The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 54: Morality
Original Post Date: Apr 13, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Megachelon, next chapter in Moeder.
“Whew, that was a close call,” Neddy said, wiping sweat off his face.
The five were resting on the small mountain they had spotted earlier upon entering the Redwoods. It was easy to see if anything was coming their way, and plus high ground was always an advantage in any battle.
Samuel eyed his injury with grimace. The sting mark was swollen and was starting to form a really nasty, pus-filled bump. Samuel really wanted to pop it, but he knew that would just make it infected.
“I should just patch it up,” Samuel thought. Samuel grabbed the sleeve of his graduation robe, then with one pull he tore it right off. He doused the article in clean water and wrapped it around his wound. The cool, wet water felt cool on his skin. He sighed in relief, as he tied a knot with it.
“Just like how Dad did,” Samuel murmured.
As Samuel looked off in the distance, he could spot a waterfall tucked away behind some sequoia trees. That looked like a good spot for a shelter. Perhaps there was someone there? Samuel decided that they should go there next.
“But not yet,” Samuel thought, rubbing his hands together, “I’m… tired? Yeah. I am.”
Samuel ruffled the back of his hair, and he could feel his father’s voice in his ear. His words still haunted his head every time he thought of his father.
And then that vivid day came back to him in an instant…
“Ow, ow, ow!” Samuel cried in pain. There was a giant gash on his heel, and it was oozing blood. Tears streaked down from his eyes, leaving his face hot and wet.
Samuel was sitting on the hot concrete floor. The sun was out again. And Samuel’s bicycle lay crashed against a post, the wheel popped and the bar bent. Samuel could see a red haze in the bushes.
“Mom? MOM!” Samuel shouted in agony.
Footsteps slowly approached him, and Samuel blinked his eyes, seeing a blurry figure slowly approaching him. He wore a black t-shirt and had well-defined arms. He wore black sweatpants too, even in this weather.
“Samuel? Oh my, what a fall!”
“Dad, I fell, Dad!”
“I can tell.”
Dad got on one knee, and Samuel’s vision began to return. Dad’s eyes were vibrant, yet so monotone at the same time. He had a spark, yet there was no passion. Dad eyed Samuel’s injury with no worry.
“Does it hurt?”
“It hurts, Dad. Help me, please. It hurts.”
Dad looked into Samuel’s tear-filled eyes, then got up.
“Let’s go back inside. I’ll fix you right up.”
Samuel looked at Dad’s hand. Samuel held his hand out. Dad raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Come on, Samuel. Get up. You can do it.”
Samuel put his injured foot out and attempted to propel himself up, but as he did, his foot went numb and he fell to the ground again. Samuel groaned, tears falling from his face.
“Dad, please.”
“Just one step at a time pal.”
Samuel looked at his bleeding heel again and groaned. He took his other foot, and with one giant push, he hurled himself up from the ground. His arms dangled by his side, and he lifted his arm up to wipe the tears away.
“W-What about the bike?” Samuel hiccuped. Dad took a glance at the bike, then back at Samuel. He turned away, walking to the front door of their home.
“Don’t worry about that, Samuel. We can always get it back later.”
Samuel stumbled forward, and Samuel limped his way in through the front door. Warren swung the door open, and Samuel could see his sister studying at her desk. She spun her swivel chair around and her eyes widened at the sight of Samuel.
“Samuel!” She got up from her desk, but Dad stopped her.
“Wren, there’s no need to worry,” Dad reassured her, “It’s all under control.”
Wren was wearing red pajamas and a baggy white shirt that didn’t fit her. Samuel could spot the bags under her eyes. Her long black hair was ruffled and messy, and her skin looked paler. There was a stack of homework assignments on Wren’s desk. It didn’t look like it had been finished yet.
“Hush. Get back to your studying. You may worry about your brother later.”
Wren frowned, then sat down on her chair, letting out a huff before spinning her chair back in place and looking back down at her notes. Dad tapped the dining room table.
Samuel plopped down on the seat, and then Dad grabbed a first-aid kit and set it on the table. He opened the case up, took some gauze out, and ripped a chunk off. Dad grabbed a bottle of ointment and applied it on Samuel’s heel. It stung and Samuel gritted his teeth.
“I know it stings.”
The moment was silent, and Dad began to wrap the gauze around his heel. Samuel sniffled, mucus in his nostrils.
“Why isn’t Mom home more often?” Samuel asked. He suddenly regretted saying those words. He didn’t want to upset Dad. Dad looked up.
“Mom’s still busy fighting crime, Samuel.”
“But why can’t she fight crime some other time?”
Saying it now made Samuel feel stupid. His ears began to burn red in embarrassment.
“It can’t be good all the time. So, something has to balance it out. People commit crimes, and that’s what’s bad I suppose.”
There was a moment of silence, until Samuel spoke up again.
“Why are there bad people? What did we do to deserve this? We didn’t do anything wrong to them,” Samuel blurted. Dad looked to the side, then shrugged.
“Bad people exist because… of the decisions they make. And they make bad decisions because they let their feelings get in the way. Their instincts,” Dad explained gently, “Don’t rely on your feelings, okay? Use your head, not your heart. And don’t care about what happens to others. Only mind yourself, and the people close to you.”
Dad finished wrapping the gauze, and he began to clean up the first-aid kit.
“Dad, I thought you wanted to be a cop,” Samuel confirmed, his tears run out, “And cops want others to be safe. That’s why they have to… make sacrifices.”
Dad sighed, brushed his hair to the side, and slowly shook his head.
“Not anymore, son.”
“Not anymore?”
“But, why?”
The memory faded from Samuel’s eyes, and he heard soft footsteps approaching him again. For a second Samuel would have sworn his father was there once again to talk to him… But no. Samuel turned around to see Aurora sitting atop Blueblaze. Aurora hopped off.
“Samuel, are you okay?” Aurora asked.
“Uh, yeah, for sure,” Samuel replied.
“Okay, I just… wanted to know.”
Aurora walked off, and Neddy rolled his eyes.
“What an emo girl! Anyways, what’s the plan now… Friend?” Neddy asked Samuel. Neddy looked over to the right to see Ruby feeding slabs of meat to Goofy and Fish Eater.
“The plan?” Samuel replied, looking off at the waterfall in the distance, “Go check that out over there.”
“Okay, and when?”
A roar suddenly echoed through the air. All heads instantly perked.
“What was that?” Ruby asked. Goofy began to shuffle uncomfortably. And Goofy never did that.
More roars began to burst through the air, and it sounded like there were multiple of them.
“That. Sounds. Dangerous. I think we need to go guys,” Aurora commented. Even Star had to agree with her, nodding in agreement. Ruby got on Goofy, and Aurora mounted Goofy as well.
“How about you two catch up on Blueblaze?” Ruby suggested to Neddy. The two dashed away.
“Bruh. RUBY. Come on bruh! I thought we were gonna ride it out together!”
Neddy sighed, holding his hand out to Samuel.
“Come on. I think you need some help up, so…”
Samuel stared at Neddy’s hand, but ignored his request and got up onto his two feet.
“I don’t need help with that. Now let’s make a move on.”
The three quickly hopped on Blueblaze and ran off to the waterfall.