ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the castoroides? Memorable castoroides stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
Bruh I was just walking around exploring with killer ( my raptor ) and out of no where I see one and I’m like “huh they look weak must be an easy kill” well gets what... it actually WASNT IT KILLE MEH RAPTOR IN TWO SHOTS!!!! he was a lvl 177.... rip killer ⬆️ if you wanna avenge killer
Me and a friend tamed like a gazzilion of these things for some reason, and later we wanted to get rid of them so we thought it would be funny if we took one of them on a raft and set it on wandering in the middle of the ocean, we came back to it about a week later on our raft and it was surrounded by like 3 megalodons, and it tore them to shreds. These things will kill anything in the water, especially in larger groups. Must have if you're making some kind of underwater base.
I have a lvl 230 Castoroides called Wood machine. I initially thought I would only use her to get wood so I named her that. I latter found out that she was an excellent swimmer and can act as a semi aquatic mount. I didn’t have an aquatic mount so I explored the ocean with it. She could easily kill a megalodon or a pack of mantas. On my third ocean voyage with her I was killing a megalodon when a Cnidaria (jelllyfish) stunned her and forced me to dismount. I killed the Cnidaria and some Carnbonemys finished off the megalodon but Wood Machine was nowhere to be found. I whistled follow but no creature heard my whistle. I expanded my search area but still couldn’t find her. I was beginning to think that she died and I missed the death message. As I further expanded my search area I saw a few Cnidaria by the beach, so I killed them for revenge. After harvesting their bio toxin I looked up and saw a Castoroides with a saddle chilling in the middle of the ocean. It was wood machine! Turns out if you dismount a Castoroides underwater it will surface by swimming up along a straight line, and since I was kicked off fairly deep underwater she swam very far before surfacing. I would later run the lower south cave multiple times with her. My most recent mission with her is taming a basilosaurus, which is completely immune to the stun attack of Cnidaria. Time to massacre those stupid Cnidaria.
[The Great Dam] Chapter One “I, as survivor of this strange world, admire these hardworking creatures. Though the Castoroides is basically a beaver, it’s quite different too. Today I discovered one of the brown variation with my otter, Bear, I decided to attempt to tame it..” Part 2 will be out if this gets at least 10 likes!
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 39: Downed
Original Post Date: Mar 23, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Basilosaurus, next chapter in Cnidaria.
Chris couldn’t help but smile as the passing of the wind made his hair fly back and his clothes rustle like soft bushes. On the Pteranodon, Chris could see most of the island that he and the other graduates had been sent to with his own pair of eyes. There were so many unfamiliar places to him, all of which he wanted to check out. He wanted to land the Pteranodon and see what types of dinosaurs he’d be able to find, what types of people he’d be able to meet.
“There’s more time for that later. I need to find Tiffany,” Chris thought as he gritted his teeth.
Chris found himself staring down at the island every once in a while to see if any houses would stick out of the forests. But surprisingly, everything was barren.
Samuel had claimed that he and his team had made quite a few people before making it to the Book Club camp… but so far there was practically nothing. Had Samuel lied about it?
“He doesn’t seem like the type of person to lie. Besides, why would he lie about that?” Chris thought.
As Chris continued to fly, another Obelisk soon came into view. Unlike the one near their camp, it was red and was located quite close to a remote island. It seemed to have created an oasis similar to the green one. Chris could feel himself burning up as he approached.
“W-What am I doing?!” Chris stammered, pulling on the reins. The Pteranodon jerked back and halted, “Do I not remember what happened when THEY went to the Obelisk?! I’m not- I’m not going there.”
Chris turned the Pteranodon around and began to fly back. But as he was, he noticed something… sparkle at the corner of his eye. He looked back one last time, and with wide eyes saw a giant stone castle looming above the hill. A red flag was planted on a wall, and he could barely see people coming in and out of it.
“People,” Chris whispered, beads of sweat dripping down his face. The Pteranodon let out a croak of annoyance, the flapping of its wings growing slower and slower.
“Better find a place to land.”
Chris aimed down and the Pteranodon made its way to an adjacent cliffside. As Chris landed down onto the rock, reached into his pouch, fumbled around for a bit before finally pulling out a spyglass.
