ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Funny Tips

What are some funny jokes or stories about the angler? Funny angler jokes submitted by ARK players.
My favorite thing with anglers
"Hey I'm going on a pearl run, anyone wanna play bodyguard?"
Are you going to bite ammonites this time?"
"Told you it wasn't on purpose"
"Alright alright I'll go lemme get some scuba and I'll hop on the mosa"
Ten minutes later my tribemate is having to save me from two mosas, an alpha mosa, 50 anglers, 20 eels, 7 plesies all in one area
"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! they hide in the reefs and I hit them if they happen to be by a pearl patch! :'( "
Nope, totally biting them on purpose hehehe
I am angler
I am fish
You are human
You are dish
I swim in sea
I eat my prey
But when I hurt
I swim away
I gather pearls
I glow from head
If you face me
You are dead
I am angler
I am fish
You are human
You are dish
-angler song!- sry I didn’t do one for ammonite, couldn’t make up a good one. Like for more!
I dont have a tip. But I have something else.
(Tap on this message)
Congrats, it is time.
There once was a fish called Mish.
He liked to play Kish.
But one day, an angler came and made a dish. Mish the Fish liked to play Kish and now was a dish.
A-angry angler
B-beaten angler
C-crooked angler
D-demolished angler
E- eaten angler
F- fun angler
G- grammar angler
H- hissing angler
I-I am not an angler
J- jumbo angler
K- kilo angler
L- laughing angler
M- mad angler
N- nerdy angler
O- OP angler
P- plenty of anglers
Q- quiet angler
R- ready angler
S- sad angler
T- tryhard angler
U- unhappy angler
V- vixxy the angler (cant think, need name)
W- wild angler
X- x-rayed angler
Y- yeild sign angler
Z- zippy zappy this angler is flappy
Congrats you survived
Sir I see the light.
Yes, go towards it.
The light sir?
I see a huge angler sir.
Get closer.
(Connection lost)
Yay you got through that. I have no characters left sooo bai. Ty. 🔼