.” The exo-mek said. I ignored it, and the mek went auto pilot and ran towards the nearest exit. I had made near the end, and then I heard the tek bomb go off.
“GO!” I said. The exo-mek made it to one of the docks, and then got outside and engaged the boosters he was readying. The exo-mek disabled the boosters, and hit a random TEK jet, which turned the mek around, and I could see the space station being destroyed from the inside. The space station started to drift towards the moon, when suddenly there was a huge explosion. I blocked it with my arm, but what I saw? No signs of the space station, not a single wreckage, and a destroyed moon.
“If anybody can hear me, I’m in an enemy exo-mek out in space, if anybody could get me that would help.” I said into the radio that I finally decided to use.
“Tracking you now, on our way.” Said somebody. Only now I noticed I was bleeding, heavily. I was so focused on escaping, that I hadn’t even noticed I was dying. I could feel my eyes getting heavy after a few minutes, I wasn’t going to die. Not before I could escape, atleast. I caught a glimpse of people coming to help, but then my eyes closed. I had caused the moon to be destroyed, but for what? For the federation… they need to win this.
The waist chapter 1
The alpha tribe did their best well as best as they could. Cannons fired nonstop as they tried to take the titan down. Connor sat on top
Of his snow owl as the titan crushed the small army below him. “ well their goes are hopes of scavenging anything” he took off flying towards their camp in the sunken forest. The smell down here was way better then the wasteland. The camp appeared in view. He could already hear his father “what the hell was that bull$&@“ you know you can’t get close to their fights. He shrugged it off and landed
-Mysterious man
Terran Federation
Chapter 7
I woke to chaos. URE probably tried to push, and here we are. This was going to be a battle. I got to the battlefield with my TEK suit and rifle, ready for anything. TEK tanks and jets were quite common, but I could see jets being shot down.
“Enemy units spotted.” I said. I opened fire, hopefully hitting them. One dropped, other took a few hits before getting behind cover. I waited patiently, which took a few seconds, for him to open fire on me. I watched as my rifle’s bullets explode as they hit the enemy and his cover. I opened fire on every enemy unit I could see, and there was a lot. I heard something behind us, it sounded like backup. I shot at a TEK fighter jet, mostly hitting one of the wings. I couldn’t see what happened to it, but I then attacked a tank. I threw a Tek grenade in to the barrel of the tank. The tank attempted to shoot a TEK shell, but it ended up in the destruction of the barrel. The tank got destroyed soon after. Now there were ally TEK fighter jets and tanks, this was getting chaotic. How am I even alive? I quickly had to ignore the question as I saw a TEK fighter jet falling from the sky, right at me. I used my tek suit to speed my way from the crash site of the jet. I got news that the URE was retreating, maybe we could be the ones to push them?
Do NOT try to spawn him with the spawn command it doesn’t work I remember trying to do this multiple times and it doesn’t work plus he either goes invisible and has trouble aground or he just doesn’t spawn outside of his arena thanks for reading! I hope y’all find this useful I dident see it in the tips (I realize it might be my computer being dumb but it might not be I don’t really know)