He took the cap off and put his eye to it, pointing the instrument directly at the castle. To his horror he saw many guards standing post at the gate of the castle. Even though they only wore clothes made of animal hide, they still seemed to be a force to reckon with. Half had spears, half had metal pikes, and a very select few even carried sharp swords that looked so sharp they could cut through water.
Granted, they didn’t seem to know how to tame a dinosaur, but they still greatly outnumbered the Book Club camp by a lot. And who knew if they were violent or not?
“I should probably report back to the others,” Chris muttered to himself. He was about to tug on the reins, when he stopped himself.
“No,” Chris told himself, “Not yet. The more information I gather, the better they can prepare. I won’t delay anything. Samuel can piece something together to help defend against this potential threat.”
He tugged on the reins, and instead of going back to the green Obelisk where home was, he decided to fly right above the castle.
With some bravery growing in his heart, he flew as high as he could, but not too far up that he couldn’t see the castle, and not too low they could spot the spy. The Pteranodon slowly flapped its wings across, and soon he found himself floating above the castle’s roof.
Or at least, where the roof should’ve been.
With a snort, Chris realized that the castle had no roof. Perfect for spying and seeing what was going on inside. He slowly let go of the reins, feeling a spike of adrenaline in his heart. He felt his legs wrap around the Pteranodon, not wanting to fall off. Then he took his spyglass out and began to peek in on what was going on inside.
He noticed that it looked like some sort of royal throne room. Through the glass, he spotted a girl with orange-brown overflowing hair sitting on the throne. She wore a suit of metal armor that was painted red. She seemed to be talking to someone before her.
“That must be their leader…” Chris thought with squinted eyes.
Chris moved the spyglass again and saw a man wearing some sort of grass armor speaking with her. He had a longneck rifle in one hand, and he was pointing at Chris with the other.
“Wait a minute, WHAT?!” Chris realized with wide eyes. He looked back at the ‘queen’. She just rolled her eyes and went off again, an anger in her facial expression.
Chris moved the spyglass back to the grass guy, and his jaw dropped as he saw him pointing the rifle right at him.
The Pteranodon let out a squawk as blood spurted from its wing like a volcano’s eruption. In a panic, Chris dropped the now bloodied spyglass down below. He tugged on the reins, but the Pteranodon was out of control. It began to fly down to the castle.
“No!” Chris yelled in anger. He tugged on the reins again, and the Pteranodon moved forward, staggering in the air. The Pteranodon made fruitless attempts to fly, but it was no use.
Chris and the Pteranodon flew away as far as they could, eventually reaching the remote island that he had spotted prior to the castle sighting. It didn’t seem too far from the mainland. With one last push, the Pteranodon passed out, and Chris braced himself for impact.
“Ughh. Damn it… DAMN IT!” Chris muttered under his breath. He sat up, disoriented and his vision blurry. He blinked a few times, crawling off the Pteranodon’s saddle, and resting his back against a tree. He let out heavy heaves of exhaustion, as his vision began to regain.
This wasn’t good at all.
“I’m far away from camp,” Chris thought, “I’m alone.”
Chris looked at the Pteranodon. One of its wings was gushing with blood and the other was completely snapped at the base. Its tongue was sprawled out on the grass, and its eyes were lifeless.
“And the only thing I can travel with is dead,” Chris sighed.
Chris began to shake in fear. He wrapped his arms around his body, curling up into a ball and taking deep breaths in and out.
“What do I do now?”
“Good shot, General,” June said with a smirk, “You got that lowly Peeping Tom.”
“Of course, your majesty,” the General replied, “I’d never disappoint.”
“Well General, ya’ know they might not be dead,” June added on with a wink, “I think you and your mates should go check. See if they really died or not.”
“Of course.”
The General hurried out of the throne room with haste, and June put her head on her fist, her eyes looking up at the morning sky.
“That Peeping Tom managed to completely bring one of those beasts under their control,” June thought, “Hmm.”
“Wonder how they did that.”
“And can I use it to win Ben?”
“Hmph. Bet I could. I bet I could.”
The Obelisk
-Chapter 22-
What. Is. THAT.
Forest stumbled back, lifting his eyes acrossed the giant creature. Her yellow eyes were fixed on his face.
Long spines protruded from her head and neck, going all the way down her spine. Her scales had whirls of blue and black that needed at her tail, and long, sharp claws curled menacingly on her talons.
