ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the shinehorn? Memorable shinehorn stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
Journey: Chapter 31
Meanwhile back on Fjordur
After a day of looking for a Megachelon who would help them get to where Basil said he knew someone who could help them. Coal, Bramble and Basil finally found an old Megachelon who wanted prime meat in trade for this task to take them to Vardiland.
While on the ride, a nauseous Coal was pondering on what Fenrisulfr said back at the Castle. ‘The Five are gone- and will never return’, he wondered if he meant dead, exile, or something else entirely. His thoughts were scrambled when Basil came up and asked Coal a question.
“So why did you go against your father’s orders?”, “What?” Coal replied.
“When the Five were imprisoned by your father, why did you free them and go against your father’s orders?” Basil repeated.
“Oh, that. I don’t know really. I just didn’t think it was right for five young creatures to get locked up for nothing they did wrong. And all of that for a megalomaniac to question them about something they know nothing about.” Coal answered.
“That’s it?!” Basil asked, “Yes, that’s it. We’re you expecting some sort of great sleuthing or some sort of deductions that lead to freeing them?” Coal said sarcastically.
“Kinda.” Basil replied. Coal stared at Basil for a minute in silence. Trying to understand why he ever agreed to follow this carno.
“So why are you going to Vardiland?” The megachelon said, her furthest eye looking back at Basil directly. “We’re going to see some friends who can help us.” Basil said.
“Who?” The megachelon said,
“If its alright, I wouldn’t like to say anything in case Ma’am .” Basil said,
“My name is Olivace.” the old megachelon huffed as she turned her back to the attention of the sea. Basil took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
“Don’t you love the smell of air on the open ocean” Basil said talking to Coal. Coal looked at him with a green, disgusted and irritated look on his face.
“No, not really. And I don’t think Bramble likes it either.” Coal said pointing at Bramble, who was laying down on the far side of the shell. With his face towards the sea. “Oh, okay.” Basil said quietly.
“Well I probably shouldn’t add that we have at least a few hours to travel the sea until we reach Vardiland. And that we might have to dive down close to the Vardiland coast where Deinosuchus and Sarcosuchus of the sea will try to board my shell to find anything worth their while... Obviously, you can see why I am going to need to dive and dodge them to get to Vardiland. You three will need to find something to hold on as we dive.” Olivace said, Coal, Bramble, and Basil looked at her with concerned looks on their faces. Bramble then threw his head over the side of the megachelon as he released his last meal into the sea.
“Make sure you don’t get any of that on my shell… argh, there’s worst things in the sea.” She said, Basil face expressed disgust while Coal just stared with a agitated look on his face.
“How are we suppose to do that if two us have no way of using our front limbs!!” Coal squawked, Olivace huffed.
“How am I supposed to know? I wasn’t the one who asked to go to Vardiland.” Olivace said,
“Well it wasn’t my first choice either! But here we are, so do you know a way for us to not be stranded?!” He squawked again, she looked right back at him.
“Why don’t you just use your feet or stay quiet with your complaints then!!” She bellowed,
‘How or why did I get myself here in this situation?’ Coal thought to himself. Grief still lingered at full strength in his heart, he just wanted to scream out for all the world to hear. But, it wasn’t good here. He needed to be alone. And being stuck with four other creature wasn’t what he’d call alone.
An ocean wave splashed across Olivace’s shell and smashed into Coal and Basil. Coal squawked in surprise feeling the cold, smelly ocean on his body and face. Basil immediately shook off the sea water, getting more sea water onto Coal, who gave an irritated look at Basil.
“Sorry!” Basil replied. Coal sighed.
Coal thought this was going to be a long trip before he got on the megachelon. Now that he’s on her back, beginning to feel sea sick and making some sort of dive underwater to avoid dangers. He started to think that this was going to be a lot longer than he thought. And he really hope that the time would pass by.
