ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Stories Tips

What are some stories about the troodon? Memorable troodon stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
At lvl 72 with flak armor on, a lvl 5 Troodon knocked me out with one attack at night. Last thing I saw was those glowing eyes before passing out. My Guess is that they attack vital organs. Luckily my Doedicarus was up for a game of baseball and launched that little devil out into the stands.
Me and my Carnotaurus went out on an adventure together for the first time and around 4 troodons and a raptor attacked us. He couldn’t attack them because because his turn radius is bad, so I jumped off to try and save him from dying. After I respawned I went back with my pteranodon to try and get my stuff back but before I could escape my carnotaurus and my pteranodon died (a dilophosaur snuck up on my pteranodon while I was trying to save my carno) which left me stranded to die again. I will never go back there again.
Went to go grab a drop during the night on my dragon. I was wearing full Master Craft Flak Gear and two bites from these little sneaky bitches and I passed out. Luckily my dragon was on nuetral. Unluckily that it's fire breath roasted me too. Lesson learned:
Burn everything on fire before you get off your mount...
Journey: Chapter 13
“It did nothing, I- I don’t understand. Why it didn’t work?? It worked when Rust did it, why not with me???” Forest said, “It doesn’t matter now, it’s too late.” Nightfall said in a monotone voice as he stared at the ramp.
Forest looked towards the ramp, adult Troodons were marching up the ramp and had surrounded them from any exit. As they cornered them, an old female troodon with grey feathering walked out from other and stared down on Nightfall.
“Nightfall, highest ranking member of the Order under district leaders. Are you him?” The older troodon questioned. “Yes Mira, or is it still madam district leader?” Nightfall snarked out.
“Mira is fine now.” the troodon said, “Carrying on, you have been charged with resignation from the Order. And since you are covered in scares and blood must mean that you killed the two soldiers that we sent after you?” Mira continued. “That is correct.” Nightfall answered blankly.
“Shame, they were good troodons, doesn’t change the judgment we have deemed fair. Anyway, your punishment is the same for any other troodon who resigns or are ousted. Death.” Mira announced. “I knew that was the case.” Nightfall said unfazed and monotoned as she had punished him to Death.
Forest was appalled at what he was hearing, but he kept calm and quiet as they talked to Nightfall. He didn’t want to become the next target.
“And since your friend isn’t questioning us about anything or even asking what is this Order we’re going on about. I presumed you told him and that he’s knows most of what we’re talking about, so he too will also get the same punishment.” Mira exclaimed, Forest felt himself go white as she ended her sentence.
“No, he knows nothing about what we are talking about, he just was a way for me to get out of here.” Nightfall snapped back, “Oh, I doubt that.” Mira said “Considering that he is Forest. The considered leader of the Five and owner of one of the most powerful weapons ever made naturally by the Arks.” Mira Exclaimed.
Forest mouth dropped and he felt himself beginning to shiver. “Y-Y-You know who I am?” Forest finally said, “Oh course dear, we are the Order. We have known for a year, just like most of Fjordur has. Now escort these two the redwoods where their executions will be.” Mira said before pausing. Forest noticed a sound that he had heard before, soon everyone noticed the sound and looked around.
I may or may not have tamed a bunch of these and stuck them in a tiny room inside my base on aggressive with a sign that said “Valuables” outside the door. I also may or may not have been laughing maniacally as I added a couple nice kits to my valuables room which is on the other side of my base.
Ark devs: we need something new…..
Ark dev 1:what about something that like a raptor and is poisonous!
Ark devs: *chuckles* perfect!
……..*at ark hq*
Ark devs:let’s get to work……
Ark dev 2:ok let’s have a raptor base body with feathers and smaller…
Ark dev 1:hmm ok sounds good
Ark dev 3: let’s have to hunt in packs also like raptors
Ark dev 1:yes yes indeed sounds good
Ark dev 4:when it attacks you it knocks you unconscious
Ark dev 1:awesome idea
Ark dev 4: i know *rolls eyes*
Ark dev 5: also let’s put in the jungle and red woods so it hides better!