“Velanosaur,” Spark muttered under her breath, her tail twitching.
“Velanosaur?” Forest whispered.
“Don’t trust her,” Spark hissed, leaning close so only Forest could hear. “They are major predators and I don’t like the look on her face.”
“You’ve been looking for us?” Rust asked Ripper.
“Why yes,” Ripper said pleasantly.
“Why?” Spark growled.
“To help you,” The Velanosaur explained. “Let’s say I have a friend who talks allabout you.”
“Who?” Crimson demanded.
“A certain friend with magnificent powers,” Ripper continued ominously. “Powers to see the future.”
“The Basilisk?!” Forest exclaimed. “really? You know her?”
“Oh, Forest,” Ripper chuckled. “The heart of the group. The first one Peeri confronted. You’ll do anything to protect the innocent, no matter what. I always looked forward to seeing you in person.
Forest furrowed his brow. Was that true? Would he protect anyone at any cost?
I did leave my family… for something I didn’t even understand yet.
Ripper hissed with satisfaction and turned to Spark. “Spark,” she said with delight, earning a little growl from the Carnotaur. “That little fire that never burns out. Now you are fit for a destiny. No wonder Peeri chose you. I mean, if I were a future-seer, you’d be on the top of my list for saving the world, too.”
This made Spark deflate a little, her suspicion towards Ripper wavering slightly. She looked down to the ground with an expression that looked like a battle was going on in her mind.
“And… uh—Rust.” Ripper stepped forward, her tail slithering on the rock behind her. “A deinonychus! Perfect for the prophecy! Of course, I always found you’re kind interesting. No one understands you, do they? Deinonychus’s don’t really deserve that bad rap everyone gives them, don’t you agree?”
Rust looked up to her, puffing up his chest. “Yeah,” he agreed. “Totally.”
“It’s not you’re fault the worlds so silly, so why would everyone bug you for it?” the Velanosaur continues.
“It’s not fair,” he said faintly.
Ripper turned to Crimson. “Tell me. Are you a fighter?” She asked Crimson.
“Yes.” Crimson confirmed.
“Will you do whatever it takes to stay alive?”
Ripper smiled a ginormous, triumphant smile. “You will all save the world. And I will help you.”
Hope’s Cry
Chapter seventeen
There was a loud squeal as Felswand opened the dungeon door. Inside sat two creatures. One was hiding in a corner breathing heavily. The other was slumped against a wall. “Felswand?” The person laying against the wall coughed. “I brought you food your majesty.” Felswand said sadly. Felswand closed the dungeon door behind him and sat next too Karson. Felswand handed a plate too Karson. “Your son has ordered me too kill you. But I don’t want too kill you. But I also don’t want too lose my head either. I don’t know what too do.” Felswand said sadly. “I can get out of here anytime I want, the floorboard the kid over there is sitting on is a secret panel. I can escape and you can say that you killed me and threw my body into the river.” Karson coughed. “There’s a old town near here, you can hide out there until I signal it’s safe. My comrades raided the city early this week and fake killed everyone in the city. They are all hidden in a cave in the mountains. I’m sure they will welcome you there.” Felswand said brightly. “Thanks Lieutenant. I wi—” Karson began. “What’s the name of the city?” The kid interrupted. “Central District I think.” Felswand replied. “I lived there, does that mean my parents are still alive?” The kid asked excitedly. “Maybe, what’s there names?” Felswand asked. “Janae and Sam Traurig!” The kid replied. “Janae? I know her, but Sam disappeared in the forest. Wait, that must mean that you are—” Felswand began. “Jake. My name is Jake Traurig.” The kid said.
Next chapter in Chalicotherium! I hope you like it! Btw I’m making a news in Nori Dye!
Yours Truly,
Dodo Tales (Ep22 S1)
Ares cussed (I'm not gonna go into detail)
"You won't find him here, your arrival was quite...expected to say the least"
"Who are you?!" Asked Jerry who still didn't know who was talking, since it was pitch black. "The one who will rule this Ark, And I'm afraid you know too much." "Detain them!" the voice yelled. Jerry felt darts in his side, and then collapsed...
He woke up in a big cage, surrounded by his friends, Eden, Rick, and Even Ares. It seemed they were all yelling at each other. "He's awake" stated Rick. Jerry stood up. "We're all being executed, but at least we're all together." Eden said. Rick kicked him. "We'll find a way out of this, but for now-" light poured in, as giant doors opened. "Welcome to the Arena" said a guard. The Arena was very large, and was built over an active volcano.
