『jointed mysteries』

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『jointed mysteries』

Writer’s notes—

Well, I finally tried making chapter 27 and it’s going well already! Also, I hope Apex loves this chapter! I’ve worked hard for long enough! Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

Previously on jointed mysteries;

The trees rustled. Bushes moved in grovey ways. But one thing was out of place;

They were being stalked.

They had no idea it was stalking them or what was stalking them. It flew in the air, unnoticed, looking for prey.

(Laughs nominously)-“looks like I found myself my OWN dinner hehehe.” It said suspiciously. It swooped down with it’s huge, sharp, talons pointing at them. Fury looked up in the sky.

“What the?”

“Say your last words because your my dinner now!” It screeched.

Chapter 27

Fury rushed out of it’s sight.

“Where do you think YOUR going?”

“You’ll see!” Fury headed for the prison near by them. Criminals looked around looking for the noise above.

“Duck!” Warned Anubis. Fury ducked out of sight into an open prison cage, thinking it was safe. The thing closed the cage and locked it.

‘Seems this was HIS prison of…PREY!?’ He cried in his mind.

Fury had no idea how much trouble he had gotten into. He was prey. He was…hunted.

“This is bad…” he whispered.

“Hey,” something whispered.


“Listen here, I have a way out but I’m still workin’ on it.”

“Tell me. I’m all ears!” He said.

“Already then. I’ll tell ya.”


“See that crowbar over there?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“I made this “stick” to grab it. Think it’ll work?”

“Not that much. I think that insect looking thingy over there will eat it.”

“The stick?”


“Why so?”

“Because he’s insane.”

“Gotcha point. Let’s try something else.”

“Good idea.” Fury said.

“How about this,” it continued.

“We get the guard’s attention and when the guard opens my door, I quickly grab the crowbar and knock the guard out!” It suggested.

“What about me?” Fury asked.

“I’ll try picking the lock with the stick I made.”

“That’s better.”

“Let’s start the plan!” He tried getting the guard’s attention telling it that he’s thirsty.

“What’s that you say? Your thirsty? Here, some water.” He opened the cage while the creature ran out of the cage, grabbed the crowbar, and knocked the guard out.

“So, are you gonna pick lock my cage?” Fury asked.

“No way! Later sucker!” He ran out of the prison Leaving Fury there like he was invisible.

“We made a deal!” Fury yelled but he didn’t hear. He tried yelling for help, hoping someone would come before he was dinner.

“Help! Someone! Please help!” He yelled. No one listened. He tried yelling help again.

“Help!” No one came. He tried once more, and prayed he still had hope.

“Please! Anyone! Help!” No one heard. He was running out of hope. He’d miss his friends, his brother, his family, his home…

‘No one’s coming for me…’ he sadly thought. Until, it was time. Guards of his own kind found him in the prison.


Joe was on an X-ray.

“Why am I on an X-RAY?” He asked.

“It’s not just an X-ray, it’s a scanner for Obelisk orbs.”

“Ugh, I’m tired!”

“That’s too bad.”

“Get me off!”

“Why should I disobey the rules?”

“Cause this is torture!”


“Yes it is! Now get me off!”

“Nope. This is necessary.”


“Yup. It is.”

“Ugh…” he was scanned for anything that was stolen from an obelisk.

“Ah ha! I knew you’d have an obelisk orb! Now hand it over.”

“No way!”


“Why should I? I had it fair and square!”


“I need this to fight the dragon.”

“The dragon?”

“You’ve never heard of her?”

“No, no, I have.”


“Yeah. We’re also fighting against her. She wants our orb!

“Yikes, that must be bad.”

“Of course it is!”

“And we need a way to stop her.” The Thyla said.

“I have a way.” He said.

“But it’s gonna have to include teamwork!”

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