Chapter 35 Queen Of Aberration
Sylveevee had charged drake had stood there he didnt know what to do “what if we truce i join yall if yall dont hurt me” drake said he clearly didnt want to die to the former queen but he didnt have to give up cooper had just woke up and saw what was happening cooper quickly got his sword ready as he saw what was happening sylveevee didnt look happy at this “do you really want to be ruled by a 13 year old” said sunhigh with a bit of anger coopers eyes filled with rage as he saw that his youngest brother turned to the dark side “WHY DID YOU GOT TO THE OTHER SIDE” cooper yelled he was clearly mad “cause i wanted to” sunhigh said charging at cooper as a rex sunhigh was charging at cooper, cooper saw sunhigh charging at him he dodged swiftly but sunhigh had saw that and knocked cooper down with his tail cooper landed on the ground with a moan drake was busy fighting sylveevee pat and milo sylveevee had the better chance of winning cause he was outnumbered “give up or die” sylveevee said she was holding drake down “I-i-i will never back down” drake said at those words sylveevee still in giga for bit down on drakes neck “lets go” sylveevee said sunhigh, pat, and milo left with draco and carnilius now free..
Chapter 34 Queen Of Aberration
Milo was laying in a bed with a bandage on his head there was someone by the bed with yellow hair and yellow eyes “your awake” the voice said it sounded young milo tried to figure out who the voice belonged to it sounded like “sunhigh why would you help me im a villain your a hero” milo asked confused sunhigh chuckled “you think i would be ruled by some 13 year old who was my twin anyways look you have a new implant” sunhigh said milo looked at his arm he gasped “h-h-how” milo said sunhigh showed his wrist left arm there was a implant “implant power is making new implants” sunhigh said with a evil chuckle “thats why your alive” sunhigh said once again milo gasped not knowing what to say ‘why would leave his own family’ milo thought “you might be wondering why I betrayed my sister” sunhigh said milo nodded as in a yes “well heres the story she gets all the attention and she bosses me around all the time and you know how you killed sylveevee and pat they are still alive they are out there somewhere those two wolves are acting like the two though the two are still alive and you destroyed pats implant well i saved him and gave him a new one before he died and when sylveevee died i gave her an implant that means she respawned and well they are waiting for us outside” sunhigh explained as milo got up sunhigh got ready to leave out the door milo got up and followed to his surprise sylveevee and pat were actually outside waiting for the two “finally” sylveevee said sunhigh rolled his eyes pat shook hands with milo with a smirk “welcome to the team and what happened to carnilius and draco” pat asked “moonhigh put them in a prison and there dinos went to moonhighs side” sunhigh said annoyed pat sighed “why” pat said “did they try to sneak in at the front” sylveevee said “yes” sunhigh said “wow that was.. stupid of them” pat said sylveevee nodded in agreement “what if we break them out” milo suggested “how?” Sylveevee asked “well we could look for the remains of the serum that doctor bubba made” milo said “wait there is more?!” Sylveevee said “yes..” milo said as he went to the ruins of the old laboratory they searched around “AHA HERE IT IS” milo said pulling out 30 bottles of the serum “30 bottles?!” Sylveevee exclaimed “yes he always kept extras” milo said tossing one to pat and one to sunhigh the two looked at milo confused “drink it” milo said the two shrugged and drank it sunhigh transformed into a t rex it was a all yellow pat transformed into a shadow mane and it was a full black one milo transformed into a reaper and Sylveevee transformed into a wyvern they all did a evil laugh as they walked over to the place moonhighs group was hiding they arrived and sylveevee breathed fire across the room it almost his drake, drake had dodged in time he stared at where the fire came from he saw a magenta wyvern a black shadow mane and yellow rex and a reaper drakes eyes widened as he saw the four he quickly changed into a giga and got into a fighting stance the wyvern picked up the former queens sword and changed into human sylveevee gave a evil laugh drake gasped in horror as he saw this the other three dinos changed into human the the were milo pat and sunhigh drake stared in horror the four changed back into what they were changed into except sylveevee she changed into a giga “scared” sylveevee said teasingly the two got ready to fight sylveevee had backup though so drake was outnumbered he was the only one awake sylveevee charged…