"Our lord requested you be sent in here to fight Gorp" "what's a Gorp?" Asked Eden
"You don't want to know" replied Ares...
『jointed mysteries』
Writer’s notes—
Well, I finally tried making chapter 27 and it’s going well already! Also, I hope Apex loves this chapter! I’ve worked hard for long enough! Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
Previously on jointed mysteries;
The trees rustled. Bushes moved in grovey ways. But one thing was out of place;
They were being stalked.
They had no idea it was stalking them or what was stalking them. It flew in the air, unnoticed, looking for prey.
(Laughs nominously)-“looks like I found myself my OWN dinner hehehe.” It said suspiciously. It swooped down with it’s huge, sharp, talons pointing at them. Fury looked up in the sky.
“What the?”
“Say your last words because your my dinner now!” It screeched.
Chapter 27
Fury rushed out of it’s sight.
“Where do you think YOUR going?”
“You’ll see!” Fury headed for the prison near by them. Criminals looked around looking for the noise above.
“Duck!” Warned Anubis. Fury ducked out of sight into an open prison cage, thinking it was safe. The thing closed the cage and locked it.
‘Seems this was HIS prison of…PREY!?’ He cried in his mind.
Fury had no idea how much trouble he had gotten into. He was prey. He was…hunted.
“This is bad…” he whispered.
“Hey,” something whispered.
“Listen here, I have a way out but I’m still workin’ on it.”
“Tell me. I’m all ears!” He said.
“Already then. I’ll tell ya.”
“See that crowbar over there?”
“Yeah? What about it?”
“I made this “stick” to grab it. Think it’ll work?”
“Not that much. I think that insect looking thingy over there will eat it.”
“The stick?”
“Why so?”
“Because he’s insane.”
“Gotcha point. Let’s try something else.”
“Good idea.” Fury said.
“How about this,” it continued.
“We get the guard’s attention and when the guard opens my door, I quickly grab the crowbar and knock the guard out!” It suggested.
“What about me?” Fury asked.
“I’ll try picking the lock with the stick I made.”
“That’s better.”
“Let’s start the plan!” He tried getting the guard’s attention telling it that he’s thirsty.
“What’s that you say? Your thirsty? Here, some water.” He opened the cage while the creature ran out of the cage, grabbed the crowbar, and knocked the guard out.
“So, are you gonna pick lock my cage?” Fury asked.
“No way! Later sucker!” He ran out of the prison Leaving Fury there like he was invisible.
“We made a deal!” Fury yelled but he didn’t hear. He tried yelling for help, hoping someone would come before he was dinner.
“Help! Someone! Please help!” He yelled. No one listened. He tried yelling help again.
“Help!” No one came. He tried once more, and prayed he still had hope.
“Please! Anyone! Help!” No one heard. He was running out of hope. He’d miss his friends, his brother, his family, his home…
‘No one’s coming for me…’ he sadly thought. Until, it was time. Guards of his own kind found him in the prison.
Joe was on an X-ray.
“Why am I on an X-RAY?” He asked.
“It’s not just an X-ray, it’s a scanner for Obelisk orbs.”
“Ugh, I’m tired!”
“That’s too bad.”
“Get me off!”
“Why should I disobey the rules?”
“Cause this is torture!”
“Yes it is! Now get me off!”
“Nope. This is necessary.”
“Yup. It is.”
“Ugh…” he was scanned for anything that was stolen from an obelisk.
“Ah ha! I knew you’d have an obelisk orb! Now hand it over.”
“No way!”
“Why should I? I had it fair and square!”
“I need this to fight the dragon.”
“The dragon?”
“You’ve never heard of her?”
“No, no, I have.”
“Yeah. We’re also fighting against her. She wants our orb!
“Yikes, that must be bad.”
“Of course it is!”
“And we need a way to stop her.” The Thyla said.
“I have a way.” He said.
“But it’s gonna have to include teamwork!”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 39: Downed
Part 2/2
Chris moved the spyglass again and saw a man wearing some sort of grass armor speaking with her. He had a longneck rifle in one hand, and he was pointing at Chris with the other.
