In Britain in 541 there was a Village, the villagers…

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In Britain in 541 there was a Village, the villagers, while not being able to read or write, were happy, until one day, the village’s governor was found dead, with nearly everything eaten off of him, except for some stray pieces. The villages were disgusted, but also worried, what ate him? It turns out a pair of troodons had been stalking the village But horrible things kept happening. At a trial, the village had found one man had been feeding poisoned drinks to people

The jury yelled:Homicida! (Latin for you murderer)

The man replied:In uno e multis (im one out of many)

But a villager discovered why all these things happened, dream demons flew in and out of minds, giving horrible dreams about things one would only speak about in hell. These dreams would addle their minds and corrupt their thoughts. The dream demons were small, with wings like that of a bat, and skulls, skulls for heads, their bodies were those of monkeys, tail and all, but with scales instead of fur, and, they could turn invisible, however, their weakness was light, light killed them instantly. So a villager tricked the demons into going near a torch, however the demons realized the plot and held his head back, forced his mouth open, and poured poison in his mouth.


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