Chapter 33 Queen Of Aberration
Paul was smiling he had his power back now use his power but only at night he waited until nighttime to use his power it was about to hit nighttime when it went back ten minutes “OH COME ON KARA” paul yelled kara came out of the shadows “what you cant use it just yet there is no enemies” kara said yawning paul seemed mad that kara wouldn’t let him use his power yet “no point to use it if no battle” kara said “stop being a pain in the butt kara” draconian said they joked around for a bit but they saw the magenta pup staring at them they were confused “go away” draconian said the pup stayed there not moving draconian was confused why it wouldn’t move from that spot he tried to move it but it stayed there draconian, kara, and paul moved to somewhere else after a while milo escaped the magenta pup lounged at milo with great speed the orange and green pup sprang inti action as well misa also came out with great speed knocking milo down milo grunted as he hit the ground he tried to grab his knife only to realize the knife wasn’t there the magenta pup was holding it milo looked scared as he saw the magenta pup with his knife the pup walked up to milos head with the knife it looked angry but as the orange and green pup broke milos implant and the the magenta pup stabbed milo with the knife milo screamed in pain as he was stabbed with the knife as the knife was removed he grunted in pain with a moan he tried to speak but he was weak as it was like he was to weak to speak the magenta pup left with the orange pup, misa stayed for a while and then left milo to die milos eyes closed slowly his life slipping away…
Chapter 32 Queen Of Aberration
Ben was sitting on his bed someone came intimidated the room it was his brother draconian“get up and do something for at least once” draconian said his dragon wings stretching ben sighed and went out of the room everyone was in there rooms he heard something in skyoceans room he checked it out he saw that skyocean was with his wolves but the two younger ones were playing around ben went out of the room before skyocean noticed he saw his brother paul walking around he still had to find the source of energy so he could use is power the crystal he had on his necklace wasn’t there when they arrived at aberration paul had kept looking for it the magenta pup was going outside ben was wandering around the cave paul was still looking for his crystal draconian was chilling everyone was doing something at the moment ben sighed knowing that no one else knew about his power except some of his siblings he sat down against a wall the cave wasn’t as active as usual paul still looked around the magenta pup came back with a gem in its mouth it brought it to paul, paul was surprised the pup found his gem he put it on his necklace he smiled and pet the little magenta pup while smiling he was happy ben sighed and went back to the room he shared with his brothers draconian was chilling in the room on his bed..
Chapter 31 Queen Of Aberration
Skyocean was in his room sitting on his bed with a sad look misa gave birth a while ago both the puppies had birthmarks one which was a magenta colored pup with magenta eyes had a birthmark across her neck it looked like where his sister as slashed at the male pup had a birthmark and trouble with his mind the birth mark was from one side of the head to the other skyocean couldn’t help but feel like they were sylveevee and pat in a new life the magenta one was really protective of skyocean just like his sister the pup sometimes had elemental teeth of the five elements skyocean was really happy around the two pups ‘i should try something’ skyocean thought “sylveevee” he whispered the magenta pup turned its attention to skyocean he didn’t think that worked so he tried with the orange and green pup “pat” skyocean whispered it turned to him skyocean was shocked he was smiling the magenta and orange and green pup looked happy that skyocean knew there real names from a past life skyocean was overfilled with joy he was starting to get tears in his eyes of happiness he was reunited with his sister and his sisters ex husband he was crying happily..