“Wait a minute, WHAT?!” Chris realized with wide eyes. He looked back at the ‘queen’. She just rolled her eyes and went off again, an anger in her facial expression.
Chris moved the spyglass back to the grass guy, and his jaw dropped as he saw him pointing the rifle right at him.
The Pteranodon let out a squawk as blood spurted from its wing like a volcano’s eruption. In a panic, Chris dropped the now bloodied spyglass down below. He tugged on the reins, but the Pteranodon was out of control. It began to fly down to the castle.
“No!” Chris yelled in anger. He tugged on the reins again, and the Pteranodon moved forward, staggering in the air. The Pteranodon made fruitless attempts to fly, but it was no use.
Chris and the Pteranodon flew away as far as they could, eventually reaching the remote island that he had spotted prior to the castle sighting. It didn’t seem too far from the mainland. With one last push, the Pteranodon passed out, and Chris braced himself for impact.
“Ughh. Damn it… DAMN IT!” Chris muttered under his breath. He sat up, disoriented and his vision blurry. He blinked a few times, crawling off the Pteranodon’s saddle, and resting his back against a tree. He let out heavy heaves of exhaustion, as his vision began to regain.
This wasn’t good at all.
“I’m far away from camp,” Chris thought, “I’m alone.”
Chris looked at the Pteranodon. One of its wings was gushing with blood and the other was completely snapped at the base. Its tongue was sprawled out on the grass, and its eyes were lifeless.
“And the only thing I can travel with is dead,” Chris sighed.
Chris began to shake in fear. He wrapped his arms around his body, curling up into a ball and taking deep breaths in and out.
“What do I do now?”
“Good shot, General,” June said with a smirk, “You got that lowly Peeping Tom.”
“Of course, your majesty,” the General replied, “I’d never disappoint.”
“Well General, ya’ know they might not be dead,” June added on with a wink, “I think you and your mates should go check. See if they really died or not.”
“Of course.”
The General hurried out of the throne room with haste, and June put her head on her fist, her eyes looking up at the morning sky.
“That Peeping Tom managed to completely bring one of those beasts under their control,” June thought, “Hmm.”
“Wonder how they did that.”
“And can I use it to win Ben?”
“Hmph. Bet I could. I bet I could.”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 39: Downed
Chris couldn’t help but smile as the passing of the wind made his hair fly back and his clothes rustle like soft bushes. On the Pteranodon, Chris could see most of the island that he and the other graduates had been sent to with his own pair of eyes. There were so many unfamiliar places to him, all of which he wanted to check out. He wanted to land the Pteranodon and see what types of dinosaurs he’d be able to find, what types of people he’d be able to meet.
“There’s more time for that later. I need to find Tiffany,” Chris thought as he gritted his teeth.
Chris found himself staring down at the island every once in a while to see if any houses would stick out of the forests. But surprisingly, everything was barren.
Samuel had claimed that he and his team had made quite a few people before making it to the Book Club camp… but so far there was practically nothing. Had Samuel lied about it?
“He doesn’t seem like the type of person to lie. Besides, why would he lie about that?” Chris thought.
As Chris continued to fly, another Obelisk soon came into view. Unlike the one near their camp, it was red and was located quite close to a remote island. It seemed to have created an oasis similar to the green one. Chris could feel himself burning up as he approached.
“W-What am I doing?!” Chris stammered, pulling on the reins. The Pteranodon jerked back and halted, “Do I not remember what happened when THEY went to the Obelisk?! I’m not- I’m not going there.”
Chris turned the Pteranodon around and began to fly back. But as he was, he noticed something… sparkle at the corner of his eye. He looked back one last time, and with wide eyes saw a giant stone castle looming above the hill. A red flag was planted on a wall, and he could barely see people coming in and out of it.
“People,” Chris whispered, beads of sweat dripping down his face. The Pteranodon let out a croak of annoyance, the flapping of its wings growing slower and slower.
“Better find a place to land.”
Chris aimed down and the Pteranodon made its way to an adjacent cliffside. As Chris landed down onto the rock, reached into his pouch, fumbled around for a bit before finally pulling out a spyglass.
He took the cap off and put his eye to it, pointing the instrument directly at the castle. To his horror he saw many guards standing post at the gate of the castle. Even though they only wore clothes made of animal hide, they still seemed to be a force to reckon with. Half had spears, half had metal pikes, and a very select few even carried sharp swords that looked so sharp they could cut through water.
