ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion


Tips & Strategies from the iOS & Android apps
Step 1: put mutagel or mutagen in your last item slot.
Step 2: approach from outside of its light area, and click E.
Step 3: die a horrible death
Step 4: I wasted your time
What I've learned from battling these to find an R-Reaper:
1. As you've probably read, they project a spotlight passively, if you find yourself within this cone of light, prepare for a fight.
2. THEY HAVE A SHIELD. Save your ammo/element, their shield only comes down for approximately 1-3 shots of a tek rifle, or one shot of a shotgun. If working with another player time your shots & shoot together.
3. It's either summons or spikes! They will shoot a round of spikes at you OR they will shoot a slow moving purple ball down towards the ground, causing dinos to spawn. Unless the spawns are fliers just ignore them, stay in the air, and continue the fight.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The shield will stay up until it finishes the attack or finishes spawning in dinos, stay on the move until then!
Good luck and stay vigilant my friends
These things are like watch guards. They have a light that shines from them that when you go in it they summon R variant creatures that are super hard to kill. It also has “babies” that appear after acquiring mutagen or spawning naturally, these swarms are a MUCH worse version of the insect swarm. Good luck to anyone encountering this!
They cannot be tamed, only forcetamed
Step 1: Approach with caution
Step 2: Shoot it
Step 3: Realize you’ve made a very stupid decision as you wet your pants
Step 4: Run
Step 5: Fail to escape the horrible death that awaits you
Step 6: Die
Step 7: Repeat first 6 steps until burnout starts to kick in
Step 8: Wallow in the sorrows of your failures
Step 9: Stop playing Ark for a week
Step 10: Get back on and repeat these steps over and over again for the rest of your days
When you forcetame there rideable
"If you can forcetame it that must mean the devs wer planning to make it a tame in the base game right? Cause why would they have the forcetame"
To the person who said this, dislike this if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you can forcetame anything in the game including bosses. So not everything was meant to be tameable.
once they spot you with their light they shoot some kind of projectile and that spawns different creatures that will attack you i’ve come across snow owls, bats shadowmanes, quetzals, sabertooths, argy etc. best way is to not get spotted if u get spotted the light will glow red
Whenever you encounter one of these things, or plan on encountering, or just found it, you should most likely bring some flak armor and a pump action shotgun, also make sure to bring a few extra pairs of armor, because when this thing attacks it is completely invulnerable. Hope this helped!
Btw if you forcetame it the Dino’s it summon will attack your summoner so yeah
Carryable By

Affected By

Can Damage

Fits Through

Genesis Part 2Translations: サモナー, Призыватель, 召喚師.