Chapter 30 Queen of aberration
They had a funeral the next day milo was held prisoner after the funeral moonhigh was queen and it was very tiring for her she needed to figure out something to keep everyone calm she didn’t know what to do a lot cause everyone was panicked and sad after the former queens death everyone was scared skyocean was sitting at sylveevees grave with his mother he was sobbing as well as his mother everyone was sad drake was now to overprotective not wanting what happened to sylveevee to happen to moonhigh, moonhigh clearly tried to give drake breaks but he refuses every time for some reason “drake take a break i will be fine” moonhigh said drake nodded his head no moonhigh sighed “suit yourself” moonhigh said ‘sylveevee dying was my fault i wont let it happen to moonhigh’ drake thought he saw something he went to investigate he saw carnilius being beat up by draco carnilius was in a ball form Drake didn’t help because it could be a trap he hid for a bit longer carnilius went out of his ball form and said “it didn’t work” he muttered to draco they walked in anyways drake changed he to a reaper and lounged at them holding then in his claws bringing them to moonhigh “they tried to sneak in” drake said moonhigh looked at carnilius and draco “send them to the dungeon” moonhigh said drake did as told
One of coopers siblings ben was sitting on his ben staring out the window by his bed he was sad after the queen died but he stayed in his room cause he liked it in there…
P.S yes there is now a ben
Chapter two Queen Of Aberration (remake)
Sylveevee thought and thought of where to make a base “a river” shinehorn suggested “no to dangerous” parasaur said “well i need a place to stay hydrated” sylveevee said the two nodded their head doctor bubba was gathering materials for the base while sylveevee and the others looked for a spot they went to where they meet “nothing” sylveevee said disappointed doctor bubba put a hand on sylveevees shoulder “its ok there are plenty more base spots” doctor bubba said he looked in the distance sylveevee heard a raptor she held onto something in case it attacked the raptor came out of the bushes “hey master” it said to doctor bubba “where have you been” doctor bubba said “hunting and there are ravagers behind y’all” the raptor said ,sylveevee, shinehorn, parasaur, and doctor bubba turned around to see them…
Chapter 29 Queen Of Aberration
Pat stayed by sylveevee though a lot of people gave him angry looks he stayed silent staring blankly at the crowd some where murmuring some where talking to one another about pat moonhigh was talking to sunhigh pat looked away from all the angry faces and turned to sylveevee holding her hand “im right beside you” pat said to sylveevee she smiled at these words she was breathing steadily to pats relief he look scared but was happy to be by sylveevee they got her into a room and tried to help her pat sat on the stone floor sitting silently
Sylveevee was laying on a bed when milo came into the room and transformed into a allo and attacked
Pat heard screaming he grabbed his sword and rushed into sylveevees room milo was holding sylveevee in his jaw she was squirming and trying to escape she looked like she couldn’t get out of milos jaws pat jumped onto milo and sunk his sword through his stomach making milo go into his human form he took a knife and ran at pat getting rid of pats implant and stabbing pat through the head killing him…
Sylveevee watched scared she wanted to get up but drake rushed into the room hearing pats scream of death drake ran at milo with his sword milo made a slit in sylveevees throat she fell to the ground cooper and moonhigh were outside they saw the commotion and ran in the room to help but sylveevee was already dead…
“NO!!” Moonhigh yelled with sorrow sunhigh rushed into the room seeing sylveevee on the ground dead they both sobbed drake had tears in his eyes while cooper was crying hard they sat near there dead queen for a while sobbing..
P.S sorry if its short for some people i can’t really think of ideas atm 😓
Chapter 28 Queen Of Aberration
Sylveevee was sent flying in the air she landed on a rock “ow” sylveevee said with her sword in her hand she couldn’t get up she sat there for a while then someone came she was breathing slower and slower she saw pat he saw her “sylveevee, SYLVEEVEE” pat ran over to her someone else was watching she saw the broodmother “now attack him” said a familiar voice pat turned around milo came out of the bushes he stared at sylveevee “I’ll handle her” milo said turning into a reaper walking over to sylveevee “any last words” milo said “look behind you” sylveevee said milo did so “oh no” milo said moonhigh was charging up then she did her special move aimed at milo he fell to the ground dead moonhigh did a moonbeam at the broodmother it died moonhigh and pat ran over to sylveevee pat held her close “i cant lose you” pat said moonhigh had a confused look on her face then sylveevee saw skyocean with his cart drake and cooper following behind drake and cooper helped sylveevee into the cart pat climbed onto the cart as they were about to move pat was horror struck but happy to be with the one he loved when they got there sylveevees breathing was slowing down and pat was panicking because she was breathing slower and slower..
