(TIKO: 10 year old Raptor

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(TIKO: 10 year old Raptor

(CANDY CANE: 12 year old Raptor

(FOSTER: 18 year old Raptor

Chapter 2

The cold days

It was a sunny morning, Tiko woke up to the sound of a Rex. “Huh? Trux, is that you?” Tiko ran out of the nest. “Oh hi Tiko, isn’t it a warming day?” Trux questioned him. By the sound of another yawn of Trux, Foster woke up. “Hi Trux!” The yell of Foster also woke up Candy Cane. “Foster, who are you-“ she stopped in the middle of her sentence. Then yelled “REX! BOTH OF YOU SCALLY WAGS RUN!” Foster says in ignorance. “Oh sorry Candy Cane, when you were still in the egg, we met a Rex named Trux, he’s nice don’t worry.” She no longer panicked. “Good, thanks for telling me.” She said politely. “Trux! Wanna help us get food?” Tiko said in question. “And not in a stupid way, RIGHT TIKO?” Foster asked as they all remembered what happened yesterday. “It wasn’t my fault FOSTER, YOU WERE’NT BEING SMART!” He yelled back to Foster “fine just, don’t be stupid.” He said politely. “Finally, now we can go hunt for Jesus crist.” They all went off on their little adventure. “There.” Said Trux with an open mind. “There’s the hunt, a dodo.” Trux said. “Really? A dodo? are you kidding me?” She questioned him in confusion. “It’s not just a dodo, it’s terror bird aka a big dodo.” He said. “Ohhh that’s what you mean, are we hunting it?” He asked in question. “No, we’re hunting it’s egg.” He said. That’s a big egg, Tiko thought. was he stupid or not? He thought again. “Now, go!” He whispered. They ran for the egg and took it as fast as they could, they ran straight passing the egg as they ran. The terror bird was chasing them. “Goodness, the bird’s fast!” Candy Cane said in amusement. They ran across the field, feeling more colder the faster they ran. They finally entered the artic. The bird was too cold to keep going. the Rex ran after em “YES ITS TIME TO EAT” Trux said not running for the egg and running for them “BETTER RUN LITTLE RAPTORS!” He yelled as he tricked em. They fell into the artic trap. What are they going to do? They Rex was smart Tiko thought. now he gets 4 things to eat! Tiko thought again. They all knew, they were done for.

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