Granted, they didn’t seem to know how to tame a dinosaur, but they still greatly outnumbered the Book Club camp by a lot. And who knew if they were violent or not?
“I should probably report back to the others,” Chris muttered to himself. He was about to tug on the reins, when he stopped himself.
“No,” Chris told himself, “Not yet. The more information I gather, the better they can prepare. I won’t delay anything. Samuel can piece something together to help defend against this potential threat.”
He tugged on the reins, and instead of going back to the green Obelisk where home was, he decided to fly right above the castle.
With some bravery growing in his heart, he flew as high as he could, but not too far up that he couldn’t see the castle, and not too low they could spot the spy. The Pteranodon slowly flapped its wings across, and soon he found himself floating above the castle’s roof.
Or at least, where the roof should’ve been.
With a snort, Chris realized that the castle had no roof. Perfect for spying and seeing what was going on inside. He slowly let go of the reins, feeling a spike of adrenaline in his heart. He felt his legs wrap around the Pteranodon, not wanting to fall off. Then he took his spyglass out and began to peek in on what was going on inside.
He noticed that it looked like some sort of royal throne room. Through the glass, he spotted a girl with orange-brown overflowing hair sitting on the throne. She wore a suit of metal armor that was painted red. She seemed to be talking to someone before her.
“That must be their leader…” Chris thought with squinted eyes.
Bruh 🤣 okay! STORY TIME!
So i needed wood, like, really badly to build a base and i thought a beaver dam would have enough so I got a good weigh creature and found a dam, around 23 beavers were waiting...
I took the wood and tried to fly away but those fricking things shredded my creature 🤣 #RIP
Heroes of Pandora
Chapter 26
“Ok here he comes everyone get to your places” Ron said. Everyone scrambled to get to their positions, then a shadow swept over the clearing. “Hold..” Ron whispered… “hold….” He continued, then the dragon landed on the grass. “NOW!” Ron yelled. BOOOM the ground exploded under the dragons talons, the dragon roared in shock and confusion, then the gigantopithicus ran out of the forest yelling battle cries and ape noises, they each had a bundle of grenades and a gun. “THROW THE GRENADES FIRST, AND AIM FOR THE WINGS” the chief yelled. The apes threw the grenades at the dragon, some missed but some hit the wings making tears in the wing webbing. “Good work boys! He ain’t flying no where now!” The chief said. The battle field was now covered in smoke no one could see then they saw a red flame blast out of the smoke they dove to the side but some didn’t get away in time, then the dragon used his wings to blow the smoke away, he then proceeded to burn every gigantopithicus he could. Then the sea serpents jumped out of the trees with their tridents, they stabbed and herded the dragon closer to the pit under the floating island, then Jaxz and Nash flew by and threw bottles full of a strange blood like liquid at the dragons face “TAKE SANGUINE ELIXIR SUCKA” Jaxz yelled. The elixir stuck to the dragons face so he could not see then he said “I DO NOT NEED TO SEE TO BURRN YOU ALL!” The dragon blasted a fury of red flame across the entire battlefield, there were many casualties.. then the dragon heard trees falling and a crushing pain to his chest as bones rammed into him, the impact sent him rearing on his back legs, then he felt thousands of sharp pains on his back talons, Caesar, Ron and the surviving apes and serpents shot his legs and claws, the shock and pain was too much and he fell of the cliff, he attempted to fly but his wings were torn apart, he fell into the water but he was still alive.then then as the dragon was getting back up Ping jumped out of the water onto a rock Then tentacles wrapped around his body. “Oh I may have led a few angry tusos up here heh heh.” Ping said. and with a final mighty roar, the great dragon sunk into the depths.
There were cheers from all around, then bones let out a roar of triumph. “MAY THE REIGN OF THE DRAGON END TODAY” Bones yelled, and to that there was a mightier applause.
Salizar heard the dragons final roar, then the cheering of the ones who defeated him. “Oh well.. he served his purpose… now! How shall I stall them further?” he scrolled through the terminal, “ahh now there’s a plan…”
The Terrible Demise of Tortuga
Twenty six.