Chapter 27 Queen Of Aberration
Sylveevee swiped at the yeti’s leg hard pat had a panicked look on his face watching the battle it looked like the yeti smashed its hand into sylveevee she was sent flying pat was horror struck ‘no no no milo had to make my sword hit the yeti’ pat eyes filled with anger he pulled out his sword and slashed at the beasts leg the yeti turned to pat and went for him just then drake came out with his sword along with cooper sylveevee had gotten up and charged again a woman pat didn’t know came out she had orange hair with some black red eyes and a sword her implant glowed the four charged sylveevee changed into a wyvern with her sword in her mouth got on the head on the yeti untransformed and slashed at its neck the yeti swatted sylveevee away she turned into a wyvern quickly and went to the ground the other woman slashed quickly at the leg of the yeti drake slashed and slashed but the yeti grabbed him and threw him into moonhigh and sunhighs room the two rushed to drake cooper slashed at the yeti’s arm he ducked as the yeti tried to smash its hand into cooper cooper wall jumped on the yetis legs stabbing the leg each time until he reached the top of the leg he got ready and slashed down one of the yeti’s legs causing a big wound the yeti grabbed sylveevee and threw her a long ways pat was horror struck no one else but him had noticed he stood there silently and then he climbed up the yeti and stabbed it in the heart it fell dead after that before anyone could celebrate he left to find sylveevee….
Chapter 26 Queen Of Aberration
As everyone was settled in there rooms sylveevee was sitting by the entrance ‘where are you’ sylveevee thought she was worried 3 minutes passed sylveevee got up but then she saw someone familiar it was a girl with green hair and ocean blue eyes ‘Grasina? Mom’ sylveevee thought walking over to her she turned and faced sylveevee “sylveevee” the girl said with tears in her eyes “mom” sylveevee said grasina ran over to sylveevee and they hugged for a while “i missed you hows your brother” grasina said worried “i missed you to and he is fine” sylveevee said as they walked to the cave sylveevee was sheltering in with her group skyocean saw grasina and ran over and hugged her sylveevee skyocean and grasina were so happy to be reunited “wheres your father” grasina said sylveevees face darkened “i dont know” sylveevee said clearly with a bit of anger ‘i dont like father…’ sylveevee thought she went to her room she had something under her bed she pulled it out it was a sword with a black handle a ruby, blue sapphire, and a emerald it was a fine blade ‘time to train’ sylveevee brought drake into the room with his sword he had it ready sylveevee had hers ready to the charged their swords clashed drake had sweat pouring down his face as he did another attack sylveevee blocked she did a attack not missing drake held his arm “i quit” drake moaned sylveevee laughed “i bet” she said as she put her sword away drake went out of the room ‘he has to earn some skills’ sylveevee thought looking out the circle in her wall so she could see out of it she saw someone familiar running for his life with the yeti following him ‘pat’ sylveevee thought grabbing her sword climbing out the hole in the wall that acted like a window and charged at the yeti..
Chapter 25 queen of aberration
‘The past’
Skyocean was asleep for some time he woke up at what looked like 5:00 am in the morning he headed downstairs he saw his dad awake drinking coffee and reading the news “morning” skyocean said to his father blue “SYLVEEVEE GET DOWN HERE” blue yelled looking up from his news paper
sylveevee came rushing down the stairs blue stared at her hardly “training” blue said
strictly to sylveevee “yes father” sylveevee said sadly and sighed as she went to grab her sword it was a fine blade with a black handle and a ruby a blue sapphire and an emerald she stared at it for a while then went to the living room with her sword her dad was waiting for her holding his sword they were using their swords like a pro sylveevee then jumped back when blue came close she slid under him she had her sword at the back of blues head “i got you” sylveevee said “fair fight” blue said back sylveevee kept the sword at its point ‘i know my dads trick making me think Ive won but not this time’ sylveevee thought as blue turned around and raised his sword sylveevee jumped back quickly with her sword ready aimed at blue “that all you got” sylveevee said as a challenge “no” blue said charging sylveevee blocked his sword with great speed and attacked then grabbed his sword swiftly “fair play” blue said sighing