Ark dev 1: PERFECT * releases it*
…………….*1day later*
Ark player 1: another perfect day in ark!!
Ark player 1:*goes to jungle or red woods and looks around*
Ark player 1:*sees a pack of something like raptors* huh hmmm?
Troodons: *jump out of the bushes and bites him knocking him unconscious*
troodons:*kills them*
Ark player 1 in real life: UGHHHHHHH *turns off ark*
………..*5 weeks later*
………*back in the ark hq*
*getting a lot of complaints*
Ark devs: we did so well,we made people happy!!
………….HEY GUYS IM suki-ark-stories (couldn’t think of a better name sorry) I like writing funny ark story’s and this took me a while so please like this ✨👍😃🤍🤍
I recently played the play as dino mod as a Troodon, and I had a huge pack of Troodons. We were wreaking havock all over the south of the island, even killing a Theri at one point. However, do not tame them in the real game. It is not worth it. Sacrificing your tames just for a scouting dino isn't worth much. Maybe in a PVP setting, but I am a PVE player, making them worthless to me.
Chapter 1
I woke up In a cage, surrounded by something with blowing eyes the next thing I know everything goes black… I woke up once again. I’m not above anything anymore. I look around to see people healing my wounds that I got from the glowing eyes. One of them brings me a cup of water and some cook meat. I’m terrified what happened? I’m cautious with who they are I’m afraid to speak I keep my distance. They know that I’m afraid but one of the Guards accidentally spook me. They have a cage with the creature that Hurt me I was confused why they had one of those things then I remembered that was a troodon that hurt me I kept my distance from that animal, but one of the guards put it in a crate filled with more cages inside that other little animals inside then a horse took it away. They were delivering it somewhere else I finally said “ What is this place?” One of the guards looked at me and said “ well sweetheart, you are yourself up here at crystals tribe territory might as well become one of us. We don’t usually let people live. We don’t give them any mercy, but we gave you mercy to live with us teach you everything you need to know about this world, it’s not the easiest to remember from when you got flashed here and then onto the island it’s not the best to end up on the beach or in the forest getting attacked by Stupid troodons I can help you Learn everything I’m not practically a real guard. I’m just here to put creatures in their crates.” I looked around, saw a bunch of empty cages. One of them was very big bigger than the tallest dinosaur and was a herbivore too, but this one had a bunch of chains on it unlike any other cage, they said it was the most dangerous creature that I could think of a giga they made sure that I didn’t get too close to the edge of the water because there are Crocs in there they just wanted to make sure that I was safe. acting like a toddler in this world they had to keep me safe from dangers the weapons they let me play with a few weapons with target it was pretty fun, but they said it was time for me to head into the camping area. We’re all kids slept if they didn’t have a parent, and then it was the adoption center. They had a pet section and somewhere where you can adopt a kid.
Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoy the next chapters. Hopefully, you You do like them
- Snake
When I once got my first dilo it was killed immediately. I mean at least I got a reward for the tame but curse these troodons! I was whistling and whistling and whistling for my dear Dorothy to come back. But she never came. Next I got my revenge on the troodon (whew that was hard) and killed it, bringing back the guts of Dorothy as well harvested dilo meat. But as sad as my ark guy was that Dorothy died at least my guy was happy that he got food. Lesson here: Never tame dinos near troodons. One press of the up symbol is one prayer for Dorothy. That was an FYI. Take my word.
I once went out to simply get some obsidian from the mountain with my beetle buff and tamed a stego on the way. I had them on passive because I was planning on taking something. Then this trodon attacked me. I thought I could handle one fine. And then there were like 10 more and it knocked me out. I had over 2000 health and just had to wait there for it to kill me
So when I encountered a Troodon I immediately wanted it so I nocked it out and I saw no taming bar so I thought I could not tame Troodons, I was so sad until I got Dododex and it said it needed to be passively tamed. Once I found out I was so happy. Thank you for reading this hole thing it is a little long😄🦖