Hi guys.

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Hi guys.

Sylveevee, I read chapter twenty six! It was great! Oh no Milo got out!!! And it was really cool how Slyl went to the white obelisk.

Ben, I enjoyed the remade chapters. Poor Paul, I hope his nose heals. And wow, this mystery girl is very strange. Hmm…I wonder what’s going on. Idk. Anyways I don’t really know who my least fav character in TAOH is anymore. There’s a lot of characters that I despise but none that I could really “hate”. Although…I do want to…mess with lil Jack a bit in TOT. 😈.

Lamprey, and break it! Welcome! Break-it, it’s really you’re choice whether or not if you want to write a multiverse in your story. If you want to, I’d say go for it. Also My story is actually a series. It’s called “The Riddles of The Phoenixes series”. The first book starts in allosaurus and the other books follow it. You may have to scroll a bit to find the prologues. And I’m one of the writers in the Omega Timeline. It’s in Yi Ling exclusive. Anyways…cya!


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