Grasina looking hard “now now blue stop going to hard on our daughter” she said strictly “WHY SHE NEEDS TO BE A GOOD DAUGHTER AND TRAIN” blue yelled “YOU ALWAYS GO TO HARD ON ME FATHER MAYBE I DONT WANT TO TRAIN” sylveevee yelled at her father then stormed to her room ‘why just why’ sylveevee thought sobbing then a flash of light ran through the house…
Chapter 24 Queen Of Aberration
Skyocean was sitting by a tree wondering ‘how is my only sister’ skyocean thought as he got up and went to a burrow that looks like humans can fit in there he went in and there waiting was two direwolves when they saw skyocean they waged their tails “hi misa and miko” skyocean said walking to them when he got there he pet them carefully so he didn’t hurt them skyocean noticed that misa’s stomach was a bit bigger she was whining and barking happily “hey congratulations” skyocean said happily to misa she started licking skyocean when he said that skyocean carefully went to a desk and opened a picture book of him, sylveevee, his mom and dad ‘dad why did you go to hard on sylveevee’ skyocean thought looking at a picture of sylveevee and his dad sword fighting in the living room of the house they lived in before they were transferred to the arks he sighed ‘where are you blue and grasina’ skyocean thought as he closed the book and went to feed misa and miko after that skyocean went to make food for himself then when he was done he set it on the table and ate halfway from finishing his food he heard a yeti and the broodmother misa and miko shivered skyocean grabbed his book and grabbed a lead and packed up and went to peak out side he saw someone familiar ‘pat’ skyocean thought as pay and someone else guided the bosses somewhere skyocean grab some bags and the lead for misa and miko and ran out the burrow to find a wooden wagon that carries luggage and there was two horses attached to it skyocean helped misa up and miko jumped up and they both sat as skyocean put his bags on the wagon and closed the wooden gate that was like a door and got into the drivers seat and guided the horses to a big group one person was the most familiar ‘sylveevee’ skyocean thought as he slowly approached sylveevee turned around as though she has heard him she ran up to the wagon “you okay skyocean you don’t really travel a lot” sylveevee said “yes i am its just that… i heard something and saw something” skyocean said back “oh really” sylveevee said “can i tell you something in private” skyocean asked sylveevee “yes” sylveevee said signaling her group that its ok they walked over to a tree “what” sylveevee said “i saw pat and another person guiding the yeti and broodmother to somewhere” skyocean said “pat and milo” sylveevee said a bit panicked as they stopped talking they walked to the group skyocean went on his wagon sylveevee stopped by the wagon and pat misa “how are you girl” sylveevee said misa wagged her tail excitedly “you can join us” sylveevee said “i should” skyocean said joining the group with his wagon they journeyed and found a place to stay “another cave at least its bigger” sylveevee said under her breath as everyone went to find rooms skyocean found a stable and a place for dinos and pets to stay “stay” skyocean said looking at a entrance to a room and seeing it was a room for him and he got settled and unpacked and went to make a bed and after that he slept after a long day.
The Riddles of The Phoenixes
Chapter twelve: A opportunity
“Ughhh! I hate it here!!” Willow growled, for what seemed like the seventh hundredth time in the past nine years. Camille and Daniel ignored her. They’d learned that it was best to, if you wanted her to shut up. They’re all grown older over the years. Danielle’s hair hung ruggedly to his shoulders and he had a rough beard grown on his face. Willow’s face had grown even more stony over the years and her black curls hung to her hips.
Camille’s wings dragged limply on the ground and a few long grey stripes ran through her hair. The walls of the cell were made of a cold metal and the bunks were bare of any sleeping material. They all had metal collars around their necks that deactivated their powers. Hailey,she was now called Josephina, came by every once in a while to visit them for some weird reason.
She mostly talked to Daniel who enjoyed the company. He’d grown soft and was rather fond of the young woman. They were only allowed out of the cell at meal or restroom breaks. They all slept in separate cells but during the day they all were in one. “Ha! I killed your queen..again.” Daniel said, smirking, breaking through her thoughts. Camille frowned and moved a knight.
“Ooh wise move..” They were playing usual. They’d both grown quite good at it.
