The Crystal King

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The Crystal King

Chapter 50 (that’s a lot of chapters.)

All they had to do next was the ice titan. While they were in the wasteland, a army of corrupted creatures awaited them.

“We need to be careful. It’s just the two of us and a army of corrupt dinosaurs.” Said John. Then the corrupt creatures came running at them. They shot most of the corrupt creatures down, but they all targeted Carter. The corrupt creatures were doing a ton of damage to Carter’s mek, that it was almost dead. After they killed all of the corrupt giganotosaurus, corrupt rexes came. The only went for Carter, and destroyed his mek. Carter ejected before the could kill him, but a rex got him.

“Now it’s just me.” Said John. He killed all the corrupt dinosaurs and made his way to the ice cave. He took everything he needed from Carter, because he was dead. The cave was hard alone, but he made it through. He started the teleported. He knew this would be hard.

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