-the paw print path-
-the paw print path-
Chapter ten.
“Do you really think you could outrun us?” One of the fenrirs said.
“Do you think that you would send us running?” It growled. “Maybe not alone.” Hazel said coming and standing against Crimson. She bared her teeth. Crimson did the same. “How cute.” Another growled. That was it for Hazel. She sprung into the air and dug her claws into the fenrirs face. The fenrir yelped loudly. Crimson attacked one’s paws nipping and biting it while it tried to catch him. Suddenly the fenrir that Hazel had attacked batted her of his face. She hit the ground hard. The fenrir Crimson was attacking finally managed to pin Crimson down on the ground. Then something happened a long whine echoed toward Crimson. He looked at Hazel. A fenrir was on top of her. This had happened before, Crimson realized. The fenrir on top of Hazel bared it’s teeth and raised it’s jaw ready to bite down on Hazel…
Go to unicorn for the last chapter.