Elizabeth, Aaron Jr., and Olivia headed to school after they had eaten breakfast. They barely made it in time. “You were almost late!” Mizz Hawkthorne snapped angrily. “Yeah, but we weren’t.” Aaron muttered under his breath. “Excuse me?!” His teacher asked. “Nothing.” Aaron jr. Said quickly. They sat down in their seats. Elizabeth sat down in between Emma and Rachelle. She looked at Rachelle who sat at attention listening to Mizz Hawkthorne’s lecture for the day. (Rachelle was the daughter of a peace keeper so she wanted to be as obedient as she could and learn as much about their city as she could so that she could become a peace keeper.) Elizabeth turned to Emma. “Hi Emma!” She whispered softly so that Mizz Hawkthorne couldn’t hear her. Emma who had been staring off into space looked at Elizabeth, a misty eyed look on her face. “Hi Elizabeth.” She said simply. Elizabeth noticed Emma and Andrew kept sneaking glances at each other. Elizabeth looked at Emilia who shrugged. “…many people breed the dangerous creatures and made cross breeds! These animals are dangerous and deserve to be DESTROYED!” (Olivia, Elizabeth and Aaron Jr. desperately trued not to lash out at their teacher who they were sure was talking about their grandfather’s animals.) On and on she talked until finally, miraculously the class ended. “Class dismissed, file out!” Mizz Hawkthorne said. They did as she said. Elizabeth spotted Emma and Andrew talking. “I think they’re boyfriend and girlfriend now.” Emilia said, coming up behind her. “Yeah….they’re even holding hands!” Olivia said. Eric walked past them. “Hi Elizabeth!” He called. She waved. He kept walking but he was still facing her so he ran into a house. *thud* “Ow!”
Back at the mayor manor, the young, irresponsible, and lazy teenagers that were the mayors were still scheming. “She has to love me!” Michael said. “Maybe she does…she’s just been bewitched or something!” Suggested Mickie. “That’s it! She DOES love me she just has been bewitched by…by…uh…by…um…….ah yes! Her father!” Michael said. “And Andrew.” Mike added. “I’m gonna go and straighten mr. Peterson out! He has no right to keep my love away from me!” Michael said. Then he marched off to the Peterson’s house. He rang the doorbell several times to make himself noticeable. “The more the merrier. Plus more people needed to see “Mr. Peterson” reach his downfall.” Thought Michael. The door opened and Aragorn excited with a annoyed look on his face. He’d just been about to head to work when Michael had come. (Aragorn’s shifts varied from time to time at his job) Hanging around Aragorn’s neck was his medallion. It too had markings just like the others. A dull black glow shone from them.(the markings on his medallion) The chain that looped around Aragorn’s neck that held the medallion bore deep into his skin. There were marks where the chain had sat. Obviously Aragorn had had this medallion for a LONG time. “What do YOU want?” Aragorn asked, not even bothering to acknowledge that Michael was a mayor. Michael gritted his teeth. How dare this man not respect him?! He was a mayor for goodness sake! “Show some respect will you? I’m a mayor you know!”Michael exclaimed. Aragorn gave him a almost pitying look. “Yeah…well Mr. MAYOR, what do you want from little old me?” Aragorn asked sarcastically. Why didn’t this man take him seriously?! He would soon. “I have come to ask…no DEMAND that you stop this funny business and let your daughter date ME. You’ve been threatening her to stay away from me, her true love.” Michael said. Aragorn raised his eyebrow. “I don’t force my opinions on my children and if Emma says she won’t date you it’s because she doesn’t like you.” Aragorn replied calmly. “That can’t be right!” Michael exclaimed. Aragorn took a deep breath and clenched his fists tight then set his jaw. “Let me be blunt with you, Emma despises you and wants NOTHING to do with you. I do not set my opinions on my children BUT if YOU come anywhere near MY daughter it WILL not end well.” Aragorn said. Michael scoffed. “I’m the mayor you can’t hurt me.” Aragorn’s medallion for a second glowed brighter. Michael saw something move behind him out of the corner of his eye. He spun around but saw nothing but his shadow. He dismissed it and turned back to Aragorn. “Please leave.” Aragorn said. Michael huffed then strutted off. He watched Aragorn head off to work. For some reason Aragorn looked different than other people. What was it? Then Michael realized it. Aragorn Peterson didn’t have a shadow.
Next one coming soon! I’ll also be doing a early valentine special soon, in TTDOT. Cya!