The Terminator films are much more violent then World War…

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The Terminator films are much more violent then World War Z then, seeing that there’s no nudity, drinking, or smoking, but blood and gore. From this point on, I’ll explain what you can see in some missions and can do to the zombies.

To the zombies, you can shoot their limbs off, but you can’t cut them in half for some reason. On some levels, (looking the last Tokyo level and first New York level) you can find some corpses that are missing a head but have a opened body that is hollowed out. It also has a lot of swearing, way more than it should, but you can go to settings and find dialogue volume to disable it. You don’t get to see anybody getting ripped apart or anything, but the zombies scratch you. The Lurker, which is a special zombie is scorched, so you can see his skull and some of the shoulders still ignited in the ashy shoulder pad, but it isn’t burning. The Bull, another special zombie, you can see a bit of his spine if you walk behind it, but nothing else except for him being the most annoying zombie. Infector zombies aren’t violent, they just spit at you and you have to quickly cure yourself. Gasbags zombies are another special zombie, but they aren’t really that violent either. It’s basically just a zombie in a hazmat suit puffed up by poisonous gas that if you step in, you start taking damage. And then there’s the screamer, and I hate those things. They aren’t really violent but they sure are loud. It looks something like this:

A builder who is infected, with a megaphone hardwired to its mouth, and the zombie is screaming at the top of its lungs. And that’s the screamer. They are loud, you can hear them from a good distance away, but just kill them. They attract zombies and are loud. That’s about it for WWZ, (World War Z) no bosses but it’s still fun.


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