The Destiny of Frost : part one.
The Destiny of Frost : part one.
______________ Twelve years later ________________
Frost breathed in the air. It smelled of water, fresh meat, mushrooms, and… Frost suddenly turned around. He was pinned down and couldn’t move. “Moona! Right now? It’s almost time!” Moona jumped off of Frost, and started laughing like a chipmunk that had too much nuts. “You know I like to have a play fight every now and then, Frost!” Frost chucked then agreed. Then he looked out the small opening he was sitting in front of for the past hours. “Frost,” a deep voice rumbled. “I know you are anxious, but you must remember to be patient.” “I’m sorry, Oakenheart,” Frost said apologetically. “ Mistakes are often made. But hush now, young ones. It is time.” Then Moona, Oakheart, and Frost fell silent, as the Moon of the Northern Winds arose into the starlit sky. But that was when it went completely wrong. A dark shadow stretched across the moon, red as blood, but dark as night…
Tina originals. Hope you guys like this!