“Will y’all focus?!” Willow cried, exasperated. They’d had this conversation before. A million times. Daniel frowned at her and pointed Camille’s dead queen at Willow in mock sternness. “There. Is. No. Way. Out.” He said, then went back to his move. Willow walked over and slammed her hands on the table, dumping the chess game unto the floor.
“Hey!” Daniel exclaimed. Camille lowered her head and brought her wings closer around her. She knew better than to challenge Willow. Even without a knife she was dangerous. The camera in the corner, watching them lowered suddenly but none of them cared. Probably just a slight malfunction. It would be back on soon.
“We have to get out of this place!!!” Willow hissed, her eyes flashing dangerously. Daniel nodded vigorously, eager to get back to their game. “Yeah, yeah, yeah we know. But the problem is how do we get out? Ehh? Figure that out for me, Will-ow!” Willow had punched him in the arm. “There has to be a way! We can’t be stuck in here forever.” Willow said. “Yeah but there’s not.”
“But what if there is?” A voice said. All three of the prisoner’s heads shot up. They walked over to the barred cell door. A woman in a black coat and hood, her hood half pulled back to reveal her black eyes, stood there. “What did you say?” Camille asked quietly. Daniel shuffled his feet. “I might be able to help you escape…” The woman said. “You?” Willow sneered.
A half smile formed on the woman’s face. “Yes. Not only can I help you escape…I can help you get revenge on the phoenixes that did this to you. The Black Skulls need talented people like you.” The woman said. “Weird name.” Camille thought to herself.
Willow cocked her head, a devious grin forming on her face. Camille knew that she was thinking about Josephina. “What would we need to do?”
Chapter 23 Queen Of Aberration
Sylveevee always had something on her mind ‘can i trust the other sides’ she had always thought everytime she walked past carnilius she felt uncomfortable because he used to be a enemy walking past draco made some anger fill up in her when she sat down on her bed one day she had things on her mind ‘will they banish fox if she is giving info to pat and milo no she wouldn’t be right’ sylveevee thought she stared at the roof thinking ‘is she a betrayer no’ sylveevee thought “something on your mind” drake asked sylveevee looked at him “no and yes” sylveevee said “whats wrong” drake asked “nunya” sylveevee simply said “also i over heard your talk with carnilius about fox when yall said dont tell me” sylveevee said drake stared long and hard at sylveevee carnilius entered the room “want to talk” carnilius asked draco “fine….. but with syl” draco said carnilius looked irritated by this “fine whatever” carnilius said they were talking for a while then “what if we get rid on moonhigh and sunhigh they will just over power us” carnilius said sylveevee punched him in the face with full on force “WANT TO SAY THAT AGAIN CARNIVAL” sylveevee yelled draco looked at sylveevee like she was crazy “im packing and leaving you wont stop me” sylveevee said to both of them in a threatening way “and if coopers siblings want they can come as well if they want im leaving yall” sylveevee said “i know you wont” draco said “you dont know that” sylveevee said pulling out a knife “you kept that old thing from schorched and i was right YOU NEVER WILL CHANGE YOUR STILL THAT GIRL THE ONE WHO HAS NO IDEA ABOUT THE WORLD” draco said “SHUT UP” said sylveevee she still had her knife in her hand she put it up “i know something you dont know” sylveevee said forming a element ball in her hand “no the FIVE ELEMENTS” draco exclaimed “i can also control them” sylveevee said as the wind grew strong she threw the elemental ball on the floor so she could distract them and pack up she walked out of the room and went to her kingdoms room “WE ARE MOVING OUT” sylveevee said everyone bagan to pack and even cooper sunhigh moonhighs siblings as well as soon as they were done they moved out to somewhere far from the cave
“I CANT BELIEVE HER LEAVING LIKE THAT” draco exclaimed “i bet never thought she would done that as well” carnilius said clenching his fist “AND NO ONE CALLS ME CARNIVAL” carnilius said in anger “i bet” draco said “she will never change” draco said as he and carnilius thought and talked out ways of revenge sylveevee was getting farther away from the cave with her group…